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I’m not supposed to be working today. Per wifey orders

 I was in the ER today. Anxiety 🤦🏾‍♂️. Lol. Worrying too much. But Riri needs me 🙌🏽


Rihanna Wears The Pants Over A$AP Rocky

Rihanna Wears The Pants Over A$AP Rocky ➡️ INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/yaboyrocklee/ ➡️ TWITTER https://www.twitter.com/YaBoyRockLee_ ➡️ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/yaboyrocklee ➡️ Anime Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/2223643067889016 ➡️ Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@yaboyrocklee ➡️ Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/yaboyrocklee


UltrA_ Ojisan

Geez my dude, hope you feel better and take it easy.

Mikal Adkins

If need be take some time off for yourself until you're feeling ready enough to make reactions again. I'll rather you be healthy then trying to get some reactions done while you're recovering.

Trayvon Brown

Hope you good bro 🙏 i thought i was having a heart attack a couple years ago and it was a panic attack 😕 shit was crazy so i feel you.

Trayvon Brown

People trying to insert themselves into other peoples relationships is dumb. A$ap and Rihanna have their own dynamic that works for them and thats all that matters.


That’s exactly what it is. High heart rate. 176. Light headed. What did you do for that to stop?


Aww man, hope you feel better soon Lee!


I personally don't care about Rihanna or any "celebrity" nor do I find her attractive. Her forehead is a landing pad for multiple helicopters. I don't really care about anything she does (Although I am white so maybe that comes with the territory since way more black or mixed people seem to care from what I can see). Although it sucks to hear you were in the ER. That is something I actually would care about. I hope you can find a way to chill and get to feeling better. I know I am ranting about something that doesn't matter but it connects with my point in the fact that I care about you doing fine opposed to some celebrity. I clicked the video thinking it was an update video about you instead of a celebrity

Brian Carotenuto

Take your time and just get better we're all here waiting for you

Teyon Alexander

Glad you’re ok. Maybe a sign to slow down just a small amount. This is that stress I was talking about before. Having been in the ER for anxiety back when I was in game development I know it’s not a great experience. Listen to your lady.


Thank you. That was yesterday wasnt it hahaha

nawaf Kyoma

hope you feel better soon Lee


You are a legend my friend. Your health is #1, prioritize that and the rest will come. Or so I’ve heard… it’s hard to really commit to that!


Take it easy my dude. We can all wait and chill. You spoil us enough already <3 Can't have Ya Boi Rock Lee reactions without Ya Boi Rock Lee!


Pls take some time to chill out & take care of yourself. Don’t worry about us. We’ve been here, we’ll be here. Put yourself first. 🖤

Joshua Miguel Cruz

Damn bro, have a break. Don't push yourself to hard. We're all cheering you on and waiting for you to come back all better. Focus on yourself and your well being first and foremost.


Get well my guy I had no clue u were in the hospital


Focus on yourself first bro, I know many might feel that’s selfish, but you can only give back to the people when your cup is full. We’re not going anywhere so take time to refuel and make sure you’re right both mentally and physically.


Anxiety is a nasty bitch to deal with man I hope you listen to your wife and take some time to chill out.