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So you’re probably unaware that i collect quotes that i find interesting lol.
Yall know any SHORT books that have this kinda of wording i like?


Generosity is it's own form of power.

People confuse proximity to power as their own- frank

The further up the hill the more treacherous the path

Avoid wars you can't win and don't raise flags for an asinine cause like slavery.

The road to power is filled with hypocrisy. No regrets?

I'm a lion thrown to a pack of wolves. When your fresh meat kill and throw them something fresher.

I destroy my enemies be befriending them.

“The wicked flee when no man pursueth”

I like to hide my humanity

Working backwards is forward thinking

"Men should stand alone or fall with the unworthy"

The man with no shoes thinks he has nothing until he meets the man with no feet.

The wounds of honor are self inflicted

Compliment actions not the person. Because we want to be encourage the actions.

It's better to let a runner pitch a bad idea than to brake their spirits

It's harder to see the picture when you're in the frame

Runners make the most mistakes.

We make peace with our enemies not our friends

Those who are last shall be first

I seek not my own glory but the glory of he who sent -john 8:28

You have to be selfless in a selfish way

You are clever to mask your deficiencies and label it as "power"

Men like you don't show up without an appetite

You can't turn no into a yes without A maybe in between

2 corinthians

13: for such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

14. And no marvel; for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light

"Let me tell you about the difference between you and me. It's like the story of the monkey trying to capture the moon. However close he thinks he is to the moon, it's still just the reflection of the moon in the middle of the lake. No matter how he struggles to capture that "moon", he inevitably sinks to the bottom of that lake to no avail. You will never reach me."

"You and I, our levels are as distant as the earth from the heavens. Must I spell it out for you? I have discarded my left arm, discarded my left leg, and yet even then I have not nearly lowered myself to your level."

"Remember that a sword held by someone who is about to die… will never be able to protect anything."

"No choice, then. Before you become intoxicated by your own power, I shall show you a decisive power gap that you could not overcome in a millennium of struggle."

""Control"... you say? When you stand before me... that word holds no meaning. Bankai. Senbonzakura Kageyoshi."

The arrogant one is you, Espada. But rest at ease. The reason for your loss is not due to that arrogance. It is simply due to a difference in power."

"It is a thousand years too early... for you to become worthy enough to die by my Bankai."

No matter how strong a defense, a stronger offense will always shatter it."

“Something as useless as emotions, I never had them to begin with.” – Byakuya Kuchiki

“Sovereignty means absolutely nothing in front of me.” – Byakuya Kuchiki

"Any betrayal you can see is trivial, what is truly frightening and much more lethal, is the betrayal you cannot see."

There is no such thing as "truth" or "lies" in this world; there never has been. There are only plain, hard facts. And yet, all beings who exist in this world acknowledge only those "facts" that are convenient to them, and take them to be the "truth". They do so because they know no other way of living. However, for those powerless beings who comprise the majority of this world's population, inconvenient facts that affirm their very existence, are their only truth."

All creatures want to believe in something bigger than themselves. They cannot live without blind obedience. And to escape the pressure of that trust, those in whom faith is placed in turn look for someone higher than themselves. And then those people in turn look for someone even stronger. That is how all Kings are born. That is how all Gods are born."

"I had no intention of deceiving anyone. It's just that none of you could understand...My true self."

"Fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that could be destroyed at any moment."

"Fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that could be destroyed at any moment."

"It's very difficult for me to step on an ant without crushing it."

"Don’t use such strong words. It'll only make you look weak."

Banquet of Destruction



Trayvon Brown

This one's really famous: Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” —Friedrich Nietzsche.

Trayvon Brown

When does a man die? When he is hit by a bullet? No! When he suffers a disease? No! When he ate a soup made out of a poisonous mushroom? No! A man dies when he is forgotten! -Dr Hiriluk


“Failure is the mark of a life well lived. The only way to live life without failure is to be of no use to anyone.” Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer (The Stormlight Archive, #3)


If you raise your children, you can spoil your grandkids. If you spoil your children, you raise your grandkids

Brian Carotenuto

Lee I just heard this 1 last week 1st time in my 50 years of being on this planet so the quote goes.... he/she has champagne taste with a beer pocketbook


got one for you LEE “A world where everyone is equal and receives the same treatment. No such place exists. If there was a world of equality, where talent and aptitude didn’t matter, we would all be equally snubbed there. ” Tatsuya Shiba


Oh yeah lol you said short books this definitely isn’t that. One of the longest books I’ve ever read. It’s just the first thing that popped into my head.

Smash Bran'Discootch

"One day, I will find the right words and they will be simple." -Jack Kerouac "My fault, my failure is not the passions i have, but my lack of control for them." -Jack Kerouac "Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself. I am large and contain multitudes." -Walt Whitman "Things are beautiful if you love them." - Jean Anouilh

Smash Bran'Discootch

Someone literally JUST recommended that series to me last night because we were talking about The Wheel Of Time and Id never read a series that was completely Brandon Sanderson.


All his stuff is great but that one’s BIG. I generally don’t recommend it as a first Brandon book myself. But if you read wheel of time it’s probably something you’d like.

Smash Bran'Discootch

A little bit of Dostoevsky for ya. "There are things which a man is afraid to tell even to himself, and every decent man has a number of such things stored away in his mind." "Above all, dont lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he can no longer distinguish the truth within him or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and others. And having no respect, he ceases to live." "It takes more than intelligence to act intelligently." "Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid." "Beauty is mysterious as well as terrible. God and the devil are fighting there and the battlefield is the heart of man."

Emperor Death

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” — Aristotle

Emperor Death

"Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad." -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Emperor Death

The first requisite for immortality is death. —Stanislaw Jerzy Lec


Not surprised you doing this and everybody spamming their favorite quotes :D


when you have two choices and you take one away, you're left with zero choices