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.....Kill Luffy?  Unforgiveable guys.....I don't know how I can forgive Usopp, yes I take it personally lol...Luffy isn't even my favorite...but a better more loyal Friend than Luffy?  I can't name one person.


one piece 235-237 uncut.mp4

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Yo, before you pass judgement Usopp. Other translations say different things. I too was shocked when he said kill, it seemed out of character. I think it was a mistranslation.


You may have missed it when Sanji kicked Luffy but Luffy was saying to Usopp, " if you don't like my decision then get off my ship" but Sanji kicked Luffy before he could say the last 2 words. That's why Usopp made all those wild connections in his head before he left.


i think what Usopp said was less what he really thinks, but rather what he is afraid THEY think of him.


i hope so man...kill luffy was over the top, i started thinking like something was happening lol...like Dark Magic ha ha


yea i didn't miss that one, i was lowkey upset Sanji kicked the man Luffy too lol...I think in the next recap or this one i let it go when i realized they are pirates...being violent is a bit normal at times lol. Usopp have not forgiven....yet


Funny how you really thought Usopp could win vs Luffy. I was when I saw this first time just sad, about the fight being pointless...while this is going on, where is Robin? o_O


it's not 200 million more like 2 million but still a lot of money. On the contrary when Usopp said you're the man who will be king of pirates he really meant it because he really believes in Luffy.

Water Rob

Like everything else in life, there's a heirarchy, even in a pirate crew. Usopp couldn't let go of the Merry Go as it was a present from Kaya (which everyone understands). Luffy made the decision to move forward without it - you don't go back on your word when you're the captain (similar to how a CEO cannot go back on his/her words once they've made a decision). You have to trust in decisions of those above you, it's why Sanji and Zoro stand by whatever Luffy decides. Are there exceptions? Sure, but going against what your leader decides usually doesn't end well, even if everyone around you understands why. Overall, it's a brilliant piece of writing by Oda, it really humanizes the events and makes what has transpired something everyone can relate to. From Oda to the animation studio to the Voice Actors - everyone nailed it. And yet it's another reason why at even at this difficult point to remember the famous phrase, "Keep calm and watch One Piece".


The subtitle translation of kill wasn't entirely accurate. The verb he used was taosu, which contextually means knock down or defeat, not kill. It has been used as a euphemism for kill in other Japanese media, like in newspapers, since korosu is too vulgar a word, but these are pirates and they say what they mean. Usopp wouldn't say taosu if he meant kill. That isn't the intention here, since it's a fight over who gets the ship.


Why do you think zoro was so quiet during all that?? I would like to know your thought on Zoro during that


First it was Wyper and now its Ussop lol


Bro, you don't need much of an explanation for the way ussop fought. He was using lethal weapons because it was a serious duel and the point is to incapacitate the other opponent. Luffy's fists are much more deadly in this case, hahaha


this ARC drops a huge load of information crucial to the story. please please take note of anything explained. I almost would prefer for you to watch it in dub with sub titles on just so you understand everything for future events and not be confused. part of the joy of one piece is solving the mystery. you can only do that if you have all the facts and take notes mentally. any who enjoy this story. by the way as a manga reader we are about to hit the 1000th chapter so I look forward to you all catching up!

Ashar Abedi

"This is what it means to be a captain. Dont lose yourself. If you waver, who else can we trust" Those wise words from Zoro will be like a guiding light for the entire series. You could not ask for a better vice-captain than Zoro.


I watched numerous live reactors of One Piece everyone has different struggles in watching it. Don't get me wrong, they all love One Piece, just character struggles or scene struggles it is interesting. Different people have different takes in different scenes. But at the end of the day, they all pay off well. Regarding to Usopp, I would not judge on your opin, as I mentioned different people have different takes. Just some elaboration for discussion. It is a duel. They have to fight in their best effort even it costs. It is all about man's pride and will. And it is pirate world of course they settle things violently. I think it is a relief and less stressful that no need to take the physical inquiry seriously in One Piece since physic is not working like our reality. Besides, Luffy's punch is even more lethal than any explosion. But I admit that emotional stressful is what take a toll. Reading it in symbolization would be best fit particularly in this fight. Considering Usopp is a weak commoner human being, he stands up to directly conflict with the captain who is his best buddy, Merry symbolize what is his important treasure, though he is not flexible enough to give reflection what is real importance in life in that heat of a moment. He is brave enough to challenge and fight for his own belief, which can be fatal for he had learnt how strong Luffy is. It is one step ahead towards his own goal as a brave warrior. And he was doing very good job to pinch on Luffy considering Usopp's commoner strength and Luffy's monster strength. The symbol of Usopp's fight is to stand-up, and his ability in unlimited warfare; whereas as Luffy's is learning the burden as a captain. One Piece is that good that it is not only entertaining, it is a journal to watch them learning and growing during their journal, and for us to learn our own as well, not to mention it always pay off well.

Yim Teerapat

You seem to think that something supernatural is happening lol, I would suggest you to just try to think for each characters shoe. Sanji kicked Luffy because Luffy is about to say that one word that no one should tell to anyone in the crew which is "If you don't like my decision you can get off my ship" That just cross the line for Sanji and Luffy immediately apologize right after that. About Usopp, He have the most connection with Merry, he's the one to take care of it from day one not just because it from Kaya, he's the one who thread it like the ship is part of the crew despite being stubborn he's just getting emotional and feel insecure that he's might just be that weak one that should get left behind just like Merry as well. So I'm understand everyone side even Nami is trying to be the voice of reason and avoid the fight alltogether or Chopper who just care about everyone physically and mentally and Luffy always have that serious side to him like how he punch Vivi in the face. Everyone in the crew is a flawed characters but isn't us all like that? that's why One Piece is beautiful as it is.


So my take on this is that Luffy didn't tell Usopp right away about the Merry because he himself didn't want to say the words, because it was painful for him too. Also, this point has been made by other people, but Luffy is the Captain and his word is THE word, so no one else questioned it or spoke for Luffy. The most amazing thing about this part of the story is how every character acts the way they've been written so perfectly. They are all in character, all reacting differently to the situation and doing things that we can see and connect to them and be like "thats exactly what that character would do and say". Its really amazing honestly. This whole thing is just so raw and human. Oda done good! Also try to not forget that Usopp is only human. Literally he is the weakest on the ship. He has no powers. Nami had it hard growing up so she is tough from the get-go and isn't as easily afraid... Usopp is just a dude with a slingshot. He has every right to leave the crew here because their adventures are getting more and more dangerous. He is quite literally the definition of brave, but at one point or another bravery turns into foolishness as he could get seriously hurt, while the others are more likely to be okay. Every decision you make in life could be called selfish in a way, but selfish isn't always bad. Sometimes you have to be. Catching up with your guys reactions now! Love that you're posting One Piece more frequently. I might have to become a permanent patron instead of joining every so often and catching up :)