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Black Hawk

I'm thinking at the end when it showed that needle for that syringe I'm going to believe it's from wakanda it's that metal. Cuz remember when she went on a date with that guy he said oh can you skin be penetrated by vibranium.


This episode was so hard to watch cause all they did was treat Jen like shit


Ya that’s crazy they know their show was shit before it came out

Teyon Alexander

Tatiana is the actress who plays She-Hulk. Titania is the villain she fights. I knew what you meant (I think most folks did) but just in case there were some folks being confused out there... Ah. You got to it in the end. Anywhooooo, great reaction as always! And yeah, holding eye contact is a little confrontational, dude probably wanted to jump five seconds in.


Yea. I do know the different names. But i say Tatiana (jen) so much. I couldn’t say Titania lol


Forget getting She-hulks blood I'd rather try getting Immortals blood it seems like less of a hassle lol


Josh reminds me of Han-seok Jang (older Babel brother from Vincenzo)


A man can only resist so much tease!! Alright, on the re-watch it wasn't such a bad episode, maybe I was just pissed at the Daredevil bait and switch. However, for Luke to be sold as this exclusive fashion genius. That blue dress on Jen form was horrible.

Ashish Kumar

I feel people that have watched and liked One Piece can get along with this show. Tone wise they feel similar cuz they are too light hearted and take time to get to the point. You have to go through a lot of jokes and funny stuff to get to the serious bit. I am enjoying the show, unlike others who want serious stuff. I used to expect seriousness from One Piece and I ended up so disappointed and salty, I just realised that some shows you are just not supposed to take too seriously. One Piece gets serious but that's only 20% of the time. Rest is light hearted stuff happening, jokes all the time, plus world building which itself is also very whacky. I watched till Ennies Lobby and had quit when Zoro v Kaku turned into comedy.

Ashish Kumar

I felt the same about the dress. It IS basic shit and Luke wasn't supposed to make basic shit. 🤷‍♂️ Liked the episode tho. Edit: basic in look i mean


Go apologize to your parents for becoming what you are today.


Ain’t no way u compared this to One Piece. Ur drunk


I caught up to this show. I’ve yet to see it get truly serious a single time. Plus OP has things like well written characters, expansive world building, a plot that moves forward, etc

Ashish Kumar

"I caught up to this show. I’ve yet to see it get truly serious a single time." Threats are introduced in between already. Just... there is too little of them... yet. I hope it gets more serious in 7th ep. That's all. Imo it WILL get serious. Just taking its time like One Piece. "Plus OP has things like well written characters, expansive world building, a plot that moves forward, etc" You won't find well written chars like One Piece here. I did not say these shows are exactly the same. One is 1000ep long other is 9. I pointed out a couple of similarities, that is it. As far as She Hulk chars are concerned, I like Jen, Nikki, Pug, the boss, basically everyone. Even comically over the top Titania. It's a comedy show and I am with it as it is. Ep 4 was the most underwhelming for me.


I idk if I particularly like any of the characters much. I also don’t dislike any of the characters so I guess I’m like warm on them. And it may get serious but I doubt it. I think it’s more likely that the seriousness gets paid off in a larger conflict that she’s involved in outside of this show. Whether that be a team up, guest appearance, movie appearance, etc. My issue with ur “one piece fans might like this” is that ur restricting OP to one thing and that’s not why everyone loves or enjoys it. It’s akin to saying “Batman fans should like this, it’s dark.” It seems to restrict what someone enjoys about a piece of media to a single facet. It seems insulting in a way, if you can see what I mean. Other than that I don’t really have an issue with ur opinions just the framing.

Ashish Kumar

I thought One Piece viewers would find she hulk similar because they know how to love the ride, even if it's "slow", full of light heart comedy and has plenty of random almost seemingly pointless events that doesn't seem to go anywhere but they do go somewhere vaguely and there are threads that connect things from a point to b point. So I drew the comparison and framed it like i did. She hulk is similar to me with One Piece in some ways. Many people think Pug is a joke and can't be taken seriously. I doubt they can watch One Piece then if they think Pug is a "joke". "Story is not going anywhereeeeeee, it takes sooooooo loooong" Similar complaints between one piece and she hulk. If you aren't enjoying the ride, the show will feel tedious whether it's one piece or she hulk. I enjoy she hulk, unlike one piece but maybe I have changed now and should give it a try again. I wanted kaku v zoro to be serious and perhaps I should't project my expectations on the show.