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Another concept of my OC's. This is Vic and Kei. Vic is essentially a mascot for vampire tier you all know that has become a character. Kei was formed from my "generic anime hero" study (second slide). The only thing is now he is blond, not red. In the third picture, you can see my attempt at a more "realistic drawing" of Vic (her boobs, actually😁). What do you like more, realistic, or more stylized one?




I hope to see more of these two, especially in the "realistic" style.


Both styles are so fun, But love the first pic most of all, the realistic mix of breasts and anime eyes is always fun too though. I love this look! Ah!


love it


Ahhhhh! All of your OC'S are honestly so adorable! Keep it coming! :^)


Well I like stylized too, but I need some amount of realism for the lewd purpose, if you know what I mean 😊 This is an eternal dilemma for me and a very delicate balance, which I am still learning.


I think the way you did the Zelda comics was a perfect blend. Do what you feel is right. 😎


I'd honestly love to see some more oc content in the future. all of the ones you've shown so far are really cool!


Balanced is great. I love bodysuit. So that red one in the second image is my fav. The hair are great btw. A nice retro look with a modern touch.


Love all your Oc's! Always here for vampire content! I prefer the more realistic approach but thats just me!