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Btw guys that girl who you think you know with the pink hat is a new character from this season her name is Traci 13 and she has similar powers to jinx from the teen titans cartoon. Just wanted to clarify cause you guys think she’s someone else


I highly doubt beetle is dating the asian girl. That's a completely different girl with different powers if i remember correctly


When Halo said "That dog should not be accepting bribes" I started laughing 😂🤣🤣

Tavaris Trimble

Say what your opinions are. I wouldn’t bother following you guys if I agreed with everything y’all said. Director is so outspoken holding back doesn’t seem like it’s in character for you.


Appreciate it. I don’t remember what it was here. We avoid political stuff because people complain even here lol. This show has some themes that can get a person cancelled if i don’t 100% agree on although I’m comfortable with it. You’ll notice I’ll speak more freely if it’s just me and Director but if Adorkable is here and follows our conversation she has ZERO filter and won’t care how she delivers information lol. There’s a way to say it so it’s “respectful” or atleast funny. So I don’t wanna open those doors. Lol.

Brandon Gibbs

I hope Virgil DOES finally find a girlfriend this current season! Also Perdita is pretty cool for a royal girl and usually they would be total royalty snobs. Seems Forager helped Victor a bit and I think Artemis's mother is pushing the thing between her and Will cause they are in-laws after all. Furthermore BB is gonna start to actually do something that the league can't and yes Helga is definitely up to something.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

That's not the asian girl director, it's a new character and different powers.