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I need to know if it gets better after ep 1. She’s sooooooo mean to him. I dunno 😢😨🥺

I had a hard time

*edit* i see the responses ok. I never wanted to drop something so badly on a 1st watch.



strange& sleepless

I dropped it after the first episode. She's awful and I don't particularly like him nor their dynamic either. But if you keep watching then i guess i'll give it another try too


I dropped it after the first episode didn't like her or him.

Vincent Lee

I’ll respect any decision you guys make but the first episode is more for shock value. like most first episodes of shows it’s pretty extreme compared to the majority of the show. I’m sure over the first few episodes you’ll come to love ‘em


I hope you guys don't drop this series.


This anime is probably for the guys who like to be submissive and have a dominate female kink. I thought this would have been a great match for you. lol jk (i dropped this series the first 3 episodes cause I wasn't really all that into it but the female president in this series is definitely my type of girl and you will know what i mean if you keep watching)


I've watched the first 5 episodes and stopped bc it was the same thing happening over and over again and from what I can tell it doesn't hv a real plot. But it could just be that it wasn't my taste However the choice is up to you. I think you should react to whatever you think you'll be able to react to or what you think you can manage.


Episode 1 IIRC was adapting some of the earlier chapters, when the author (an infamous HENTAI doujin artist) started the series for fellow MASOCHISTS, until the Editor was prolly like "yo WTF tone that shit down, do you want us to not get moolah???", and he was basically forced to comply and tone it down


Do it. Drop it. Les gooooo💯💯💯. Honestly though I don't think you'll enjoy it even if it tones down a bit just like everyone says here.

Jerid Glasspoole

people who drop a anime after the first episode are morons! Not talking about you, because your not dropping it, I am talking to the losers who don't have the braincells needed to understand that you can't judge a anime based on just one episode.


IDK if it has been decided or not, but the show starts off with her being way more mean than teasing, but luckily they tone it way down after ep 1, and from 2 or 3 on it becomes way more playful and teasing. I would say three eps is the best measure for yall on if you will enjoy it. Dropping a show after one episode is super hasty and doesn't make much sense. The episodes are 20 minutes and there are like 12 episodes or so. You saw 20 minutes of 240 minutes and made the judgement there. Know what I mean? End of the day though its your decision.