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Ranginald Vagel

Gordon is a drama loving bitch and it’s fantastic


One of those Anchors one hates in real life but AMUSING in fiction......although...it don't seem so fiction lol


Whenever you get to season 4 the credits all have dialogue btw

Teyon Alexander

I love how they had no sound in space - the only audio being transmissions to and from Guy's ring. I believe if you exhale before being exposed to the vacuum of space, you can last a little longer but even then, you'd freeze almost instantly. Or is it freeze and cook depending on how close you are to a star? I forget.

Brandon Gibbs

I tell ya Lex Luthor, G. Godfrey and Granny were really pissing me off here using the UN and everything the league was accusing them of (which was all true) to their advantage to make them look even more bad. Good thing BB was getting inspiration from a person he just helped which might start something.

Ranginald Vagel

The lack of normal pressure causes your blood to bubble and lowers the boiling point below body temperature, that’ll kill you first unless you last long enough to die of suffocation, but if you were holding your breath your lungs will explode almost immediately, which is why exhaling will let you last a little longer. The cold or heat shouldn’t bother you long as you’ll pass out from the absurdly strong pain of your veins and arteries getting blown up. Being a vacuum, temperature is the least of your worries as there’s nowhere for the energy dissipating from your body to go to, so you won’t really feel terribly hot or cold or suffer any ill effects of extreme temperatures unless you’re at the edge of an atmosphere and then you’ll be extremely cold but can you REALLY call that being in space?


Every time Lex Luthor speaks, I listen to him very carefully. Lex Luthor is truly a politician.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

It takes a real man to say great Scott without caring what others think. Batman would never, like a coward.