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Soooooo. What did Aqua have over Sato?


Konosuba 4 uncut

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Aqua was revealing out loud that Kazuma was masturbating next to her in the stables so he gave her money to shut up lmao


Yeah she normally ignores it and goes to sleep but she had stuff to blackmail him😂


Fun detail the show doesn't get into. The castle is still standing in part because Aqua has been accepting a job repairing it every day.


Well he was living in a barn next to a "beautiful" useless goddess wearing no pants in mini skirt. I will give him a break :D


Each Eris is 1 yen. 1 yen is about 1 cent. He got a million cents, or about 10000 dollars USD. She spent 100000 cents, or about 1000 dollars at the bar. Divide whatever they get or owe by 100 to convert to USD, roughly. Also as dumb as Aqua is, in the right situation she's transcends herself and can tap into magic far beyond what mortals can do. But she's too stupid to usually do it right.