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Y’all interested in Loki reaction with Directornasty and AdorkableNerd?  Any and all opinions welcomed. Dont fight in comments. I’ll read and objectively go from there.
i am also aware we have plans for other shows, we pivot as new material is released lol.  What do we like. What do viewers also like. 



The more the merrier :)


I would love to see you reacting to this show so long as it doesn't impact too greatly on your current schedule or stretch you too thin. In fact, if you're up for reactions to other non-anime shows I'd love to see you guys watch Harley Quinn and Code Lyoko.


Yooo Code Lyoko, that brings me back :3 The one series I re-watch every year since...2012? Something like that


Vivy, 86, combatants coming to an end. It does slow down things ready for release that we finished or are working. The thing is Loki, I’d normally watch on my own anyways. Apparently it’s popular so we pivoted to just record that one together.


I sometimes wonder why you even ask us? The answer will always be "yes, give us reactions, we want content!". If it don't impact other reactions, and you would watch it on your own, recording it litteraly have no downsides, so you should always do it. Even if only one of 1200?! JESUS thats a lot, anyway, even if only one person would watch the reaction, it is still worth recording it, cuz if you would watch it anyway, you don't lose anything, and we don't lose anything, and the one who will watch it, will have a great time, so win, win, win scenario


I ask cuz some people aren’t interested in it. So if it was overwhelmingly no. Than I’d just not use that time to record. We have a finite window to record each week. It’s a matter of what’s gonna make it into that time.


Hell yeah🙌


I was thinking you would do this show with Adorkable on friday twitch, like some other shows you have done.


She should now be more consistently present for other content. But we lost those Friday vids now


If you do Loki does that mean something else for the Friday streams? Or is it gonna become a manwha stream on Friday now

Jerid Glasspoole

think i rather you do record of ragnarok . I have only herd bad things about Loki.

Peacefinder Simply

Jerid, i have heard the opposite. great things about loki and bad things about record of ragnarok.


Loki is definitely the popular choice. People still will watch. I’m still a marvel fan. It’s definitely the one to consider in this scenario

Peacefinder Simply

thats cool, i don't plan to watch it, lost all my interest in the new marvel movies and series, along with DC too. Its gotten really cheesy to me.


you guys wanna try kingdom anime?