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I'm Glad you guys are enjoying part 5, personally Giorno is my favorite jojo. I just love his character, Giornos character is one of the nicest I've seen and he's willing to do anything for his friends and good people but he's willing to do "bad things" or even sacrifice himself if its for the greater good.


Shit yeah, all the characters in part 5 here are eccentric as fuck, with situations and stands to match. The story punches and keeps punching right through to the end. Favourite part, favourite stands, and favourite fights. Hope ya'll continue to enjoy 'em

King Uma is life

Bakana it can’t be the fabled other Giorno fan. There’s literally dozens of us. I constantly get into fights with people online who hate on his character when they don’t understand it. Once got angry and wrote a 5 page essay on why people are wrong about Giorno lmao. He’s actually such a deep character if you look beyond the surface.