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LMAO!!!! ok ok ok ok...now i see why people have been asking for episode 8 so much lol..i didn't realize where it left off till i was looking at it literally now..but yeah ha...schedule changes weekly or more often depends on the load out guys and i'm sorry, airing shows get the biggest push because it makes sense on youtube.  I'm sorry.

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Curtis Pleasant

not me watching overlord again but this time uncut lol




Oooohhh I can't believe how early you posted, I'd like to thank you for that. I was really thinking about what to watch now, but now that your reactions are posted, I don't have to look.


BTW maybe spoilers don't know if they will cover this in anime I don't think the anime will cover it but here some info: The light novel was much darker the two small girls that were showed at the end discussing when their sister will be back, they where sold to slavery by their parents because of a debt, later they were rescued by Ains and were given to Shaltear to be her slaves like all the vampire brides that you sean accompanying Shaltear in S1 when she encountered Brain , their sister didn't die at that moment, she became Shaltears slaves and was reunited with her two small sister I think they eventually die later. The elves with cut ears that were helping the dude who fights Hamuske where given to Aura and Mare to be taken care of.


I’m on director side here these aren’t “good” people. You said this isn’t as bad as say the Europeans invading the pyramids buuut remember these are empire citizens raiding a Re-estize kingdom tomb. So it’s kinda exactly the same lol


"good" is subjective in this sense lol. Humans invading a tomb of "undead". and the way the characters are depicted..they seem like regular explorers...See i agree with you and Director in terms of facts...The thing about being good is a wild concept, for example, History remembers George Washington as a "good man" but he was a Slave Owner...lol. He's not "good" to me...you know? So the reason i'm not calling the Explorers Ainz bodied is because they weren't depicted as needlessly evil. you know... I really can't prrrooove my opinion...but it's heavily based on Perception/Intent/norms etc


I can't believe that Adorkable missed the fact that the Emperor said that he was just going to be head a noble to take the blame for what happened. You have to look at the whole picture. If you think what Ainz did was evil what about the Emperor beheading a noble. You also missed the fact that humans were into slave trade beating of women and drug trade. Don't you remember what happened to Tuare. If you look at what humans do on the daily an what Ainz does who is more evil. How many wars and conflict do humans cause just each other no to mention other races like elves and dwarves.


this isn't really forgotten because we had a whooole talk on this Nobels head in either this video or the next. 2nd, what's the point in saying who's more evil in this conversation? lol...They can simply both be Evil?

Brandon Gonzales

It’s about time this episode is posted Fam I waited so long cause this episode is so so good in DUBBED and Fam Rocklee thank u so so much on staying quite for a scene when Ainz gets angry I loved it


All good lee you gotta please every fan not everyone is here for overlord


Adorkable's reaction was pure gold.😂🤣🤣 You need to make a video TikTok with her reaction.😂🤣🤣


Certainly! This is more for adorkable since she sees it as so bad lol. Really these people are flawed in many ways. (But of course the show wants you to sympathize. I think it’s purposefully designed to “wake up” anyone who hasn’t noticed how questionable Ainz is up to this point)


True but her reaction to what Ainz an company are doing to how the rest of the world do things needs to be mentioned. Because of how she couldn't look at what went on in the ep. and tell you what she thought the plan was because she was so focused on Ainz an company being evil.


The "Ainz" is actually the hint why he acted like that, his in-game name is Momonga(thus his friends will call him that) he only used Ainz oal gown to spread the name of their guild name in case a guildmate also in this world so they might aware. Thought you'll get it this time :)


You got light Novel and Web Novel combined into some wierd abomination my friend. In Light Novel: Arche died, just like in the anime (and it was trully as painless as possible cuz she blacked out from fear). The End. Canonicly the sisters got sold into (sex) slavery, and were "overworked" to death...aslo sisters blamed Arche for this horrible fate, cuz she promissed to take them away, and never came back...yay dark as fuck Web Novel (that is totaly different from splat splat splat onward): Ainz-sama agreed to not hurt Arche at all. She was given to Shalltear as something between pet and slave. From the web novel we later get to know that abaut year later all workers from other teams died (we don't know how, my headcanon is the torturers at some point made mistakes and accidentaly killed them all one by one...humans are so fragile...). From her team lovers aka leader and half-elf are still keept alive by magic, and in agonizing pain 24/7. And the priest (yes he is priest, not palladin like most people think) was compleatly mind-broken from one too many memory manipulation...IIRC he was worshiping a random rock. Ok back to Arche. After abaut a year Ainz needed her noble knowledge. As a reward she got her freedom back... Oh and Wev Novel sisters aslo got sold into (sex) slavery, but got later rescued by Ainz.


[Obviously no (anime) spoilers here I have the series basicly memorized so I know what I can, and can't say xD] Ok most of this post will be in some shape or form included in "Everything our Queen and 2 Dumb Niggas missed in Overlord.docx" (title is still work in progress xD), that will be finished when re-watch is finished...aaaanyway, to the sauce. Honestly Ainz had full right to kill them all. They were thieves, they were greedy, so they got what they deserved! And whats the most important, every single one of the workers had 3 ocasions to just nope the hell out of there with no harm done. 1. When Ainz (Momon) asked them why they want to go in. Any other answer than "we are greedy thieves" would guarantee them a way out...or at least a painless death, and that is leagues better than (almost) endless tortures. 2. When they arrived at the Tomb. Anime don't focus on that at all, but it was clear from the moment they climbed the wall, that it isn't abandoned ruin, and someone is taking care of that place. 3. After looting the smaller mausoleums. It was one final test/cance for them. There were more than enough in gold coins alone to pay off any debt, and have luxurious life to the end of times, so "if someone really needed money, just take it and get the hell out". Again, anime don't say that, but if they took what was there, and got out forces of Nazarick were ordered to let them go. Going into the tomb proper was like signing a paper "we are just greedy af, shit ton of gold is not enough, we want even more"

Daniel Borrego

honestly, ainz has power because he was a loser who played a video game. he's had no real struggles in life and then he came to this world and is looking down on people who have actually had shitty lives. the fact that he let his people skin humans alive and then heal them to do it over and over again as well as letting them be eaten alive and healed over and over again goes WAAAAAAAAAY beyond ainz having some moral high ground. he's literally the most evil character in any anime i've seen. i hope he suffers a truely gruesome death at the end.


@dan definitely not the series for you then


Adorkable is so salty about this change in her perspective :D. Just a small thing, Ainz did give them a choice of taking the treasures that he had left outside in those small crypts, but the workers were too greedy and still went inside for more. So that is deserving death...greedy people are bad =)


Like….why does it need to be mentioned. Lol. I understand what I’m reading but it sounds like you’re advocating she should have reacted differently? Cuz I guarantee if I mention these points she’d say “I thought that was obvious” what she knows and how she feels are separate lol She doesn’t have an emotional attachment to the humans. She knows what they do and doesn’t have much to say emotionally. In fact the emperor sacrifing a noble as a fall guy. Is just normal stuff for an emperor. And it sounds like he did it to calm Ainz retaliation. She got it. Lol. What you want her to do? Lol. She rode with Ainz as an ally and justified their actions and didn’t realize what Demiurge was really really up to. That’s the disappointment and she thinks she should have realized this.


Lol. Give her by next video. I intentionally stopped the binge once her mood changed


He said give Ainz my regard even tho if he was a real companion he would only know him as Momonga his true name after all Aizn ooal Gown is the name of the gild not his. The bluff almost worked

Phonic Reassignment

they 100 percent knew some one owned the tomb, they literally wanted whatever they can of value, they mentioned the owner of the tomb must be weak when they saw the skeletons and they mentioned the owner was tacky when they saw the maids


Ahhhh ok lol. I see a lot comments about her lol. I’m tempted to aggressively edit that for youtube lol 😭😭😭.


Yeah I hope that’s not necessary. It’s a reasonable reaction for sure. (And largely amusing to see as well) I just personally don’t want her to think Ainz does things to be cruel it’s very utilitarian. (Her saying that they killed them for no reason was minorly concerning)


Hopefully no ones to ah ‘aggressive’ with there opinions. I’d rather disagree with her then not hear her say anything.


Yeah this is why he knew they where lying. None of his friends would ever call him Ainz.


My thing is that it’s not even in there territory but yeah they probably assumed it was some weaker monster lair.


It is a rather shocking revelation especially if your such a nice person like adorkable seems to be.


Nah he had struggled in his last life. Anime doesn’t really talk about it but planet earths pretty fucked and he put tons of many from his solid day job. Plus lots of time and research, sure it’s questionable if you can truly say he “earned it” but he isn’t devoid of struggle in his life.


She’s generally a nice person. She dogs big but his nice. The most ruthless reactors here are the nicest. I wonder if you can figure the order lol


To make sure there is some positivity awesome reaction btw. Adorkables slow horror at how the show got her to ignore really bad stuff somehow was super interesting to see.


Order from "the most good to the most evil" out of you 4? EASY. (and then i get 0/4 xD) Adorkable have this dark side, but is generally cute, and and "by the rules"...in D&D chart Lawfull Neutral, on our 1-4 place, no idea, we will come back to it xD DNasty, is nasty, just like his nick suggests, but come on, he can't be a bad guy, he is a "big black guy of the group" and if 2342134 movies/tv series teached us anything, it would be that "big black guys" are always nice. D&D chaotic good on 1-4 no idea xD Erza...honestly? I don't know her at all, one, old af series is not enough to tell...lets just make ranking of 3 xD And finally Lee...well, my friend, you play dumb, but I know you are smart person, and when smart guy pretends to be dumb, he is always evil... SO FINAL RANKING! The most evil: Lee Somewhere in between: Nasty The most good: Adorkable Not on the list, cuz I don't watch One Piece: Erza! PS. Yes I'm slightly drunk I passed exam I was certain I failed, so we ad a little celebration with friends




When you look closely these are suprisingly simular despite one being medival and the other being dystopian future. Lets do a check up list, shall we? Not having enough food: Medival people were often starving, but at least when they got food it is good food. Ainz being + - "higher low class" had enough to buy food, but it was horrible. There are litteraly no plants nor animals left on Earth (at least not for normal people), so don't even ask what that shit was made from... Poor education: Medival people had little to no education, Ainz had only corporate-owned middleschool cuz his family couldn't afford anything more Hard working condition: We all know how hard medival people have to work, but on that field Ainz had it even worse...MUCH worse 16 hours/day (and that is wihout working overtime, what corpo often Force people to do even in our not THAT dystopic world)...hell his mom littetaly died from overworking when he was 12 "Everything can, and will kill you": Bitch, what are monsters or wars compared to world being so polluted, that rain is acid, air is toxic, and thic toxic clouds block the sun 24/7 to the point most people had only heard storys abaut things like stars, sky or Sun (yes, that is why Ainz was so amazed by a night sky in episode 2 of s1. It was litteraly the first time he had ever seen ANY clear sky) No medical care: again, on that front Ainz had it even worse. Medival had shitty medical care, but at least you had some herbs or other natural stuff (aaaand healing magic noone can afford). Meanwhile in Ainz old world you aslo had medicine that borderlanes on magic...that noone can afford (hey just like in modern US! xD), but you can't go with "natural free medicine" cuz there is litteraly nothing natural left! No perspectives: Between being borderlane noble property, and a corporate slave there is very little difference Yes his struggles are different, beacuse worlds are drasticy different, but the Core issues are almost the same...they just manifest differently


in the comic those sisters got sold