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the irregular at magic school ep 14 uncut.mp4

Watch "the irregular at magic school ep 14 uncut.mp4" on Streamable.



yes more <3


It's the spirit magic user and the guy who he made that "Sword" CAD. Those are the only males he was involved with and learned their abilities. Well you did figure it out anyway. Well Tatsuya is Irregular in High School :D


Liquid Nitrogen isn't explosive or flammable. What Miyuki is doing is using the sudden change from extreme cold to extreme heat to shatter the pillars, like when you drop an ice cube in a warm drink and it cracks.

Iejir Isk

Third High is just the district, not an order of potential :P Well, if they didn't compete, all 3 woulda had 1st place :P Was the point of the meeting, but can appreciate Kitayama wanting to challenge Miyuki. Also, thermal expansion is a real thing. easy way to break things that have good heat insulation. Well, first scene Ichijo was covered in blood stains... Rupture sounds like a fun spell. Wait, you don't trust Saegusa's smile? Well, half of Taurus Silver is behind it. Have to appreciate, Tatsuya isn't the only smart one around. has experiences, and other tricks, but others, like A-chan, are not dunces. Well, biggest reason: i know them, and they know me. Second reason: their abilities. Jumonji is a HS student. just really big, almost a graduate. and due to be high up in the leadership of Japan (or Japan's magic society). He tried to not flex :P He also was informed of a mission and his duty...


Yea. Already knew from Pokemon. Fire type after an ice type against a robot

James Yancy

Talking about seeing "the smoke", that's coming from the phrase "where there's smoke, there's fire" right? So wouldn't it be the smoke you're seeing now, and you're wanting to see the fire? I know it's basically just semantics, but it just sounds weird to me. No biggie or anything, though.

Random Guy

The "non-biggest reason" basically means the real reason, because "the biggest reason" he mentioned is just the official reasoning he would use to persuade them. After all, if he used ability as his official reason it would be a bit hard to believe or it would feel a bit unreasonable because both of his chosen members are perceived as non-achievers because they are weeds.


their ability is actually the reason why he chose them but he couldnt lead with that as his official reason because they are both course 2 students who arent supposed to have crazy abilities so he gave the answer he thought the committee would accept the translation was all fucked up but the smirk he gave at the end proves it