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Ya'll keep your spoiling corrections to yourself. Let them and us enjoy the show until we figure it out in peace lol


Nothing pisses me off more than spoilers. I love this manga more than anything but goddamn yall annoying asf let them enjoy it too


As a triplet I 100 percent agree with aqua and adorkable


Aqua trying to protect his sister from what happened to Ai, while these two start hatin on him, ruby also needs to stop being an Ai wannabe, cause girl you ain't her.


I don't get it.. just don't give out information that the show hasn't revealed yet 🤷‍♂️ it's that simple.. If they're on episode 5 of a show.. there is absolutely no need to talk about anything from ep 6 and forward. If it's the 1st episode it's even easier.. discuss that specific episode and shut up about everything else.

Radamanthys Wyvern

It is a crime that this show is on Hidive. Their subs are horrendous. Great episode. Obviously doesnt have the emotional impact of the first, but probably if first episode wouldnt be episodes 1+2+3 together, also those separated wont have the same impact as together i think. Thanks for the reaction.


People cringe at us being wrong. And when we ask questions, some of the viewers think we are asking them. So they answer. There’s no natural way to talk to ourselves selves and ask questions while constantly saying for the viewer not to answer.


aqua defender here dont come crying if ruby dies like ai lmao


Yeah.. as I viewer I like that you're asking questions. Whether it's crazy theories or you're just confused about something. That's the fun part of watching a reaction.. The show will 99% of the time reveal that information at some point. The amount of times I've heard you say "the show will reveal it so don't tell" is kinda sad.. because that just means that you get way too many of those messages.


bro just doesn't want his sister getting stabbed and murdered right before his eyes like his mother lol


Aqua trying to prevent that. He saw first hand twice. The danger. 1 for himself and 1 for his mother. Anything to protect Ruby from the same fate 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


@2:20 Love the shade from Director. @4:10 That is a good point from Lee. I commented on the last episode assuming it would be the father and an adult male, but he could definitely be a red herring and maybe its much more complex. @7:30 Most animes don't sub opening / ending songs, but if you're interested in looking up the lyrics they are pretty meaningful for this anime. @21:00 Hilarious how Lee started this reaction saying he loves smart and ready to act MC's and then Aqua's really pushing his buttons. @28:30 Nice catch from Adorkable with the light in Aqua's eyes, didn't catch that myself, so he really does want to become an actor after all. @29:48 The close up of the eyes in this show are well drawn and really lovely to look at. @31:53 I agree with you guys. It's shitty for him to crush her dreams, but considering what happened to their mom I can see why he's so overprotective since trauma can do that to a person. But he's overreaching. As a person Ruby should be able to do what she wants especially considering she shares the same trauma and knows all the consequences of being an idol and still wants to become one. It's difficult to open up back to the world when heavy shit like that happens but you gotta try I guess. @34:30 Definitely in a wider world view aspect I agree with Adorkable, child actors, child idols all seem a little too sketchy in the first place. It's too easy for adults to abuse children. @36:30 I think part of the reason why they showed he could fool his sister over the phone was to tell the audience that Aqua's a really good actor even if he verbally denies it throughout the episode. @39:20 You make a good point Lee, Aqua doesn't even know about Ruby's past life and how she wanted to move and dance but could not. Now she finally has a shot at doing what she wants it's fucked up to take that away from her. Anyways great reaction ya'll, love the discussions and the explanations of your perspectives.


I commented this mid way through the reaction then got to where you said the aqua defenders are coming and thought you was gonna clown me


Aqua is wrong you and director are right. But Aqua is right as well. Aqua is almost negative to a fault now but that made him realistic. Ruby is so hellbent on going to the industry the scene with her talking about being scouted saying i’ll deal with the contract and stuff later perfectly illustrates how she perceives this industry with hopeful ambitions with minimal concern of ramifications. I dont blame Ruby she a kid in both lives and Aqua i dont blame him he was an adult in the last but this whole situation like yall said shows how the lives greatly impacts themselves now


Lmao. Na. I know going “against” the MC is unpopular but that’s how i felt. So I’m personally ready for all the smoke and I understand the argument against my feelings. Lol.


Ha ha even though I had issue with him today, I still appreciate that he’s smart and calculating. If Ruby wasn’t the victim today I wouldn’t have been bothered. Seeing Rubys joy and dreams crushed was triggering. As it stands, I relate most to Ruby over aqua.


all i can say, JUSTIC FOR AI. my intuition says the father is a freakin grown man, bigshot in the industry. who fvcks with broken Ai 16yrs old. i say we kill him☠️🔪


I understand aqua wanting to protect ruby, the first sabotage was cruel but i think 2nd one where he questioned the girl was a good thing. He wanted info on the agency and what better way than to ask an idol who works there, she did not say one real good thing about working for that agency. Based on what she said, true or not, it wouldn't benefit for ruby.


Sorry but I'm Team Aqua on this. I wouldn't want someone I cared about willing jumping into that lions den after seeing what happened to Ai.


If I personally saw my mom who was killed by a crazy stalker die right before me and my sibling wanted to pursue the same career that got our mom killed. I'd absolutely stop them, they can hate me all they want but at least they'll be alive.


I’m all on board with stopping them. But will you do it behind their back? Will you lie on them? Will you take their phone and pretend to be them? Will you utilize those methods?

UltrA_ Ojisan

Im team, hey lets talk about who we really were in the past life so we can come up with a plan. I can see Ruby being the next target since someone had beef with Ai and knew she had kids.


gonna have to side with Aqua on this one. I dont like how he went around her back the first time to sabotage her either but considering the circumstances and personal experience...like this man DIED because of Ai (not her fault ofc but being involved with her costed him his own life). Then afterwards, his idol/mother also died due to her work. He essentially died twice so the trauma is just too much for him to handle Ruby pursuing the same dream. Id say if this was a different scenario where Aqua never experienced these things and have a prejudice against idol work from superficial knowledge, id say its trash of him to do this. But with all the shit hes been through, ill give him a pass. But yeah, it wasnt a cool thing to do. But then, to protect the ones you love, sometimes you have to do cruel things. Cough, Eren.


the way director said "youtube High School" just like Lupa during Roshi's reaction is wild people sitting on the right just think alike.

Jason Paschal

I understand WHY Aqua was doing what he was doing, but outright stomping out Ruby's dreams was the worst way to go. I'm glad he acquiesced, decided that so long as he can protect her by having their agency being involved. I don't think that him or Miyako (mom/manager) are so cruel as to lock her into a contract and never move forward with the idol group. They WILL be very particular, though - if they're gonna make Ruby an idol, they're going to make sure it's as solid as possible.


Without spoiler i will say only one things You will love Aqua(Not From Konosuba LOL) in future episode


Fun Fact about Aqua's seiyuu. Ōtsuka Takeo-san was also the voice of one of my fav shitty boi's Leon Fou Bartfort from Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu! 🧐


I'm impressed that Kana can lick all that baking soda like that


the amount of time uve had to put that (please stop fuckin spoiling me) lowkey, comment in the bio is crazy


speaking of that show, i think its getting a 2nd season. recently just caught up on the Light novel and gotta say, it was actually a good read. the first season only covered vol 1-2 and theres like 10 out rn so alot of content to cover and the lore is really interesting. plus Leon the goat. hopefully 2nd season would be better in terms of adaptation lol. wasnt too much of a fan of s1. manga art is rly good tho


Yeah. If it makes you feel better we do get new people often ha. I’m gonna do it again on demon slayer. That group is the worst lol


What's with these people spoiling the fun. Need a kick in the kisser


Aqua comes from a good place but while preventing Ruby to be an idol and make her own mistakes or stopping her from living her life, he’s interrupting her dreams and while he does have authority as an older brother to take care of his sister, he has no authority to stop her for achieving her dreams. Now, with that Kurama red-haired girl, she was super excited to meet Aqua again and it might be because she wants to compete with him cause she considers him as a rival or she likes him, lol. This was a great episode. The story is slowly building up and I can’t wait for more. Also, Adorkable, the industry likes having children and teens getting into entertainment from an early age for many many reasons and this is all over the world, not just Asia. I mean, look at former Disney starts and iconic actors or singers that are from the USA. The idol style is a bit different but it’s not as far-fetched from the West as one might think.

TRexm578 _

I had only noticed this recently but there are times when aqua's eye, the stary one, goes from a white bright star to a black dark star. I found that interesting


As both Ruby and Aqua defender, I would support Aqua 100 percent, to safeguard Aqua mental state and Ruby physical state (death).

Peacefinder Simply

might be more too it, but definitely can easily say its a representation of his negative mentality.


Dude, you just made my day! I am so hype for another season with Leon just shitting on everyone and please know that when I call him a shitty boi I mean it in the best way. I love characters that just don't give a fuck about anyone but what they feel is right or themselves. 😎 If you want a great recc check out Meikyuu Black Company. Ninomiya is all about three things, me myself and I.😆


I’m team Aqua


I think there’s two key points that need to be at the forefront when judging Aqua.First I feel like cuz he’s a guy no one has taken into consideration how traumatizing being murdered then watching your mom get murdered is,which happened slowly as she bled out then had to stare into her lifeless eyes😭.Then two as her brother if something were to happen to her in the industry people would blame him “if it happened to your mom why didn’t you protect your sister?”No fault of their own but I feel like people would sympathize more if Ruby and Aquas Roles were reversed💯

Osiris Cage

Aqua got some PTSD. He should still be talking to a psychiatrist or something.


I felt you lost the point that Aqua is a (never said age) 30 year old doctor adult man in his past life with work experience. Compared to her sister is innocent in both lives as she lived most of her teenager life in hospital just trying to survive and in the end dying there. Their past life experiences are totally different and from that perspective understanding Aqua is much easier compared to her innocent sister who by the way might now be older than her past self. She has no knowledge how brutal the entertainment business is while Aqua at age 3 learned already about it from "Director". Long rant...but just my take on this, got invested in this and only watching the show from your reactions so it's for myself first time seeing the episode when I click it in patreon =)


Yeah agree on your take on Aqua even with her old past life as adult man watching his mom/idol star dying in his arms to be one trauma that nobody usually can take well.


My intuition says it's AI's old school crush before she made it as Idol. Both were 16 and she got pregnant, his life situation might be rich man, but I still not believe the father is the killer or mastermind for what happened to Ai.


You should watch a realistic documentary on the dark side of idols, in Japan in this case i guess. You may change your opinion. If i didn't have the means to have a woman i actually care about, his sister in this case, be under paid protection 24h/24, i also wouldn't want her to become an idol, especially an underage girl. And about the show, i do think Ai was raped, which is why she had twins. I'm not buying the secret boyfriend love. Guess i'll see how dark the story actually is. Plus, Ruby was in the hospital her whole previous life so sending someone that naive and innocent into that world seems irresponsable to me.


Dropped a like to let Director know I love him ;)


That post discussion is what is letting me know have a banger of an anime here. Love YBRLs point, Their past lives influencing their current life is how you should use a reincarnation plot. This show is fire


Never will understand the view of trashing main characters that happen to cry.... Just throwing it out since it was in the beginning discussion. I would rather have someone that cries opposed to a stupid and basic and overly too "badass" character, which makes that character insanely unrealistic, like characters such as ichigo or asta etc...


I am behind aqua 100%. It doesn't matter if its going behind their back if its for the sake of protecting your family. Adorkable isn't the only one behind him. If he isn't completely and utterly cutting off her dream its understandable givin how messy the idol industry is and literally what they both witnessed with AI. If my own sister was aiming for that kind of business and I had the methods I would do everything in my power to make sure she didn't end up going down a terrible route.




Hello. Yes as stated agree with her not being in that industry. I don’t agree with the means he used to stop her. Most people i see miss that point when trying to explain to me how dangerous that career is. I don’t agree with the means to reach the end. But I’m fine with the end

strange& sleepless

I'm late but i'm totally behind aqua too and I don't have a problem with the way he's going about it either. And I can see the argument about them being the same age and therefore him taking agency over her not being right, I'd be mad too if I was her. But he is objectively the more rationally thinking one here and he is right about it, so it's okay imo. If that wasn't the case, and it was nothing but his own fears and negative thinking but no real danger then I def think the parents should stop him. But that's obv not the case, like even if you actually were to make it and become a top star, that doesn't mean you'll be happy and satisfied whatsoever. It didn't make Ai happy and it got her killed in the end. No matter which way it goes, wether you become successful or not, you're signing yourself up for failure, trauma and disappointment