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Bleach Disappointment Is Epic



Those people annoy m no lie lol. Let Byakuya live. Whose gonna start trashing talking like him if he's gone?


Lee don’t let people get you down😂😂this was all the low key byuakya haters hiding until they saw a moment of weakness from him! And no kubo did not change the story because of backlash😂😂 people just mad he gets more chances to shine


Byakuya is my favorite character. Aizen is the only character that comes close for me. It’s like 1a and 1b, then there is my 2.a and 2.b lol


I can see both sides. On one hand, Byakuya is a fan favorite and an OG so killing him off would really suck, but at the same time, it would have REALLY set the brutal tone or this arc and driven home just how dire things are. It's pretty hard to debate this topic in-depth without spoiling a major event that could have played out differently and benefited from Byakuya actually dying.

Trace 124

keep doing y'all, it what makes reactions great.


Man I didn't mean for my comment yesterday to get you so down Lee 😆 just an opinion. I do love my boy, Byakuya, just felt a good end. Maybe I just feel that way cuz I never got over how he betrayed Mr Tsukishima

Markub El Jaden

Sorry man I gotta agree, this IS the final arc, some big characters' heads needs to roll.

Justin Yong

I am conflicted. I didn't want him to die but they spent way too much time on his "death" if it didn't matter.


Byakuya should have died but noo, my man got the whole ass plot armor package😢


Haha, now this was a good skit for me at least =)


ahahahaha that video was amazing. As much as Bleach fanbase is amazing but sometimes they are so fucking annoying, getting stuck on some things like Byakuya death or not. Like whatever jesus who careeeeees


When Lee said because “y’all want to get a better story” I died laughing bro 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭👍🏾


Yaaaaaaa. “For a better story “. Coooooommmme on. I wanna see my character to the bitter end. Lol. For me the story is laaaaaame without my people lol.


I feel you Lee I'm so glad Byakuya is alive. It's interesting for me seeing other people's opinions that they thought had he died it would've been better for the story but nah I need Byakuya. If he really died I would've been f*cked up lol