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Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa. Lol. I made this video lol. And uh. It’s a rough defense….but im going through with it 😭😭😭


Endeavor Misunderstood | Better Than Expected



NGL I was so worried on how this vid was gonna go but I'm good lol. I understand your points and agree with most if not all of them

Brandon Tyson

the funny part for me is that people will say he doesbt deserve a redemption arc or anything similar because of the Domestic violence, While thats a serious thing they love redemption stories for their favorite Villains who tend to be MASS MURDERERS and all around Terrible people though 😂 kinda hypocritical. I do feel like endeavors story is pretty misunderstood though


Lol. I was worried too. I was looking at me funny when I edited. Hence my gif and vids I selected all pretty much second guessing myself lol


Lmao. You not lying. Folks would forgive Shigaraki first lol. (Who also his a Victim 😭😭😭). One for all got him. Damn these characters got some dope back story


Ngl both Endeavor with the abuse and the mother with burning her own son's face are terrible parents(but are trying to be redeemed)


I still disagree with some of your points but now I can see where you’re coming for a lot better. Also great video and I love that editing that’s went into this so i I’ll like it both here and YouTube


Thanks. I personally did the edit. Thats why I split the video i. Half. Lol. A lot of time for 10 minutes of talking. Total video is 20 minutes lol.


I generally dont mind people disagreeing. Thats the fun. I just get irritated when my words are taken outta context. Folks go through great effort to understand fictional characters but not a real persons view point? Lol and when someone starts with “your wrong heres why”. So all good.


Shooot when i was editing lol. I was questioning my own views hence the choise in gifs and clips i used lol