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Yeahhhhhhhhhh......the Russel Scene....smh
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How is this more uncomfortable than redo when keyal is 14 and getting fucked in the ass by numerous men


This anime was good, hope we get a second season


it wasn't too crazy or the best episode of the series but it was an amazing way to end the series it was satisfying and made sense it cleared up everything that we needed to know and even gave us an epilogue to interpret on our own an open ended ending 10/10 amazing series great ending i can't think of way other way to end it. It's both a sad and happy ending the archive got what it wanted it reseted Ai's so humans could evolve again and coexistence can happen both toak and archive aren't evil at the end and both got their wishes and Vivy finally found out what a heart is for her it's the same meaning that Diva had the memories and experiences of everything in their lifes Remember Diva could always sing amazingly but after learning about vivy and her past self she said she finally found what it was that she was missing and it was Vivy that's why her last performance was her best she said same for Vivy and base on the visual we can assume that she lost her heart and became an Ai again wtih the her memories shattering She basically became an Ai again and Ai's have returned to square one that that's what it was implying


Everyone kind of wins in the end Vivy in the post credit is kind of open ended for us to make our own interpretations to me she got reseted and is back to square one as an Ai and is no longer the bridge between Ai's and humans Archive wins toak moderate faction wins and Ai's win, matsumoto completed his mission and even Vivy she completed both of her missions so why wouldn't i be happy with the ending


I felt the Betrayal that Navi felt at that moment.Remember Navi was Diva's partner and she didn't know anything about Vivy or the singularity project till now, so you have to understand how she felt. And the way she tried to use Momoka to bait her trying to use her past to convince her not to sacfrice herself and instead sing for the Ai's, yet she did not understand the difference between Diva and Vivy, so Vivy was able to see through her trick. Also, when Vivy Talked to us the Viewers by saying "Thank you for your kind attention" and Navi/Momoka alone clapping for her just like in the past when there was no audience to clap for her. Also noticed how Navi said you promise the little girl that you'll sing on the main stage? She still hasn't remember that was Diva and Navi knew it.


Tiger Man is a Man for the people!


that russel scene was funny to me


A very fun series, but never forget that Kisaragi are the Bad Guys here. The only reason the scene with tiger man was somewhat funny, is because Russel himself is a bad person. So he gets what he sows, and its a fictional story of Bad Guys vs "Bad" Guys.


Hope you guys recognized the The Mobile Fortress Destroyer was similar to Konosuba's one :) As well as calling six's D chunchunmaru, the same name Megumin called Kazuma's short sword lol. Good stuff author. Also TENga is like the japanese flḝshlight


It's the name of the company that produces them, to be exact

Skebaba (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-24 22:42:12 It's his own fault for not switching sides like Rokugo & Alice told him to. Dumbasses deserve everything they get for not knowing when to quit while ahead. Just like the wise duo said "if you are going to resist, do it until the very end; if you are going to change sides, do it fast"
2021-06-21 10:46:19 It's his own fault for not switching sides like Rokugo & Alice told him to. Dumbasses deserve everything they get for not knowing when to quit while ahead. Just like the wise duo said "if you are going to resist, do it until the very end; if you are going to change sides, do it fast"

It's his own fault for not switching sides like Rokugo & Alice told him to. Dumbasses deserve everything they get for not knowing when to quit while ahead. Just like the wise duo said "if you are going to resist, do it until the very end; if you are going to change sides, do it fast"