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King Uma is life

This is gonna sound like a joke but since Giorno is the son of Dio which is Italian for God, so Araki made Giorno into a savior character whose role is more like Jesus in the Bible. Part 5 mostly follows the perspective of the other gang members as Giorno’s righteousness changes their hearts. Sort of like how Jesus wasn’t actually the main character but his story is told through the perspective of those he knew. Giorno isn’t there to steal the show. He’s there to inspire his friends, guide them,and give them purpose again like a reverse Dio. Think about what Giorno is doing it’s pretty much exacty the reverse of what Dio did in part 1. Dio came to take everything from the Joestars cause he felt that he was the one who deserved it and they didnt. Now Giorno is doing the same with this mysterious boss. He is coming to take everything from someone unlike the other Jojos who have to respond to a situation they were out in cause of Dio; Giorno didn’t get put in a situation. Giorno created the situation. Giorno is the threat lol.