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love the discussions! :)


this anime is good to rewatch on the plus side its fun watching you guys a 2nd time as well, because sometimes i miss things that were said lol


If anyone else noticed at the end when hes the eminence in shadow you can actually spot rose when there showing different groups so that scene is after the anime. I thought that was a kinda cool little thing


LETS GO!! Thanks 😊






lol i literally started this manga like last night. i thought it was gonna be cringe but it was surprisingly hilarious. mc is giving me Ainz vibes


So I think what they were trying to do was have it seem like a romance slice of life from the girl's perspective, but then the male lead just dies. Then you have the first set of credits which is the end of that whole show. Only after the credits it turns out that that whole show was just a prologue for an isekai.


The reasoning is partly a spoiler, but it just serves as a really good introduction of the MC and explains what his character is like. The first episode is a bit of an inside joke for people who already know what's coming, on a rewatch of the series, it'd click for you.


I liked the art and how the characters look, but the story at the moment didn't pull me in too much. Think will just keep watching for the "Plots".

Black Hawk

This anime gets straight to the point. Like it


im so fucking excited for this anime man. Oh my god


this anime is worst anime I have watched 1ep of all time I am not sorry for saying this


I am guessing that there is possibility that woman will Isekai too, but they don't know that both are in the same world.

Kevin Baker

Awesome. So happy y'all are reacting to this.


Had never heard of this show or series before yesterday. I'm definitely an isekai fan though, so happy to be along for the ride. Seems like a fresh take so far.


Read the manga, fucking hilaus


Story isn't it's strong point. The central reason this show is good is because of the main character. He practically carries the whole show he is the show. Lmao


need that reincarnated as a sword 🔫😂


they had us in the first half, not gonna lie ...I actually really liked the first half lol


This show will have 20 episodes, so I hope for good worldbuilding and plot)


This was fast af lmao


"its a college student bro" having watched all of yalls reactions thats all i need to know to continue watching this show LOL

Javier E Morales

Moonlight Sonata is the piano song.


i take it you haven't watched many amine then. there are hundreds of isekai anime almost i would say 80 percent of them follow the same formula and the rest are a mixtures of things. this anime started out extremely unique.

zachary ziminsky

i didnt know they were gonna make this into an anime! im really excited for the new season now!! cant wait to see all the reactions =D


Best isekai mc is finally here


lol Lee I wanted to learn guitar as a kid but my family made me learn piano before they would allow me to learn guitar and I got pretty good at piano but I got bored of going every week and doing it so I quit. Now I don't know anything anymore. I am mainly fine with it tho. Although I do have a respect for piano that I didn't have as a kid while learning it. Cause you know how it is guitar and drums is the "cool" thing to be able to do. Piano though has some amazing qualities to it but I just stopped caring at a point in my teenage years.


I took it as my guy purposely got hit by truck kun to get into an isekai lol. I may be wrong tho.


Yea, I'm a manga reader so I'm in on the gag, but I can totally see this first episode putting people off or at least getting confused. Also the manga starts off very differently (I'm guessing the same is true for the WN and LN), and actually tells us what he means by "eminence in shadow". This episode implies it's his way of saying he wants to be a "hero" when introducing the idea which isn't misleading but straight up incorrect, thereby not accurately introducing the MC or the show's premise to the viewer.


Kinda sussy she's speaking in past tense. Did she ALSO get isekai'd??? I mean usually it's solo or entire class when it comes to Isekai, but I suppose I've read like 1-2 LNs where it's like 2 or 3 ppl only getting group Isekai'd, but they are 100% of the time friends, which I wouldn't say this counts as so IDK


@Thamor Yea I noticed she kept speaking in past tense too. It's not that common for Isekai to be only a few respawns, usually it's either solo or entire class, but I've read like 1-2 LNs where 2-3 ppl get group respawned, but they are usually friends so I dunno if that counts in this case given obvious not-friends in this scenario



Hunter De Lupin

No, she didn't get isekai'd with him. The news said it was just him getting hit by truck-kun. I'm going to guess that the next episode will show him being "reborn". In one of the trailers, it shows him as a younger kid, so it might play out like "The World's Greatest Assassin".

Anthony Nguyen

When's that RockDLee plays piano backup channel coming out

TAC Genesis

Did not expect this reaction, nice

Random Guy

Yea you probably havent watched enough episode 1s if you think this is the worst. Have you ever seen the anime when harem was popular? A lot of them faded to obscurity because their first episodes were garbage and people dropped them before they even made it midway.


I mean she could have gotten isekai'd via some other death later down the line, no? Like dying from old age, if the plot demanded it, she could quite easily be isekai'd too. For some reason ppl are confused by the fact (many such cases in various Isekai series w/ non-linear POVs) that Time is MEANINGLESS when you have the capacity to cross universal boundaries to teleport a person in some other universe, which is why ppl Isekai'd later down their relative timeline, can get Isekai'd BEFORE the first person to get Isekai'd from our timeline linear POV, since Time is just the vertical axis to the Space horizontal one. I can think of no other reason why she even refers to stuff that happened to herself and not merely to the MC in past tense, such as "I was" and other past tense narration like that, which would make no sense since the MC isn't in some bits of the lines she states in past tense


a little spoiler, but no, she did not get isakaied with him, but also yes, she will be an important character down the line. That is all I will say.


if yall watching this yall also gotta check out reincarnated as a sword


you basically got none of the story and why it is such a good time. you will start seeing the worth next epi. very funny introduction to the anime considering how it is


what an awful opinion, this dude dont even deserve to watch the rest after this


Just to clarify this was my opinion on this anime first episode I am not going to watch it after this and to the guys who trying to shame me for not likeing it or saying I am new to anime I have watched hundreds of animes but never watched first ep this cringe and I am not sorry for make my opinion


One more thing this is my opinion on the anime not Lee and the guys I love you guys or I wouldn't be here


Further proof of what Gordon Freeman showed us the crowbar is the Ultimate weapon.


This was very refreshing episode one tbh i liked it a lot. i know yall have a full schedule but theres 2 other shows you and director will absolutely love. Reincarnated as a Sword and Shinobi no Ittoki if you guys get some free slots i highly suggest them!

TAC Genesis

truck-kun really be out here ghostin niggas in the background... smh

Jazzy Jinx

Yo! Got this patreon just for this show! This is a series that just gets better and better. Ya'll are in for a ride!


Loving this anime already!!

ThunderRaichi10000 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-24 09:08:18 Yeah, this is definitely your first time watching anime
2022-10-11 05:02:43 Yeah, this is definitely your first time watching anime

Yeah, this is definitely your first time watching anime


this man wants to be ultra batman

John Ng

If Lee’s played Resident Evil older version, he might have remembered this music from the puzzle to opening the door in the piano room.