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I’m officially team green from this day forward.


I think a point that is under-communicated is that Alicent is fighting for her, and her kids lives at this point. Remember back to Rhaenyra saying "Damon didn't touch me, I haven’t ruined my integrity, I swear on my mother's memory"… Later when Cole admitted to knocking boots she realized she couldn’t trust this girl for schit….. Fast forward to when Otto said, yo you have two options: (one) when war breaks out because these ninjas will not respect a woman sitting on the throne, they will challenge her, you can cling to her and hope for mercy – because a time will come where her advisors will tell her the only way to end the infighting and strengthen her claim is to kill the competition (Alicent’s kids). Or (two) get ready to fight for the throne. From her POV it’s clear she can’t trust or rely on Rhaenyra (a liar who doesn’t follow the rules) mercy therefore she moved on path two and therefore she can’t let up at this point, because Rhaenyra is definitely going to body her and her children when she ascends at this point. Not saying she is right or wrong, but I see a lot of love for Rhae and a lot of hate for Alicent, but she is just doing what she feels is right.

William Tippen

Because she been a snake from episode like 2 that’s why it’s fuck Alicent 😂


How is she a snake? Episode 2 she was 14-15 (Rhaenyra was 17 following the 2nd birthday of Alicent child so I am guessing she was the same age) following the orders of her pops, everytime Otto brought up seeing the king she said if that's what you require. She could have told Rhaenyra what was going on, but at the end of the day Otto raised her to follow his orders and the king told her not to tell.

Ky Williams

cant believe all these team alicunts and hightowers🤢🤢 rhaenyra and the targareyans all the way🔥


Lol I'm sorry but there's nothing in my 2022 mind that will make me genuinely dislike a character for having sex out of marriage and having bastards. While I understand its wrong within the context of the show, it doesn't translate to dislike for me. What do I look like disliking her, being a 'bastard' myself. lol. Its funny hearing ppl say, Rhaenerys is a bad person because she lost her virginity outside of marriage. lol ok? Meanwhile Alicent trying to run up on kids with knives. And apparently Rhanerys sex life drove her to it. get out of here


Alicents kids are targaryen too you know, and Team Green ftw.


How about her trying to gaslight people into putting said bastards on the throne? Same shit Cersei did btw, how about the fact that she killed an innocent dude last episode to be able to marry Daemon? How about the fact that she asked for her 10yo brother to be tortured about who told him her kids were bastards? ( A request the king ignored but she asked it regardeless) How about the fact that she blatantly acts like a spoiled brat doing whatever the fuck she wants since episode 2 and is currently causing turmoil and a possible civil war that will lead to the deaths of thousands because of her actions? FOH.


I agree. I think the post-episode discussions really depend on the series and the people who watch that series. I'll admit that HotD is the series where I look forward to the post discussion just as much as the reaction itself.


Cersei's children did not have the kings blood that is why her actions are egregious. Rhaeyra's children actually have the blood of the ruler in them, Viserys officially recognizes them, and their father officially recognizes them as his even though they are not so they are not bastards by law, only genetics. For example, if Robert saw Gendry one day legitimized him and proclaimed him as next in line for the throne it would not spark any outcry from any one but the Lannisters who would be losing a lot of power in that scenario. Essentially, lords would kill for a chance to have their children betrothed to Rhaeyra's children but the same cant be said for Cersei's children.


@Fujishiro... She said, "Aemond should be questioned to find out the source of these slanders" The source being Alicent. So @Fujishiro please tell the audience where she wanted that boy tortured? lol. 2. They might not be her husband's but its definitely the heir's children she pushed out herself. Nonetheless I feel like the reigning king has legitimize her kids. So who is she gaslighting? Everyone knows. The king is cool. Her husband is cool.. The only person whose making a fuss is bitter (Alicent) and bitterer (Ser Criston). So If you were to be honest, the only person pushing for a war is Alicent. Cause everyone else knows and is chill. 3. Acting like a spoiled brat? She is. They're targaryens. That's y Alicent's panties are in a bunch. She did have an innocent man killed. Who is disputing this? But I will raise you Ser Harwin and his dear father. And how many other no name innocents caught in that fire. Done by her dear cripple she holds still so close to her. please, kindly, GTFOH


“Prince Aemond must be SHARPLY questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders.” Is the actual quote, which means to interrogate under torture, which is why the Queen responds, “Over an insult?” Rhaenyra was asking to torture a child that just lost an eye and purposefully pushing the moment to force the Kings hand against the Queen in defense of her Illegitimate children. In a very clever and calculated way, I’d say, I doubt she expected the king would do it but I think she was trying to set the Queen off like she did. So yeah you’re gaslighting @Sam my dude or you just didn’t understand the context of the quote, in which case happy to help


@Fivefs you need to show me that dictionary that says sharply equals torture. Viserys did question him sharply and there was no torture involved. Sharply means firmly btw. Also, Alicent's "Over an insult" was in regards to the explanation that Rhaeneyrs gave as to why her son lost her eye. She did not think that was sufficient reasoning, "An insult is y my son lost an eye that makes no sense." It's impressive how much you reached thinking Rhaeneyrs wanted to torture that boy when all evidence suggests she's not worried about any of Alicent's kids nor as she shown any animosity towards them. Rhaeneyrs' request to have Aemond question had ntn to do with Aemond but with Alicent. She was staring right at her when she made the request, because she knows the source. As well as forcing her father to put an end to the rumors. You would think that if Rhaeneyrs was suggesting to HAVE THE KING'S SON TORTURED, there would be more of a reaction in the room, right? For example when Alicent requested someone scrape out the heir's son's eyeball, everyone reacted didnt they? lol seems like u missed it my dear. Gaslighting? Dont use words u heard on the internet yesterday. Ya look foolish. Ya think if


Okay so it’s gaslighting in ignorance, here’s a pretty good breakdown of how to sharply question is synonymous for torture https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/xuopw9/questioned_sharply_the_westerosi_euphemism_for/ It seems you don’t know Games of Thrones very well probably not worth trying to convince your 2022 mind to understand a different setting and world.


Ohh I see, so you're just parroting what someone said on reddit as facts lmao Ey we'll just disagree and call it wraps

Kwame James

I think yall letting Alicent off too easy as from as I can tell she has been jealous of Rhaenys cozy up to her dad while he was mourning then got mad that she thought that she was sleeping with the better looking brother than she teamed up with Rhaenys mad lover which the difference between Rhaenys not leaving with him and her husband leaving with his dude Rhaenys didn't love him the she teamed up with the hurt leg hater who is trying to get more power and probably her and she so righteous when it comes to Rhaenys kids but had no problem with her dad spying on Rhaenys or club foot hater killed his brother and father but didn't bring that up to her husband and didn't bring up Ser Criston sleeping with Rhaenys because she wanted him to protect her and hate on Rhaenys with her she is a jealous friend that prays for Rhaenys downfall she probably on was her friend because of her father she is not innocent and nor is Rhaenys but she never plotted against Alicent till now because she realized her old friend hates her and don't forget she offered to marry her oldest son to her crazy spider loving daughter and she made fun of her son who did nothing to her and said he wasn't full Targaryen which her kids are as much Targaryen as her's one parent is Targaryen


Lmao you ask for evidence and then blatantly ignore sources provided in the post. Quotes with a link to search within the setting as well. I looked that shit up in like 10 seconds causes it’s not worth more time than that for something so well known. But yeah agree I can’t make you learn more about the setting of you don’t wanna, just please stop gaslighting people that it’s not something Rhaenyra said when in context it’s totally something she implied as the very least lol


🤣🤣 Damn Fivefs betta look away then. Cause amma b 'gaslighting' away. Call me Rheanerys. Shit


No wonder he's a Rhaenyra fan, gaslightning like his idol.


They know but arent chill about it lmfao dude, the king is in denial about it he treats them as laenors kids, not as bastards that hes legitimizing. The thing is if he recognizes that they are bastards then its high treason against the crown and Rhaenyra + her kids must be killed or exiled + dishenerited thats what you guys don't understand. The whole realm knows they are bastards and do not like it but the Kings denial of reality is the only shield against retribution, once he dies its over mate. No lord will accept them as legit, its not just Alicent bro.


Not sure when questioning became torturing, also bastard get legitimized all the time, and she behaved exactly how every prince before and after her behaves the boy they want on the throne acts just like rhae he’s just does it in the open and the civil war is happening because someone who has no claim to the throne wants to take it from her because she acts like a prince and not a princess. the king also ignored how his wife and children are saying things that could get his daughter killed and the fact his wife just went after his grandson with a nice and cut the heir to the throne


Not sure why I have to explain emotional manipulation is bad especially when their spouse just died also Otto wouldn’t have done any of that because his whole point for spying on her was to get a reason for the king to disown her as the heir that was the goal, and I’m not sure why y’all think the kingdom is in ruin the only problem the kingdom really has is the step stones the one corlys brought up in ep 1 and Otto made the king ignore until it became a real issue. Lord strong was the only person on the council that was only trying to do what’s best for the kingdom


In response the kingdom being in ruin. Lol. Nobody actually believes that. When Directornasty starts yelling stuff you can’t take that all serious. I normally join the hype because it’s funny to me. When AdorkableNerd starts doubling down and staring at the Camera. She’s capping lol. There’s a lot of jokes and banter thats difficult to discern if you’re new or don’t understand our personalities. I normally like Villains or people with a lot of Grey. Hence my excitement in Otto

Jahari Fields

Fuck team green so far but aegon is so accidentally funny I can’t help but love him

Ky Williams

aegon is hilarious i wish they kept these younger actors longer or found a way to age them a little


Otto actually did nothing wrong, was he being ambitious? Sure, but the King was going to remary sooner or later and chances were high he would have a son down the line, leading to the same problems we have now. War was inevitable. Otto didn't think the King would double down on making Rhaenyra his heir after Aegon is born, he does care about the realm and Viserys is actually the cause of whats about to happen, not Otto.


The problem is if they get legimitized then their claim is still weaker than the rest and legitimized or not that doesnt magically make her gaslighting of years on end disappear, its basically still high treason. And no, Daemon was behaving like an unhinged heir just like Rhaenyra is now and was judged unfit for the throne and disowned. Enough with the ''If she were a boy excuse''. Aegon has a better claim to the throne than her wether you like it or not.

LightMyPath Star

It’s like Lord of the flies up in here. Those children are in serious need of hugs 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Joseph LeRoy

I just watched the episode again and it was for sure my favorite so far. I only have 4 problems with it. The shade filter they used was trash (did they learn nothing from the white walker battle), there was no blood on the blade after it cut Rhaenyra, they aren't doing justice to Daemons fatherhood because in the book he is a good father, and the Leanor reveal happening after the wedding made me enjoy the wedding a lot less than I would've. I'm not sure where some of your thoughts are coming from lol. You should watch the "inside the episode" when the episode ends. It won't spoil anything, but it might give you answers or a better idea and insight to the events in the episode. Daemon laughing at the funeral was to get attention away from Rhaenyra because everybody was looking at her due to the insults in Vaemond's speech. During the gathering we can see just as much tension between the kids as the adults which is very sad. This is mainly due to Alicent and Cole. We have seen them constantly talk bad about Rhaenyra and her kids in public and to Alicent's kids. We've seen Cole treat and train Alicent's kids better and more than Rhaenyra's. We haven't ever seen Rhaenyra say or do anything bad about Alicent's kids or say anything bad about her or Cole in public. The Daemon and Rhaenyra scene was great and needed (incest I know). We saw there was something between them in episode 1 and it's just built up since. The connection was clearly still there, now that they're both adults and both are grieving it was inevitable. The entire dragon scene was awesome but claiming Vhagar was a shitty thing to do to those little girls. After its rider dies a dragon chooses the next so Aemond didn't technically steal it. However, with Leana being the last rider her dragonless daughter should've had the chance to claim Vhagar before anybody else. Aemond doing it the night of Leana's funeral made it even worse. Aemonds anger and hatred along with Vhagar is going to be a problem lol. The fight between the kids was perfect. 2 girls with no fighting skills, 1 boy with some fighting skills, and a tiny boy with hardly any fighting skills vs. a boy who is bigger by like a foot and has more and better fighting skills (Partly due to Cole training Alicent's kids more than Rhaenyra's). You fight to win so cut that bitch lol. Aemond 100% instigated the fight and deserved what he got. They didn't just jump him. It was between Aemond and the dragonless daughter then her sister defended her then Jace defended his cousins and Luke defended his brother. Jace didn't pull the knife until his baby brother was getting choked and insulted and about to get smashed with a rock. Aemond did use the rock btw, he hit Jace in the head and would've kept going if he didn't get cut. When you look at Alicent's kids vs Rhaenyra's you can see who the better parent is. The aftermath was perfect. This entire time Rhaenyra has kinda been on the defensive but this episode she went on the offensive. In Kings Landing she didn't really have anybody to help her. Leanor was kind of a party boy and even though he is a warrior he probably wasn't fit for the political scheming type of fight. Ser Harwin basically couldn't do or say anything because of his position on the totem pole. But now she feels like she has Daemon to back her up. So, she makes her first move by putting out her kids legitimacy. Knowing her father would be on her side on this topic. Everything move she made was to make Alicent show the room her true bitter cunty self. Now word will spread about her true nature and if anything were to happen, she would be the first person they look at. Rhaenyra baited Alicent perfectly and now the king basically legitimized her kids and if he keeps his word will take any tongue who questions it. Alicent and her family are the only people in the realm making a big deal about Rhaenyra's kids. The king doesn't care. Leanor doesn't care. He claimed them, loved them, and raised them as his own. Corlys doesn't care because "history remembers names not blood" and his wife is kinda split but its only Alicent bitching, crying, and stabbing. The kids are just as Targaryen as hers. The entire exchange between Rhaenyra and Alicent just proves that her family is the true problem. She is basically mad because Rhaenyra gets to live how she wants, and she doesn't. She is angry and bitter that Rhaenyra's life is better than hers. Her bitterness is actually putting her kids lives in more danger because she is starting a civil war. Marrying Daemon and "killing" Leanor was the 2nd power move Rhaenyra made. They are a dangerous combo. They can make pure white hair Targaryen kids, Daemon is a proven warrior, they are both smart and strategic when needed, and now that Leanor is gone, they are both feared. She also sticks it to Alicent again too because she is marrying who she wants and out of love. She strengthened her claim, married somebody she loves, and still kept the alliance with the Velaryons because of Daemon's kids and hers by name. Plus, it helps that Alicent would be doing what was done to Rhaenys. Leanor got a good deal out of that because he wanted a way out but there wasn't one until now. He is free and can live how he wants with who he wants, Btw Cole wanted to marry Rhaenyra to restore his honor and she didn't want to leave because she didn't love him, not to do with money. She wanted to keep having sex with him, but love wasn't there for her. I know I wrote a lot sorry lol.


Don’t apologize. Lol. It’s a long story but it was objective and provided valuable insight without spoilers. It’s one of the best comments i read. Many of the others are emotionally taxing to read. “Alicent is wrong here’s why …. “. I thank you for your recap. Lol. I could just read this instead of making my own 😭😭


I think Allicent's daughter is a dreamer she keeps saying weird lines with a lot of metaphors.... He'll have to lose an eye....I am hoping a bit of team green can join team black cause I have people I like on both sides.