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eminence in shadow s2 ep 8 UNCUT

Watch "eminence in shadow s2 ep 8 UNCUT" on Streamable.


mitch anderson

I Love that they wore the outfits from the first op


its a animal orginal not in novel/manga by the author


It's author involved filler but they do tease some lore if you picked up on it


“It says you saved the frame. Does that mean anything?” 😂

The Law_v1001

Honestly even episodes like this I'm glad they putting more air time with them. Gives you a chance to see their thinking. Like Alpha trying to figure out Shadows intentions while the others play and enjoy themselves. Also feel like you can't go anywhere without delta but can't take her anywhere either. 😆


ngl this episode was the worst episode of the possible entire series despite it being a beach episode. Yeah its technically a hot spring but we all know what that means. I don't really like the friends at all. The only thing redeeming about this episode is that its the beach episode fan service episode. Only thing at all that made this worth watching is the fan service. I hope we get back into the good stuff next episode. It obviously screams filler but its got some stuff connecting to the actual story and all. Overall its still a bummer but we have had pretty good episodes all season so far so its fine.


yeah its an anime original episode based off the swimsuit event in the shadow garden mobile/pc game. the author was involved though.

Mikal Adkins

I would be cool with watching an entire season of moments like this.


All I got from this ep is that Eta is a freak. Moving up from 6 to 5 (Over Epsilon)


Yeah, the LN author wrote this episode, so while it is anime-original, you can debate whether or not it's actually filler or not, especially since there is relevant lore in there if you care enough to take note. Either way, I just like it because we get to see more of the lesser-shown members of the Seven Shadows, since Eta and especially Zeta are practically non-existent if you don't watch the shorts series.


This epsiode was epic, really loved the Nu scenes, especially her crazy eyes. Love that side of hers. Eta and Zeta got some well deserved time. Kai, Omega, and Lambda antics in the background as well. Peak episode

R'ja Norr

Delta is best girl!


Finally YBRL you are starting to understand Alpha the main girl :D. Btw Delta is still Mutt ;D


I've been on Alpha from the beginning, but I've been wavering since the recent Delta screentime. Which one's better? it's HARD

selina kyle

This anime has the goated girls bro there alot variety delta best girl tho


Delta is my girl but the she-cat provides the perfect yin to deltas Yang, and alpha is alpha for a reason


After rewatching the episode through you guys and your reaction I think I was a little harsh. Sometimes I get irritable and hate a little too much on shows. This episode was good but only because of the fanservice. Everything else doesn't matter but the fanservice is great like always. I just can't handle the two friends when we get more than their one off shenanigan stuff. Any more than one or two minutes of them per episode is gonna be annoying to me. They are legit the target audience of all the red pill bullshit that people try to profit from.


Yeah you guys just need to join luffy on his pirate ship for this series. Hi Dive is apparently complete trash. Never used it but I thought I heard it was going out of business. I seen other people complain and hate on the website and how it works as well. Its funny when pirate websites are more capable and appealing than legit platforms you have to pay for.


you are categorically and empirically wrong sir i hope you have a good day though


I really wish those two would have died in lawless city. I hate them so fucking much.


yeah the friends are just annoying, I dont even see them as comedic relief at this point.


To be fair, Cid picked them as friends because they're trash.