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Guaranteed the author while coming up with kusuri realized that with her we can now have supernatural abnormalities happen as seemingly she can make anything a drug I won’t be surprised if she pulls a dr stone next episode and everyone’s stone Also lee on his knees at 16:39 is hilarious


I do agree with Director, 23hrs/1hr isn't good enough, 50/50 split would be more reasonable. We'll see how it goes though.

Anonymous 20

yay, our fav druggy is here. She is bite and fun sized lol


lol, that post-episode discussion. Yeah there are pretty much no limits to this story. Kusuri (the drug girl) is frustrating because in her grown form she's probably the hottest girl in the harem. So anytime I see her in loli-form it's just like...damn, wasted potential.

Alan Uribe

Yo the trio cooked in the post discussion lolol


Naw Fr they actually on to something I could definitely see a cat girl and a dog girl locking eyes with rentaro at the same time

Josh Wright

Lee “SCAT…. anyways so if u guys wanna find”. Very interesting post-discussion lmao


I had so much fun. Hilarious


Ayooo new girl looks like Itsuki from QQ, only when she's not in fun size though

selina kyle

Yo hakari got me bricked fr with her naughty ASS thoughts them OPPAIS were going BRRRRRRR

selina kyle

Hakari best girl fr


Now my boi just needs the sugar mommy trope GF to fund the 101 person family (+ at least 100 more when you account for the inevitable kids etc)


Literally at this point, anything can happen lol

R'ja Norr

Took me a few more times hearing the new girls name, but it dawned on me: her name (Kusuri) means medicine, pharmaceuticals, or (legal) drugs. Though the way she uses the drugs makes me question the legality.


🔥 post discussion. In the manga, this chapter really sets up all the possibilities for the rest of the show like you guys were saying. Lee yelling scat had me dead lol. And Director, you peeped something in the into... Keep that in your back pocket for later. No spoilers.

Brian Carotenuto

Another great reaction absolutely love it. I think what you guys missed was the fact that she said using the reverse drug. She will get in her grown up stage for an hour. Which means you could probably use the drug multiple times a day. And also as far as the diaper goes. She says she uses it because she wants to keep doing experiments and going to the bathroom just interrupts that. Director's face was absolutely precious. When you brought up the spider and the principal.


I hoping for ghost, alien, demons, superpowers 😂😂😂. Theres 95 to go!!!


Well I think this solves how they end up supporting the harem. Chicks gonna be rollin in royalties for the night vision drug by itself, and I'm pretty sure there would be a market for the other drugs as well.


all of their names are puns btw lol Kururi/Kusuriya means scientist/apothecary/herbalist lol which its funny cause we now have two favorite apothecaries. 1 is just modern lol


also the pee desperation think is big kink. this chick is incredible


God damn it people should know kemonomimi is not furry

B Mowglli

dumb ass college student could just do speed to get basically the same effects without it hooking you for life, smh my head kids these days