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Maomao doesn't have the right to state what she desires as shes a servant. Jinshi should have just ordered her to stay.

John Ng

In Maomao's defence, Jinshi started their relationships with a tease. Recall the very first scene where Jinshi was playing his "charm" on Maomao. That's his way of teasing her and it sinks in for Maomao as that's how he always reacts when he is around her. So when he gets serious with her, she takes it as one of his teasing "again" 🙄 The same scene where Jinshi was rizzing Maomao with the indirect kiss on his fingers, another translation I saw, Maomao was actually saying "Now I'm blushing too!" So not sure if your translation is the right one or the other translation I saw is the right one. If the other translation was right, that meant Jinshi's rizzing finally breakthrough to Maomao for the first time. But if this version Lee was watching is right, that meant he only caused her to feel awkward again.

vardic d

Why is this tagged in the Eminence in shadow collection?

John Ng

I don't blame Jinshi here. In Jinshi's defence, he did asked Maomao what she wants to do. He gave her a chance to speak her mind. She choose to take the servant route by implying she'll follow whatever instructions he gave.


Because of the epic-level misunderstandings going on between the MC and the pretty thing? ;)

Random Guy

Mao mao getting let go reminds me of longbeachgriffy skit where the slaves got freed and the slaves that were treated well were trying to beg to stay as a slave because at least in there they were treated well. Slavery was ended but racism wasn't so anywhere else they would be treated way worse. Also We need to be link Jinshi. Be able to buy out your woman awhen she needs help

Casper Ghost

Obviously he didn't want that kind of relationship with her though which is why he chose to court her properly (for the era and locale) at the end. If he'd ordered her to stay he'd have never actually gotten what he wanted from her.

Casper Ghost

Just as a reminder Jinshi is a 17 year old running the Rear Palace, basically a private French Quarter/other large Red Light District, so I fully expect him to be awkward since he's so sheltered to the extreme. MM too, I thought she was just a bit weird but she's basically the crown princess of hookers apparently.


Lol. It’s legit if you are treated well vs being free treated bad and ultimately having to do the same work because nobody hiring due discrimination SUCKS

Tazell Pouncey

7:25 I hate being called out like this in broad daylight 👀


Damn, Senku catching a stray in the end for no reason lol

Casper Ghost

In case anyone's curious the herb's a Cordyceps mushroom AKA the "zombie shroom", which has long been used as a very expensive cognitive functioning and memory treatment in mainland Asia and is currently at the center of the Zombie craze.


22:25 Love how we can all see that that's the same energy as "Just the Tip" :D


23:00 Lihaku is the "military official" Gaoshun was referencing and that's also why Maomao said the party was set up based on Lihaku's recommendation.


I ship these two 100%. Hoping for good things in the second half.

Vik Persson

I think the end makes it pretty clear that they are starting to understand each other. Starting with him and what he says to her at the table. and it is basically confirmed when what gift does he bring her when he buys her out. poison. yeah, he finally gets her. But then at the very end her just saying "huh?" Even after the indirect kiss. even after saying he should buy her out even after showing up to get her. it is like she still didn't get it until that moment. "wait he is really buying me out?" Yup! I think the next episode will start with her going though all the realization and what all the implications are and her freaking out a bit. and I bet it is where she finds out who he really is because honey, Eunuchs don't buy out Courtesans and where does a Eunuch get that kind of cash? and... wait for it. and... put it together Maomao. wait.. almost there. Huh? Yeah Maomao, you just became Jinshi's concubine. Nani!


Nothing to do with the anime at all, but I gotta shout out Adorkable's outfit! It was on point! 😎