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Please be nice to my baby girl




You know who deserves a shoutout though? Laena of Driftmark. Best girl so far? Looking back to episode 2 when she was a little kid talking to the king about dragons - she mentioned the dragon Vhagar - which the king referred too as being out there somewhere, but the dragon being too big for this world.. She went out into the world and found Vhagar at age 15, rode the largest dragon in the world, raised two great kids (that can squabble 😂) and sadly went out like a OG. Give her her flowers over Rhae and Alicent IMO.

Jahari Fields

Fuck no💀I understand how she got here but don’t mean I gotta like her bitch ass or her family. She’s so self righteous she’s like a pray away the gay motherfucker💀

UltrA_ Ojisan

I dont hate her but i also dont feel bad for her. She knew what she was getting herself into.


Rhaenyra was ordered by the king to marry and have kids when she didn't want to in order to secure her line, and was almost immediately ordered to marry a guy THAT LITERALLY COULDN'T GIVE HER KIDS. So she and her husband agreed that she could have kids with whoever and they'd be raised as their own. The bloodline is still valid because Rhaenyra is HEIR, and the kids are HERS. And then was just living her life. Idk what entitlement they see in her, what is she doing that THE HEIR TO THE THRONE isn't allowed to do? Alicent was basically sold by her father to the king and still stans him for no reason. She for some reason believes her snake ass father is the best person for the realm. And she's salty at Rhaenyra for lying about having sex, which only hurts Alicent's feelings. Whereas she lied about seducing the king in order to produce an heir and directly threaten Rhaenyra's status and claim to the throne. And she holds that salt for 10 years. Everyone know's Rhaenyra's kids aren't Laenor's, but they don't care because it doesn't really matter. The peasants don't give a flying fuck, and no nobleman would go against the family that controls the Country's navy and almost all the Dragons. Rhaenyra's kids love Aegon (who doesn't want the throne btw), and wouldn't be bullying Aemond if Aegon didn't goad them. But instead of trying to fix that relationship so that they don't have issues with each other, Alicent poisons her kids' heads with thoughts of taking the throne for themselves. Literally all the current issues stem from Hightower's snake ass and his easily manipulated daughter.


Nani? She was forced to marry the king, you are acting like she had a say in the matter lol.


Team green


Shout out to the casting director, really easy to believe them girls is the same person


I will absolutely not.


Thats not how it works mate, she doesnt have a say in who she marries. Her dad decides for her.


Don't worry. I'm team Hightower


Team green LETS GO!!!!

Bra Isaac



That’s not how it works
 That’s not how any of this works! Lol The delusion that Honor, Truth and Duty mean nothing. I’m just learning the lot of you are just honorless and cool killing the commoners as long as the princess has fun. This is a world that calls it justified to kill over insults like being called coward, if it was so easy and nobody cared the King could just acknowledge it and legitimatize them. Why else has Rhaenyra run away to Dragonstone to hide and is plotting to act the tyrant so nobody is brave enough to call them on there bullshit. People know and people talking shit and she would rather cut out tongues than admit she fucked around and is terrified of finding out. There was no JOY in the SEX so she totally couldn’t have one legitimate child to stop the nobles from trying shady shit and let her bang her side piece in peace, obviously meant he couldn’t give her kids they tried so very hard. Not like she wasn’t given a two month tour of country to pick any eligible noble man that she gave up on or something. No Alicent don’t call her out let her have her fun, let her kill that innocent servant so she can fuck her uncle, wHy YoU sUcH A HAteR?!


Damn bro, someone pay you to be so confused? Honor, Truth, and Duty? in a monarchy? In an aristocratic government? Are you dumb? Do you even get how a medieval society would work? It's all based on the LIE that someone was born with the right to tell everyone else what to do. And that power is kept through military force and control over commerce. Literally anyone with half a brain can do that if they're born into it. Rhaenyra left because Alicent is being a threat to her. If it gets out, Alicent's kids have a strong claim and will then have a solid backing. It would split the nobles because someone with a solid claim is countering the heir and also has dragons. If Alicent were to say, shut her fucking salty ass mouth, that would no longer be an issue because all the Targaryens and Velaryons would have a united front and no other two-bit nobleman could stand against their forces. I feel like every person that brings up the kids thing has no idea how sexuality works. I wrestled all through high school, rolled around the ground with all sorts of guys in thin skimpy outfits. Didn't get aroused once, you know why? Because I'm not gay. Think about if you had to impregnate your grandma for "duty", you think you could do it? No, and if you answered yes, you have a separate problem.


Cool view but twisted the kingdom and power is more than saying “I’m right” that’s where the Targaryen’s have “Mad Kings” like Rhaenyra thinking they can get away with whatever they want resulting in war after war till finally get ground to dust under Robert’s hammer before fucking off as Jon Snow into the north. Taking a kingdom, might makes right, but keeping it? That’s playing the game, balancing give and take, sacrifice for honor and duty balanced with indulgence. Rhaenyra can’t play that game, you know it yourself. A lie that everyone knows is her only shield while the truth means exile or even death! You say monarchy is all based on a lie, fuck yeah, sure, but the nobles and commoners have to believe that lie. You think Rhaenyra is only afraid of Alicent? That nobles like Larys would just sit comfy when Rhaenyra paints such pretty targets on everyone around her? That a straight up war is the only way to rebel? That dragons save against knives in the dark and casual disrespect eroding law and riots? They all sense how weak she’s made herself in the minds of the people and she already knew she had an up hill fight being a women. She’s dumb as fuck when it comes to playing nobility, spoiled and petty. If she couldn’t keep her best friend’s faith that she wouldn’t kill her kids you think any lords look at her and go “ah yes she’s so reasonable a ruler I can work with I hope she lives a long life” or “oh fuck Rhaenyra I’ll have to do what she says or else, hope she dies soon”? A rebellion was going to happen, silent or bloody, people would die because of her and the rebellion would use claims of Alicent and her children against Rhaenyra if Alicent wanted it or not. Alicent would have to TRUST Rhaenyra to act with DUTY and HONOR to defend Alicent and her children even while a rebellion uses them against her. And we both freely admit Rhaenyra is a liar without honor having never sacrificed for duty when there’s an easier route. As for sexuality
 you do know how semen works right? Like that it’s what makes a woman pregnant and that you can even make it come out yourself without anyone else even being involved? That still works even once it’s in open air, crazy right? It doesn’t even take a test tube or some crazy insertion devices long as it gets in, he can even leave the room with it in a clean goblet for her. At least more than a few times maybe? Would that be too hard? Too much to ask? To stop a war? To keep the throne? To stop the deaths of everyone she claims to love? One legitimate heir? Maybe all you on her side would then at least have a leg to stand on claiming her rights, even if she’d still be unfit for throne in the exact same ways Daemon is an already sexist medieval setting. But yeah whatever, I’ll stop ranting unless people are like me and actually enjoy arguing like this. I love the back and forth and even when being a dick mean nothing personally. Pretty hard to change anyone’s mind on the internet lol


Goddamn, aren't you embarrassed to say cringe shit like that? What anime do you think this is? Read up on Medieval European history and come back and talk. Watching goddamn Game of Thrones and talking about honor and duty and shit. There has never been, nor will there ever be a good monarchy, only people good at playing monarchy. This isn't about who's pure of heart or whatever. Power has always been taken and kept. Not a single one of the peasants in that country give a flying fuck who's ruling them. Any noble that wants to fight for the throne will have to recruit bannermen and foot soldiers from their land. How many do you think would run away and desert, or even join the Queen just so they wouldn't have to face the dragons? How long could they last in war when their supply lines on land are destroyed by dragons and their ships blocked by the Velaryons? No trade with each other or the outside world, separated and picked off because they cant face the might of 5-10 dragons. War against a united Targaryen/Velaryon front is suicide. And how is this making Alicent look better? I can understand taking her side because she learned how to play the game quickest. I can respect the talent it takes to become the snake in a rats nest. But you guys are acting like she's innocent in all this. As if she hasn't been going out of her way to splinter the alliance rather than strengthen their hold. By telling her sons to become king, openly challenging Rhaenyra's succession, and spreading the word that Rhaenyra's son's aren't by her husband, she's doing the actual fracturing of the potential alliance.


Who is acting like Alicent’s innocent? Even she’s admitted she wanted her father around because he’d be biased towards her an her children. She knows what it means to challenge Rhaenyra. But all her haters cling to with venom is she acts so righteous like she’s got the moral high ground but when it comes down to it even they know she does. Her family wields truth like a weapon while Rhaenyra’s cowering in her lies; Daemon was exiled and passed over as heir for Rhaenyra’s exact actions right down to having a sham marriage so even the excuse that’s she’s the rightful heir is flimsy as it was an exception that she refused to live up to. If we ever had any indication that Alicent seduced the king more than being around then maybe there’d be more of an argument that she was as bad as Rhaenyra but even then she didn’t have the expectations of heir to throne like Rhaenyra did. You’re not even defending Rhaenyra or attacking Alicent anymore just saying might makes right like it could all play out nice and squeaky clean but this isn’t Medieval Europe. Comparing it to an Anime is closer to thematically than the real world. It’s a soap opera where Magic exists, read Game of Thrones as you suggested too and see assassination is rampant the strong constantly brought low due to slights and offenses of pride with the honorless and morally bankrupt dying brutally often with everyone they care about suffering for it. It’s literally a theme of the books. She can’t even keep the Targaryen’s safe at the height of their own power, so she doesn’t deserve that power, it doesn’t absolve her transgressions. Rhaenyra could have avoided all of this, multiple times. A little more respect to the nobles and Alicent wouldn’t so easily win the realm to her side. Taking her tour of the realm if she took it seriously and picked a husband she could be okay with, that’s an ally and no bastards to upset the realm. Put in the extra effort with Leanor as inconvenient as that is, at least a legitimate heir to satisfy the realm. The first moment Jacaerys came out with brown hair approach Alicent repentant and seeking Helena’s hand to unite the houses before things spiral out of control. Hell approaching Alicent repentant and with humility ever with the admittance of fault and failure might have once fixed this. But no Rhaenyra only ever bends when forced to, married when forced to stay heir, picking a husband she thinks is acceptable when threatened to lose the throne, offering a marriage only when the bastard nature of her children is all but admitted publicly by her baby daddy. Cole is a snake by the way, keeping him and Larys from execution are Alicent’s sins that’s for sure but that doesn’t make their moral standing hers. Alicent isn’t innocent but she’s in a cage. She can’t leave the king and can’t send her boys away as they will always be weapon that a clever lord can use against Rhaenyra’s bastard. If you think she’s the source of the whispers and schism you didn’t pay attention to how many spy’s and players there always are in Kingslanding. Rhaenyra though can give up the throne, she can even use the excuse of the previous council as a reason to stay and continue to live easy or admit the bastard children and beg merciful exile from a father whose harshest punishment for her has been a political marriage. Between her and her sons that’s three dragons, enough we’ve seen to conquer her own kingdom where she could get assassinated for her disrespect or not like Daenerys. But She’s choosing this fight, Alicent is just getting ready for it instead of going down easy.