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Fresh concept for my OC - Vicki. She is a tsundere demon/vampire. I'm testing a drawing style for a comic on her. Second pic is her old concept/another version.

You can use the tag to search other pics with her~




she looks dope


Love the style. Still wearing a leotard? Very cool style, as usual a great mix of retro and modern. Much love.


I love that screaming face! v scary


Love it - especially the main ref sheet. So much personality, and the little flashes of red are so on point.


Yeaaah I just adore this clothing element, if I could I'd give it to any of my OCs 🤣 Thank you Svati! I'm trying my best to mix it all (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡


Haha I missed drawing screaming spooky-scary faces so much, thank you!🙏💖


Aaah thank you for noticing the details!! 💖💖(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)


love the design! she's really expressive.


you did really good! i'm a huge sucker for good expressive characters in general, be facial, or just body language. you can learn a lot about a character in how they hold themselves, and i'd say you knocked this one out of the park. good job!

Zorc James

Seeing how the old reference of Vicki looked reminds me of my own old vampire OC that spent over a decade in the dust before realizing that she existed. I try to keep her in mind more often after that. I hope that Vicki gets more exposure and fans as well.


All the thing you've described is what I want to achieve but often struggling and failing honestly, Ecpecially when I can't properly tell to myself what the essence of the character is cuz I want too many different things at once ;__; I'm happy if I succeed here on Vicki! Thank you💔


OOH I have such situation too, maybe not for a decade but me and Dima lately had a look to the comic I did 5-6 y ago, where was one good thing - a "villain". I hope we can use him again. Btw, please feel free to share your vampire OC concept, even if it's textual, in the "oc showcase" thread on discord, if you want! I'd love to know her Q\\\Q It's always cool to learn about charas that are alive for such a long lifetime.

Zorc James

I realized that it was because I never connected my discord to my patreon.


She's so cute!!😍

Dr Diabeto

😯🤯 I could swear I've been staring at this since you've posted it and I gotta say, I'm still speechless 🫢😊 There's just so much expression and life, it really is speaking for itself 🫡


THANKS QAQ I'm still not sure abt the coloring tho, for comic pages it's too unnesessary complex (the face skin zone especially), but for the concept - let it be (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง


im in love


I love her! ♡ She kinda reminds me of Rally from Gunsmith Cats