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nobody was gonna tell me the episode of 517 starts BEFORE the intro....lol....we skip....intros LOL!!!!!!! totally missed it



Lol I mean if we knew you were that far ahead we would’ve told yous. I think you should have 1 trusted patron to guide you guys through episodes before recording.


I admit, I am a one piece casual. I enjoy it a bunch but I don't know which episodes are which.


lol...i dropped a poll today letting folks know where we are but yea. but we typically record ahead. it's ok,, just gonna be an awkard video...cuz we gonna say something dumb not knowing Lufffy was already shown lol...i was just syncing up the video now and was like wait a minute!!!! lol....just ep 517... we didnt do 518...but we were polling about combining 516 and 517....or seperating them lol


Oh damn, you're recording it already? I thought that since the Poll was running, you were going to update with the results.


Hahaha. I was Polling but yeah lol. I was making a decision based on the results and even the comments lol.


Also probably a good idea to start fresh entering a new arc. Can't wait for the look on ur faces now tho lol.


Start fresh. Like end it for the day? We broke 516 as an ending video and than watched ep 517. Waiting for tomorrow to add 518 519 520 to 517.


We did tell you that 516 was the end of the arc and the Summit War saga, so you should've stopped there. Edit: just saw your response to one of the comments and saw that you had indeed ended video at 516, as for the issue about 517 it's been a while since we watched it fresh so that detail may have slipped our minds. 😂


We stopped... and continued for next batch lol. I guess folks don’t always know there are days we watch like 6 episodes at once for one Piece because of schedules. If the time is available we record because we don’t know the next availability for Erza. And with Director. We record 8-9 videos on Saturdays and 8-9 on Sundays. We have to do our content in blocks




I totally forgot there were some parts before the intro in episode 517 :3 woops:3


i forgot about that.


Did you see the few seconds before the title of the episode appeared? When Zoro showed up. Or did you miss that too? Would be a shame for Erza to miss that part lol.