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Why do you watch reactions videos?

What else do you like to watch online? What type of entertainment pr content do you like? Wish there was more of?

Do you like reading blogs? What types? How long?

Whats your favorite social media platform and why?

What are your hobbies?

Do you like to socialize in real life?

Anything else. Doesn’t matter about the length. Illegal skim through.

What do you like about the group? What do you dislike? What would you like to see more of? Less of?



Aka yuki

I watch reaction videos because my friends and surroundings don't really like what i like (animes, kdramas etc...). I like your channel because of the dynamic between the three of you. Watching you doesn't feel like you are working. More like you really enjoy it. I like when you are pleasantly surprise by the Community recommendations. All in all i am just thankful for your channel.

Trayvon Brown

Why do you watch reactions videos?: It's just more fun to experience or re-experience something with someone else, even in the online format and not in person What else do you like to watch online?: I'm huge basketball fan so i watch tons of game/player breakdowns on YouTube (forget just basketball, "thinking basketball" is one of the best YouTuber's period. Any bball fans should check his channel out.) Do you like reading blogs? What types? How long?: I only sometimes read this basketball blog but not really a blog reader Whats your favorite social media platform and why?: They all suck, i had to leave twitter it was so toxic and Facebook is full of boomer memes lol i haven't been on either in forever now. What are your hobbies?: Bball, working out, cooking, YouTube, reading Do you like to socialize in real life?: Can't get me to shut up lol 🤣 I'll talk to anyone, anywhere, about anything. Don't have recommendations on what i want to see more of but i do have recommendations for shows you can watch on your own or the channel as I'm sure everyone does.


1. I watch reaction videos because it make me feel like I am watching shows with my friends. 2. I mostly watch anime. The only non animated show I have watched recently is Bridgerton. 3. Tik tok is my favorite social media simply because I get most of my comedy from there. 4. Hobbies in workout, anime, and bowling. 5. I like socializing it's just that's I'm awkward person.


I like to see reactions to a content I like (anime, movies, tv-shows). Why I watch these is because I want to see the different perspective people have to different things, usually good content is sensitive content like what happened in Vinland Saga this week. I don't judge people their opinions and always when I comment I am trying to only say how I see it, not force my opinion to others. Well as been here long enough can share some stuff. I like sci-fi/Fantasy genres most, but do like to watch K-drama. I like horror movies too, so I am pretty all genre type. I read mainly fantasy books on my own time, been a hobby of mine through my life. I don't read blogs, I don't have favorite social media platform as I don't use them that much. I was adult already when facebook started to be a "thing". Basketball, watch nowadays more NBA as I live in Finland and follow Lauri Markkanen's career there. As I played myself bball for 15 years before my knee wouldn't allow me to play it more. For outside here, I do have friends and a life. Why I have time to watch reactions, is because currently compared to most of my friends is because I don't have my own family and just help my parents out when they need it and do my work to pay for YBRL subscription :D. Well this is maybe more info I have ever given here. PS. For YBRL channel content, just be you as much as possible, I like when you fool around in your talks and try to be honest. Not easy for every people will react differently to what you will say to certain things. Like I see totally differently things compared to many here just because of the country I am from.

Ashish Kumar

Watching reactions extends the viewing value of shows I like. Get to see broader perspectives and theories and find out what I missed. Plus jokes. I don't socialise, it's exhausting to me overall. Reactions are like one-way socialising where I don't need to put my energy in. It's like a no-strings attached version of socialising. I don't need to worry about body language and being vocally polite. You guys (the trio) are funny to watch. Your (Lee's) respectful and humble personality with jokes in sync with Nasty Director lol. I love director's nasty side too. Adorkable is the straight man in between sometimes who often feels as clueless about the inside jokes like us viewers and then when she laughs at them like us, she becomes our representative. She has good insights plus she is pretty and can crack funny jokes too. It's all a good time and the trio are awesome. I watch only anime that reactors watch and some big name movies. Otherwise I am mostly knee deep in reactions. Zero social media and no "fancy" hobbies. I am a plain guy. PS. Thanks for reading if you did!


What is this, a dating app


I love learning things. I love watching historical documentaries above almost anything else. I like politics. I Love kdramas and just watching movies and tv shows in general. Anime is my first love. Inuyasha, sailor moon and dragon ball were my gateway anime as a child. I don’t really have a favorite color. My favorite season is fall. Even though I don’t eat it too often I love oxtail with rice.


Why do you watch reactions videos? Partially its about enjoying seeing how other people react to shows that I like, and this goes for anime mainly since nobody I know locally is into it. Also a way to watch some shows that I wouldn't touch otherwise. What else do you like to watch online? What type of entertainment pr content do you like? Wish there was more of? These days the only non reaction stuff I watch are channels like Meatcanyon and Oneyplays. Do you like reading blogs? What types? How long? No. Whats your favorite social media platform and why? Reddit. Just keep up to date on soccer and local subs. What are your hobbies? Watching soccer, reading, playing with my dogs. I play a fairly wide range of video games too, mainly crusader kings 3 at the moment. Do you like to socialize in real life? Just like to hit the local pub, not one to travel. What do you like about the group? What do you dislike? What would you like to see more of? Less of? Honestly these are kind of interchangeable, sometimes can be annoying if Adorkable or Director get mega biased towards a character and lose objectivity but at the same time that can lead to some entertaining exchanges so hardly a negative! On the whole no major complaints.


I don't take this as reaction anymore, I take it as watch party with you guys. I could watch the new ep by myself but decided to wait for your vid instead, unless its late :)

Jesse Gallimore

The survey master is at it again. "Know yourself, know the enemy, and you will be victorious in a thousand battles." -Sun RockLee I watch reactions because the experience of something for the first time is irreplicable. If I listen/read/watch a story, I can always enjoy it again after, but not the same way as the original experience. But if I'm experiencing someone else experiencing it for the first time, that is a new and enjoyable experience. Which is one of the many factors in why people naturally want to share things that they love with their friends and family. When I look for videos to react to I'm first and foremost looking for content that is my favorite. Then I select from the results those who seem to be (or I already know to be) interesting people who would have an enjoyable reaction to the content. What makes their reaction enjoyable is one of two things: It's new and interesting to my own experience based on differences in perspective and culture, or it's the same reaction I had and maybe even more dramatic. The type of art/content that I typically consume in order of amount would probably be: Original content from YouTube creators of all sorts, web novels and any fantasy style fiction novel, Anime, video games, comedy, politics. I don't usually watch live-action productions unless they came from a book I enjoyed prior. I think the only one I've seen recently was Game of Thrones. I typically work, hang out with coworkers and any friends who live nearby, then hang out with my online friends doing one of the things mentioned in the previous paragraph. The thing I like about this reaction channel is the various members with differing personalities. I prefer group reactions over solo reactions, even if it's just two people. Everyone seems to have a good head on their shoulders, are reasonable and not bland on camera. When someone gets it wrong someone else typically gets it right. No one has ever done or said anything that made me think I was wasting my time here. And I feel like I can actually learn something about people and life in general from observing everyone's reactions to things. I of course also appreciate the effort put into the channel, as it's clear who is really trying and who is not if you compare some reactors out there.


Why didn’t you just ask, I don’t like reading blogs because I have short attention spam just like to read small information in burst. Twitter is my favorite SM because it’s funny reading what people say there or for information in sentences about sports or reactions. My hobbies include reactions and playing basketball and volleyball, what’s not really a hobby but what I do on the weekends with my two best friends and cousin is go to a bar and play pool and drink. Now that we got that out of the way. My favorite things about this channel is the different perspective the trios reactions offer and how you guys are not afraid to really speak your mind. Also I love the length of the discussion because I like to hear what on the mind and goes thru your head as the season progresses.


I got into reactions over Covid and Roshi’s channel was the first I watched. His Legend of Korra reactions was the gateway to reaction content and other channels. What I like about it is manly the discussion are similar to those I would have with my friends. My main hobby is gaming, I play a lot of fighting games. Occasionally attend a tournament when I can. Also love sports but I only really play tennis now.


I suppose I'll be blunt here, I like watching reactions to stuff because I like to reaffirm my opinions on things. I imagine some people may feel the same way, if they've ever not watched something because said "reactor" disagreed with the "watcher's" opinion.


i jus watch you guys and a few other reactors cuz yall are entertaining i really dk why i do but i love seeing other people’s reactions to things ive seen so i can see wat they think abt it i guess i jus love yalls theories i guess?


1. I just love seeing the reaction to things I’ve already seen. I like when the big moments happen in shows and then watching others react to it. Idk or on video plus things I miss usually gets picked up by others who are reacting 2. I watch so much variety that this question my answer wouldn’t be beneficial. YouTubers and streamers. Reactors of all sorts. One piece manga discussions 3. I enjoy pretty much all forms of content almost. I enjoy reactions. I love watching gaming (to games I enjoy). Random facts videos 4. My petty/selfish response would be more reactions to shows I’ve seen whether I liked them or not. In general I’d like just more of the same 5,6,7. I’ve never gotten into reading blogs. Don’t really know what they are as stupid as it sounds lmao. Would love to learn more 8. Probably YouTube or Patreon because that’s where the content is. Simple. 9. I game a lot and watch shows ALOT. other then that I hang out with friends and enjoy time with my dog. Try to go out to the bar or some public place every once in a while (I’m 21 leave me alone 😂) 10. I LOVE to socialize but due to my job(working along in a basement folding clothes) and lack of a car I can’t really ever socialize much unfortunately 11,12,13. This is the group question I’ll do anything else question as number 14. I love the back and forth dynamics between all of you. I love the moments where there’s a disagreement and then shortly after the show resolves the disagreement and then one of you is just holding the L 😂. The jokes are too much and the inside jokes are funny and it feels great to be a part of this group. I’d like to see more just big group reactions. Like with all of you guys! There isn’t really anything I’d like to see less of tbh 14/anything else question. I genuinely appreciate you guys. You guys are the first reactors I ever got into and the first people I’ve paid a Patreon to. Now it’s just you and YaBoyRoshi. The variety of shows you guys cover is pleasant I just worry about overloading yourselves if that makes sense. If things are going good then great!! I just hope some form of burnout dosent occur. Stay healthy!! I love you guys!!!


Why do you watch reactions videos? I like seeing how other people react to shows I'm also interested in. What else do you like to watch online? What type of entertainment pr content do you like? Wish there was more of? I got into watching reactions with Game of Thrones. Fast forward through covid and now if I find a show I like I also check for reactions to it like Beef, Cyberpunk, Squid Games etc. I'm an anime nerd at heart so I'll always wish for more anime reactions. It could be fun to see some videogame play sessions though. Do you like reading blogs? What types? How long? Ehh, I read tech blogs (for web development) nothing reaction related. Whats your favorite social media platform and why? YouTube. It's grown so much with the community tab, shorts, live streams, etc. What are your hobbies? Watching anime (all kinds), playing videogames (mainly FPS), eating out if I can afford it. Do you like to socialize in real life? Not really. I can do small gatherings with friends and family. I can't do big crowds. What do you like about the group? What do you dislike? What would you like to see more of? Less of? I like the theories y'all come up with, no matter how out there they can get sometimes :)


* I watch reactions for the personality and jokes * I don’t read blog’s honestly but I see why people do * Favorite social media platform is instagram * My hobby is music, I play instruments and make beats * I only socialize with my gf and 2 close friends because I’m awkward * I make beats so any artists in this fanbase that makes music should tap in😭 * I like the theories, and directors jokes be hitting to, and lee agrees with the facts I respect that lmao


I watch reaction videos because of you guys. I also follow Roshi and others but gravitate more to you guys. I wish there was more live-action and anime movies and horror content. I don't know if you guys like horror. I think retro movie reactions would do well, movies like Rush Hour, The Matrix, or Hot Fuzz. I definitely wish there was more gaming content. I wanna see the trio or maybe just Lee and Director play interactive, story driven games on YouTube like The Quarry, Until Dawn, or The Wolf Among Us where your decisions in the game changes its outcome. I like the intro and outro discussions. I like all you guys laughs, especially Lee's laugh. It's iconic. I like Adorkable's wholesomeness and then every so often she be like "you see them thighs on that girl." I wish there was more polls to gauge what the community would enjoy next. I don't like that you have multiple side channels on YouTube. Kind of wish they were all under the main channel but you probably did it like that for a reason. I just wish success and the best for you guys.


My work involves being isolated for many months at a time. I like to see what other people's opinions are about the things I like, the emotional reaction or lack thereof that they display. I can't relate the content to real world situations so that perspective is interesting.


Where's Google Forms when you need it? 😜 **Why do you watch reactions videos?** To get additional opinions and personality on content I already enjoy. Also to be introduced to new content since I can't keep up with all the shows like I used to in my college days. **What else do you like to watch online? What type of entertainment or content do you like? Wish there was more of?** Been trying to find a lot of manhwa read-alongs. There seems to be a shortage of them for non-mainstream manhwa (a.k.a. not Solo Leveling or Beginning After the End, both of which are very, very good). This led me to The Black Mastadonte who does read a variety of them and even makes short reviews of the non-mainstream ones so I can discover new stories. I'm watching A LOT of One Piece manga readers/booktubers (Merphy Napier, Daniel Greene, How to Train Your Gavin, Amber Alise, Books and Tropes, The Normies, etc.). I'm a tech guy by trade (software engineer), so lots of tech and gaming content of all kinds (LinusTechTips, GamersNexus, Angry Joe, Kinda Funny Games, etc.). Also watch financial planning/economy news videos (Caleb Hammer, Graham Stephen, etc.) because engineers are overpaid. 🙃 **Do you like reading blogs? What types? How long?** Haven't gotten into reading blogs. **Whats your favorite social media platform and why?** Probably Twitter by shear time spent. I like the flood of opinions (even the trash ones 🤣). **What are your hobbies?** Been getting back in music production recently. Learning piano. Also looking into game dev/AI/machine learning to scratch that tech personal project itch. **Do you like to socialize in real life?** Occasionally. Definitely more of an introvert as hanging out with people is tiring. **Anything else. Doesn’t matter about the length. Illegal skim through.** N/A **What do you like about the group? What do you dislike? What would you like to see more of? Less of?** I enjoy the Lee and D.Nasty shenanigans the most. I die laughing all of the time. I don't dislike any members of the team though. Everyone has their place and dynamics. I think y'all are doing great with the discussion chemistry and show selections. I don't know if I just be missing it or be skipping around in videos too much...but yaboyrocklee.com could use some more shout-outs on what it provides (schedule, suggestions, etc.). Skits with the crew are always fun but haven't seen too many put out recently. I know it takes a lot to organize and takes away from react time, but variety is the spice of life. Those would be my only suggestions. (Feel free to ignore if I'm just blind/haven't noticed these things).


I watch reactions so that I can hear ideas and thoughts of people at the moment of them watching it and it's a way to make me feel less lonely about having no one to watch shows with my hobbies are shooting,fishing,gaming and reading. And sad to say social media I use the most is twitter but I watch you mainly for the in depth discussions and theories. (And I watch roshi when I want to laugh my ass off lol.


I like the active engagement and curiosity in wondering where things are going to go and coming up w/ theories that are grounded by details y'all notice.


I just like doing hoodrat stuff wit my fwiends.... But I got rid of all my friends a few years ago 😂 I honestly started watching reactions to anime around 2015 or 16 when I randomly ran into a reaction (Shout ot Flaming Shark) to Evangelion! Buddy went on to do a few of my favorites (Mainly Code Geass) right after Eva, so I kinda got hooked in seeing how OTHER people felt about the things that I loved so much. Growing up black in the 90s and early 2000s, anime was so Taboo and frowned upon that I never got to enjoy watching anime with friends. Still don't 🤣 But a reaction is a good simulation. The more the reactors grow on you, the better it gets! I used to rock out in Twitch, but I'm too old to find the time now. I feel a reaction or a playthru video always does me best, since I need to find time to sit down and watch everything 😅 But you guys have been awesome, and I look forward to more content I have seen!(I don't watch to pirate)

Roronoa Zoro

Welp let’s go top to bottom; 1- I like reaction videos to see how different people react to the same media. Various perspectives give so many different ideas and sides to things 2- other than reactions i like various parody videos 3- I don’t read blogs 4- i only go on social media to look at memes and baddies so they all ok 5- hobbies include Video games, anime, and smoking weed 6- I’m not much if a social person in real life 7- I like the jokes that happen in the group. Especially between Lee and Director. Don’t got much to say in terms of critiques tho. Even with the shows you don’t cover there are valid reasons for it. Other than that Looking forward to the next isekai that you guys cover.

V. R.

Why do you watch reactions videos? I usually watch shows and movies on my own but I like to see how other people feel about stuff I enjoy. What else do you like to watch online? What type of entertainment or content do you like? Wish there was more of? Comedy shorts, animations, gaming, people playing stuff like DnD. Do you like reading blogs? What types? How long? Not really. Whats your favorite social media platform and why? Twitter is short and easy for getting updates on what's going on with content creators, but the platform's being mismanaged by the people in charge right now. What do you like about the group? What do you dislike? What would you like to see more of? Less of? Y'all are funny and you really talk and think about what's going on in the shows seriously, even the sillier and weirder stuff, while still being funny. You all have good chemistry and back and forth. You're not afraid to watch a bit more niche and fringe stuff that bigger channels avoid. I'd like to see you guys react to Barry and Severance, I think y'all would have a good time with those shows. They're kinda crazy and they're critically acclaimed right now, but not a lot of big reactors are watching them atm.

Engage Pwner

I watch reaction videos for multiple reasons, but generally one of 3. 1. Different perspectives and views on media that I enjoy, it could allow me to gain a new appreciation to the thing I like. 2. The satisfaction/enjoyment of watching something with others, even if I'm not literally there and interacting with the person reacting it can feel that way with their banter and such. 3. I just find the person extremely entertaining and they happened to have posted a reaction video, so I watch it for entertainment. I have a wide variety of hobbies and watxh content about them, they only really have a "nerdy, anime, tech, game" theme. This would range from lore videos, vtubers, anime YouTuber, reaction content, gaming videos, tech video, like there is a really long list. All for difficult reasons. I don't really use social media so I wouldn't know about that. But I really enjoy the group and cannot wait for more interactions, you guys bounce off each other well and your sense of humor tend to match mine. It's hard to think of negatives when I enjoy something so I might not have the best feedback on that.

Random Guy

1.) Watching stuff by myself is boring. I now live alone, away from family, away from friends. 2.)Anime, manga, Kdrama sometimes. That's pretty much it. 3.) Not really. Video blog maybe, but if its reading id rather read novels/mangas or something that has trivias. 4.) facebook only coz all my friends are there 5.) usual. Anime, games. Manga. Watch random informative stuff on youtube. I stream, maybe write ideas as hobby I wanna pick up some other hobby like gundam models or 3d printing but I got neither the money nor the time. 6.)I like to socialize, but only if theres at least 1 person that i know. 7.) Not much honestly. I hate dubs i guess? maybe more anime older anime? I dont really like most english shows but once in a while there are good ones that i also watch. kdrama is at a good number right rate right now as well.