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its okay not to be okay ep 5 uncut v3

Watch "its okay not to be okay ep 5 uncut v3" on Streamable.


raeven b.

Side note/: bless you for appreciating how nice Korean sounds because I totally agree. That’s one of the main reasons I’m learning. It’s such a pretty and expressive language.

Remi D

You are spoiling us!


I think he was upset with her because of how possessive she’s being of him. He already tried to set boundaries and she keeps taking it a little too far. But it’s also a little his fault for even giving her opportunities to do what she does.


I don’t think the ceo was working with that guy . The dude is a reporter who already doesn’t like her. The ceo was just trying to prevent the guy from saying something even worse about her

Remi D

I honestly don't like Ju-Ri. I feel like she really is two faced. Just something about her just makes me dislike her lol

Remi D

I hope my feelings on her change, but right now, tis a no go for me.

Fiyin Cole

I wish they were watching this in real time so we could fix their misconceptions for the upcoming episodes 😭

Fiyin Cole

This is sort of a random fun fact and I’m not sure if you already this but Kim Soo-hyun (the actor who plays Gang-Tae, our male lead) is the highest paid Korean actor at the moment. Man is doing really really well for himself :)

Syeshia Flag

He was angry because not only did she lied about having sex, she is constantly overstepping his boundaries and being obsessive. Like telling him to move and calling the other girl a thief. Though she wasn’t wrong for defending herself he had ever right to be upset for what she said. That’s why he “paid” for her love she gave.

Syeshia Flag

But I do believe initially when he screamed at her to stop it was out of care. I think he snapped even further when she tried to demand him to move which reinforces what the other shawty was saying as well. She treats him as a toy thing but i don’t think she realizes that

LightMyPath Star

Love waking up to beautiful surprises 🙏 for posting


If i was recording in real time. I’d avoid more comments because. I like to find out on my own. Almost everything you would want to fix gets worked out naturally by watching the episode. Some of you would spoil or over explain and take the fun out of guessing and theorizing on our own. Shows are less fun for me when viewers take away things im curious about or trying to figure out. We were still thinking the CEO was a bit scummy but if you watch the show his true character will he clear. You guys have had the benefit of seeing the show already and will confirm or deny a thought from the position of already knowing the future.


I generally Skip comments where people try and “fix” things and look for interesting takes, opinions or what people enjoyed about the episode. I’m not looking for corrections unless I specifically turn to the camera and ask 🥹


Omg I felt the same way. Especially this episode where she was like do me a favor and don't run away, stay at my house, etc. Just because she likes him, he doesn't owe her anything, so she has no right to ask that of him. She basically guilt tripped him because he rejected her, which just doesnt sit right with me.


Sorry. I wasn’t trying to fix your opinion. I just thought you maybe didn’t pick up on it or you were genuinely confused. I won’t make comments like this anymore!

kun st

living for these reactions omg bless


This is has always been one of my all time favorite dramas and both lead characters have a special place in my heart. However, there is never going to be something right about using Sang Tae the way she did. She used him to manipulate Gang Tae by getting Sang Tae drunk and taking off with him--that's just a hard no. But overall, I think both main characters have never felt like they have be truly cared about or loved. People also make a lot of bad mistakes when they are learning and growing emotionally. On Juri, it has been clear from the get go that Gang Tae doesn't care about her in a romantic way and he has never led her on. I love her mother's character but its really bad advice to encourage someone to keep chasing someone who does not want them (she will only get hurt).


Loving the reactions to this!

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

That's exactly why I like watching K-Drama man but it also make me too giddy asf bro probably because it's too new to me and it makes me dream about those kind of story in my life but reality is just always in our faces 😂


I dont know why you say apnida and it stuck with you when the voice instruction clearly said ipnida. Apnida means I know.