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Guamson Cruz

Yeah I have to say dub is better with this series

Warren Taylor

Angie's rank hasn't dropped but her social status has because she was rejected by her fiance. He can't marry her because she's a Duke's daughter, that puts her in upper rank 1, just below the royal family and he's a full 5 ranks lower. You're right about Olivia being a commoner means he's too high ranked to marry her as well. He can take Olivia as a mistress but he can't do so before he's married and if he did it now he'd be rejected by every suitable candidate since it's expected in this world for women to take on lovers before marriage but not for men.


Ngl W luxion he the real mc 🙏

Mr. KilzoRising

I think you guys are overthinking it. Leon doesn't care about status, I'm pretty sure all it means is one of them is the protagonist, and he knows he's not even supposed to be interacting with her. That was established on his first meeting with her. As far as Angie, I'm unsure why she's off the table, but there's probably a good reason I'm missing.

vardic d

Angie didn't lose her rank, she's still a Duke's daughter, but her social status is in the crapper because of her breaking from the Prince. She's become a social outcast, but she still has her rank, so Leon can't marry her. She's still too far above him. He can't marry Olivia, because she's a commoner. She's too far below his rank. He might be able to take Olivia as a mistress after he's married, but he has to find a wife first.


It's fun watching a show when YBRL is seeing himself 5 times in those prince & friends :D


This show has really grown on me I was not with it at first but man this MC is the best


Nasty hit the nail on the head. Leon knows how hot those two are and has feelings for them but he’s stuck in the mindset that “This is a game I shouldn’t interfere”. It’s an interesting take on the genre where the MC doesn’t want the plot to chance but unconsciously changes it.


Wouldn't that be Lower Rank 2 ??? AFAIK King is Upper Rank 1, Queen is Lower Rank 1, and Upper Rank 2 is the CROWN Prince. Lower Rank 2 is Prince(ss)/Duke/Duchess


I think Angie wins over Livia for 2nd best grill (#1 is the Queen for obvious reasons) because of superior personality compared to Livia's more quiet personality

Random Guy

The reason why MC can't touch the two girls is because as he has said a while ago, there is a boss battle / war incoming. Him interfering too much with the main cast might cause issues later down the storyline, that's why he tried his best to fix the story by making the prince and his crew go back to angie and making them aware of olivia.


We know HE doesn’t care about status. He wants to be a mob. But there was rule about who he can marry based on rank. That’s what we are talking about. We are missing something but we know HE DOESNT CARE ABOUT RANK. But his society does for marriage.


I’m ngl these pretty boys make me sick. No way they are that down bad for Tanya. I refuse to believe it


Ty for clarifying this I didn’t catch thag either


30:00 best girl finally makes her debut

Paul Tar

It’s not that he’s not into them, he’s trying to protect what the game was supposed to happen (and let the Livia have a happy life with one of the others). Angie’s family lost Pull in court, but are still way above Leon.

Peacefinder Simply

To many people are way over explaining. Half of them are obviously from a perspective of more context and not sure why they don't see this.

Black Hawk

It sounds like the MC's voice actor is from Black Clover Asta's devil


The badest of the show will show up next episode, can't wait to see the reaction

Ranginald Vagel

I'm so glad this series got an anime


I put emphasis so those parts stand out. I wrote it as i speak. I do that verbally too.


I don’t know why you deleted this part though “ I know you guys know and I know about the rule, the topic was created around what he said at the end. That's the discussion, that we both are talking about. ”

Mr. KilzoRising

Because it felt unnecesary. Figured I'd just cut that out and keep what I really want to say in.

Jerid Glasspoole

'She did not lose her states. Also, he thinks of himself as a mod so he thinks he cannot get MC characters.