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Any interest in this show?




I love this show. I’m in volume 7 and it reminds me a lot of log horizons


It looks cool, different approach to isekai so it might be sleeper good

None ya

Yes I like the idea of it


Yes I am interested


Was planning on checking it out

Kay M

Omg yes! I’ve read the novel and I think it’s a very good series. I plan on watching the anime when it comes out and would very much like to see a reaction series to it


I am watching it and think you would enjoy it too


Definitely! Didnt know it was going to be a show lol


Imma keep it a buck it sounds kinda cool

John A.

The light novels for Realist Hero are fantastic. This is one of my most anticipated shows this summer. My most anticipated show is still The Honor Student at Magic High School.


Honestly I don't know anything about it, but I would be interested in checking it out with you guys. If it turns out to be "Meh" or worse then no harm, no foul. I'll try anything once, that's how I discovered Ascendance of a Bookworm (seriously underrated show, you should watch it.)

Peacefinder Simply

Ascendance of a Bookworm is my first slice of lifelike anime i have really enjoyed, was a great watch. Its not a good reaction series though, its good but nothing reaction worthy imo.


I agree about it being a great watch, but I feel that by definition that makes it a great reaction series. Of course it's light on action compared to most Iseki, but the world-building and the personalities of the characters I believe will resonate with certain reactors and thus make it a good series to do. For Bookworm I think that Rock D Lee and Erza would be the ideal pairing due to the family aspect of the show's theme.


Yes very interested heard good things about it


It's a decent Isekai story, I read the manga.

vardic d

Yeah I've read all the Light novels that have been released so far. really looking forward to this one.

Hunter De Lupin

I've been reading the manga as well. It's an interesting take on the isekai genre. There is magic and all, but that's mostly the other characters, not the MC. He just uses what he knows from living in modern day Japan to build a better kingdom.


I did not read it myself, but I've seen people recomend it on Overlord reddit almost every time someone asked for good novel to read while waiting for next volume, so yea I'm very interested in it.


Mind you, the MC's unique magic (his Magic Affinity Type is notorious for being a unique-type Magic, rather than generic Elemental Affinity type. There are other characters w/ the same Affinity Type, but it's one of the most rarer types vs the Elemental types) fits him to a T, and can be outright broken OP depending how it's utilized, given enough preparation time & resources. But yeah, it's basically an MC that's all about the big brain stuff, deploying a Battle Harem surrounding himself, basically

Peacefinder Simply

Slice of life anime isn't well viewed for a reason. not hating on the show but I promise it will get very few views. I personally won't be watching the reaction if they did it too, would rather watch a reaction that has more wow elements either from deep plot, great comedy, or good action.


Read the LNs a while ago and from what I remember, its really good. Don't want to spoil it before you even start by describing it too much, but it has some similar aspects of other shows like Slime, Overlord, and Spice and Wolf. Would recommend, but can't guarantee the quality from the LN will transfer over to the anime adaptation of course.. (rip Arifureta..)

Jerid Glasspoole

The LN is good... that is i can say no spoilers for those that have not read it.


On my top 5 of light novels I read. Crazy kingdom building and I love it. Very different from the OP MC isekai trope


Episode 1 was great, this series has great potential it would be great if it were posted on the patreon at least, but I think it would be successful on youtube too .


I've watched first couple of episodes. I would like to see reactions to it.

Kevin Baker

Season 2 is out in Jan