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Ashish Kumar

Finale made so much sense. We progressed towards the blood plot and expected a cgi fight between hulks. We were feeling weird about higher stakes showing up this slowly and late in the story and were feeling it will get rushed. Then turned out Jen didn't know about the repeated as hell blood plot so after finding out she was disappointed and she changed it. She didn't want this show to be like other marvel shows ending with big fight and big stakes. Her personal life after becoming She Hulk is what Jen wanted this show to be about. So it makes sense why this season was going slow about the heavy stakes bit all this time.

Ashish Kumar

Nice one Lee there at the end. "You may be disappointed with my choice but it is my choice"

Anthony Nguyen

After watching the She Hulk finale, I feel like the show was out to troll the audience. I watched the show... expecting a Marvel TV show. Instead of giving us a Marvel TV show ending, they decided to make an episode where they dunked on their haters instead. Their haters aren't even the ones who are going to actually watch the show, so I feel like I'm the one getting punished, for the actions of other people. Completely asinine. Left a sour taste in my mouth. This is exactly why I usually don't recommend anime (like Recoil) that we don't know how it's gonna end (from manga or light novels), because a shitty ending can taint a whole show. Thanks for reacting guys.

Adolfo Moreno

I didn’t hear it when I watched the episode but I heard it in my headphones watching the reaction the drums they played after Kevin says “the visual effects team has already moved on to another project” are the ones from black panther right?


I really did like this show but that ending was so annoying and unsatisfying, and i wasn't even expecting a fight so that parts irrelevant. She should have changed the way the story was going earlier in the season maybe episode 8 at the latest instead of just hand waving all these plot threads away. I would have 100% been fine with a case of the week show or tbh anything else that didn't require it to erase 8 episodes of the intelligencia plot. Also Skaar's hairline has me dying bruh


It made perfect sense. It’s just…what Jen wanted and what many viewers wanted are not the same thing. Lol. The writing was clear on what it was doing. So there’s no surprise. It’s like…oh you reallybdid that….well ok. Your choice lol


No worries. Will say, if you wait for the ending and it’s good…than recommend. We likely won’t cover it because it’s not being actively searched for at a high volume. We prefer to cover while it’s airing along with you guys for best results. And just be disappointed together. Shows like Bleach and Overlord have extreme shelf life. So it’s ok to cover those late.


About the decision in beginning, I think what Jen did was fine. Only reason I’m saying that is because we already established the Avengers caused way more casualties trying to save lives and she caused none.


I liked the ending and I love how it was targeted towards all the people who are hating on this show

Ashish Kumar

What the viewers wanted was not getting delivered since earlier episodes. We kinda knew it is because "Jen doesn't want what viewers want", she wanted a self contained personal story. Kinda boring I get that. Which is why the show is 6.5 or 7 for me. Yeah the writers went a unique route even if it wasn't thrilling, it was at least the most unique. That's cool.

Ashish Kumar

show was amazing at predicting stuff. So many remarks that made me go "wait a minute, I see what you are doing"


problem is nobody who hates the show watched this far


I don’t think the episode was targeted at people who hate the show. That was only a small part of the episode in the beginning. The major part of the episode was the mid-end where she goes to talk to Kevin. I think this episode is mostly a dig at Marvel and how they write their endings. The Intelligencia plot meant nothing at the end.


I don’t think the episode was targeted at people who hate the show. That was only a small part of the episode in the beginning. The major part of the episode was the mid-end where she goes to talk to Kevin. I think this episode is mostly a dig at Marvel and how they write their endings. The Intelligencia plot meant nothing at the end.

Kay Goodman

I liked the dialogue with KEVIN. This is the only Marvel thing I've watched in years, because of all the things Jen laid out. It all feels very samey after awhile. Let things be different. Reminds me of the Deadpool comics.


This show felt more like a blog


Imagine writing a bad show and getting props for predicting people would call it bad.

Jake estes

Avengers were saving the world. She was mad about being doxxed rightfully so but the threat ofrage killing is different than collateral damage fighting a threat that would kill those victims anyways


It’s not collateral damage when you create Ultron. They directly caused that event.