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Should Byakuya Be Dead? Revised Take With Updated View As A Famous Writer

Byakuya Scene Was Apparently Very Controversial....lets discuss it


Daniel Gonzalez

Lets just say I feel a certain snake eyed man deserved to live more considering their wounds and I'm still mad at the dude who did it hell of a way to thank the man


Personally I would have liked the story better if he died and Rukia would have been more motivated to get stronger. That is just me, I like Game of Thrones style of deaths that take you by surprise.


I will always say until the end of my day, he should have died. The impact and motivation would have been way better and that’s my opinion as a writer. Also have byakuya show up and help/save rukia has been done before (espada#8). We didn’t need the see it again and there relationships had been way better. They didn’t need this to make them closer, watching her cry at his funeral would have been a way to show how close they ended up. Lastly how come my boy gin dies by a weak hit and everyone keep’s surviving this devastating blows it’s just bad story telling.

Justin Yong

They gave him the full "I am gonna die here" treatment. I know byakuya is a fan favorite but his narrow survival was plot armor at its finest.


No, it would have been a pointless death, we already saw yama get killed as a measure of strength, him dying then and there wouldn’t have done much for the story. People be butthurt over the smallest things


Bleach always had characters serving injuries that looked fatal. It’s why any arguments are poor for why a character should die. You can’t make a strong argument when there’s precedence of other characters doing the same.

Justin Yong

It's not butthurt it's just bad writing. The setup is pointless and it makes the feels cheap. That's not butthurt that's reality bud.