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21:37....folks gotta understand...I don't get mad at Johnny cuz the bar is sooooo sooo sooo sooo different for him...I LOVE THE GUY.. LMAO
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I'll be honest I agree with Johnny's decision, Johnny had a choice between Miguel and Robby, and I think it's more important right now to be with Miguel, Miguel is in a very serious situation, he's going to get into operation and there is a possibility that he will not wake up from that operation. And Miguel is in this situation because of Robby. I'm sorry about Robby, because Johnny completely abandoned him. And obviously from his perspective he thinks everyone has abandoned him. But hey Robby, every action has a consequence. In addition, I think that right now Johnny sees Miguel as his own child.

UltrA_ Ojisan

I mean Johnny could have visited his son in jail, its like a 30 min visit then go back to the hospital. His problem with balance is his main issue.


Great reaction. The discussions at the end are always very interesting to listen to. I don't know which was the right or wrong thing to do. I just feel so bad for Robbie, but I can totally understand why Johnny did what he did. To be honest, I agree with you Lee that Johnny loves Miguel more than his own son. Nothing wrong with that but yeah I just feel so bad for the kid. I hope someone clears it up to him later but even then its not like its an easy thing to swallow or understand. He'd need to be very objective to be okay with it but its a hard ask for a teen who has issues. Cobra Kai can make you feel a huge range of emotions and still make sure there is no right answer or there isn't anyone you can fully put the blame on which is what makes its writing so phenomenal.


Sometimes Its hard to tell if your just trolling


Yea lol. I don’t always smile or say I’m joking. Haha. AdorkableNerd cant tell either


I have a hard time with this episode because its so unrealistic. You cannot say bitch in prison. A bitch is someone who is raped. There's no pc way about it. You cannot call someone a bitch. The word means 100% of the time we're gonna fight. So these "prison bullies" lol no


Good reaction guys. Drop more episodes soon.

Bitch 1

Johnny is a loser at the end of the day. I don’t understand how that character gets so much support with his relationship with Miguel when he can’t even hold to his basic duties as a father to Robby. Nah man, not in these parts. No cap, no spoilers but Robby is well within his rights to feel abandoned. Cause it’s true. He opens up to Johnny to try and let him in after years of abandonment. The first chance Johnny has to prove he’s worthy of it, he fails again. I don’t understand how anyone can blame Robby. He’s not the parent. All that effort that Johnny puts into Miguel should be going to the efforts in fixing things with his son. How can Robby trust a man that’s shown repeatedly exactly who and what he is? You know that saying, someone shows you who they are, believe it. Yes Robby was bitter. He should resent Johnny and not just for skipping a juvie visit. This is so much deeper than that. The biggest question probably floating around Robby’s thoughts is this, Johnny never gave a damn about his own son but he’s so gung ho in mentoring and caring for Miguel, acting like a father. But Robby, his flesh and blood wasn’t worth the same? Take a bite of that bull and tell me Robby is wrong to feel abandoned.


So funny how you guys talk about the actor for Robby giving good facial expressions and such, I've seen so many people online talk about how bad the actor is and complain that he only has one facial expression. It's crazy how sometimes people combine hating a character with hating the actor or they hate the actor for being one noted when in reality they are given a character without depth or is still forging their way (gosh I can't wait for you guys to get to season 4 lol). Or I have seen someone give a review to the show and say they hated Robby/Tanner because they hated his face. I wanted to ask if they were jealous or if he made them question their own sexuality but I didn't go there lol. I think all the Actors on this show are fabulous and I consider myself a fair person, so to me if they entertain me and the acting isn't wooden then they are doing well. I think Miguel/Xolo for sure is a standout and Hawk/Jacob as well but they are all great. Not to mention Jacob and Tanner are above and beyond with their athleticism and fighting skills and you don't see their doubles as much which make action scenes so enjoyable to watch. Love your Reaction as always. :)


Some Of this I agree with, some I don't. Yes, Robby has every right to be pissed off at Johnny but you're talking like Johnny has never once tried to reconnect. We see quite a few times where he's tried and Robby has pushed him away, we also saw how he helped Robby when he turned up with a drunk Sam. Johnny has made mistakes but he's also tried to reconnect and do the right thing. When it comes to Miguel it's obviously not as simple as you put it.. Johnny bonded with Miguel after getting pushed away by Robby, he's got to a point now where Miguel is VERY important to him. Yes, Robby is his flesh and blood but that doesn't automatically mean he should abandon Miguel for Robby. Johnny is very much in between a rock and a hard place, his past mistakes caused this and Robby has every right to be pissed but to call him a loser because he helped a kid that was being bullied and bonded with him? Nah, not buying that

Bitch 1

I never said that Johnny should abandon Miguel. What I am saying is that Johnny has to start prioritizing Robby. Johnny’s relationship with Miguel is trash imho because he’s neglectful of his son. I’m not rallying around that crap or supporting it until he makes things right with Robby. It’s nothing worst than a parent neglecting their own kids to raise kids that are not there’s. That makes Johnny garbage. Johnny has done the bare minimum to rectify things with Robby. He put more effort into going around town looking for jobs, begging Sid, trying to pawn things to pay for Miguel’s surgery then he ever did for Robby. Period. This is a man that neglected his child for 16/17 years. Does Johnny really think some bs words that he never follows through on will gain Robby’s trust. No. It’s not that easy. You can’t screw up for nearly two decades and think it’ll be fixed now because you want it to be. Those wounds need to be healed. Robby is rightfully angry, expresses that anger to Johnny and Johnny tucks tail and run again. At the end of the day, Miguel is not his son. Robby needs him. Robby has always needed him. He’s shown that since season 1. A kid doesn’t go out of his way to get a job to piss his father off for no reason. Robby is acting out in hopes of gaining Johnny’s attention. My god. That’s the only reason Johnny showed up in the first place is because Robby was skipping school. Why did it take that for him to try and be a father. The kid is crying for help.

Frederic Faddoul

Both Sam and Miguel went for that kiss, it's not just Sam's fault.


He’s in a San Diego juvenile rehab center not the feds and not even county… it’s not the same lol

ThunderRaichi10000 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-15 20:20:54 Agreed
2023-01-15 20:20:54 Agreed
2023-01-15 20:20:54 Agreed
2023-01-15 20:20:54 Agreed
2022-05-24 22:21:34 Agreed


ThunderRaichi10000 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-15 20:20:54 Johnny just needs to stay out of his son’s for good because he would prefer Miguel over his own flesh and blood yeah Sid is right he is a loser.
2023-01-15 20:20:54 Johnny just needs to stay out of his son’s for good because he would prefer Miguel over his own flesh and blood yeah Sid is right he is a loser.
2023-01-15 20:20:54 Johnny just needs to stay out of his son’s for good because he would prefer Miguel over his own flesh and blood yeah Sid is right he is a loser.
2023-01-15 20:20:54 Johnny just needs to stay out of his son’s for good because he would prefer Miguel over his own flesh and blood yeah Sid is right he is a loser.
2022-05-24 22:23:58 Johnny just needs to stay out of his son’s for good because he would prefer Miguel over his own flesh and blood yeah Sid is right he is a loser.

Johnny just needs to stay out of his son’s for good because he would prefer Miguel over his own flesh and blood yeah Sid is right he is a loser.


Nah he should’ve been there for Robbie but once again like always he lets him down he should just stay out of his son’s life for good if he is just gonna keep letting him down like this then he just needs to stop and leave him alone and you act like Miguel doesn’t have no one by his side he has his mom and grandma while Robbie doesn’t have anyone by his side and his own dad prefers to be a dad for someone else’s kid over his own.