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I knew it!!





Not only weird how Rhodey was actin towards Fury about what happened it also went against how rhodey aided and embedded cap, Sam, and black widow when the were on the run from the U.S government in Infinity War

Hasnain Khan


Hasnain Khan



Not Roshi forgetting it was a bulletproof window after he stated it. Lol


If y’all didn’t notice in the uhh restaurant in the other episode rhodey called fury “nick” and it’s stated by him nobody calls him nick only fury that was like the biggest clue he’s a skrull

Michael Pamon

To Lupa’s point about Rhodey’s legs: by this point in the MCU, he’s been completely healed. Secret Invasion takes place in 2025, 9 years after he was accidentally paralyzed after getting hit by Vision’s beam.

Kaea Edwin

I feel like Rhodie got taken sometime after TFATWS episode 1, Idk his whole conversation with Sam or his last goodbye Tony in endgame felt way to real for Rhodey, I kinda hope they say or explain how long he’s been out but I do believe that he got captured sometime after he had the talk with Sam Wilson


this skrull kinda dumb not gonna lie lol. because rhodes wouldnt disown aliens invading because the actual rhodes has been to space and fought aliens and has time traveled so he wouldnt disregard something like this lol


Lol, "Shoot the f'ing glass", "Oh, it's bulletproof" after telling Lupa 30 seconds before.

sotonye ogan

35 mins? this an anime episode? lmao

Jamaal Ellison

Crazy how this Skrull is acting super black, like Rhody was funny before but he's even funnier knowing he's an alien. I'm loving Don Cheadle's performance.


I've been to France and I've been to Italy... Italy smells worse... especially Venice. An entire city of mildew


Ngl I didn't really like this episode. That firefight at the end was all kinds of bullshit. It's like they wanted the intensity of Winter Soldier era MCU but gave us the Great Value version instead.




That’s a contradiction he’s fought aliens he hasn’t helped any if anything he knows how dangerous aliens could be kree and skrull alike even if he didn’t we all can admit they are more formidable enemies


Roshi- "It's bulletproof glass so its probably extra thick thats why its taking so long to smash it 30 seconds later.. Roshi- "SHOOT THE GLASS" lmao


So they combined extremis from Iron Man 3 with the abilities or DNA of other aliens/superheroes? Also, I wonder why he left Talos behind instead of taking him since the world does not know about Skrulls.


This was a good episode


Pretty sure he was helping Thor & Nebula in Endgame and they are aliens


Yeah, it’s the bases of what a Super Skrull is. Originally it was a Skull with the powers of the Fantastic Four however in the comic version on Secret Invasion they had Skrull impersonating heroes so they had to duplicate their powers to ensure they couldn’t be detected. So it meant getting powers from all kinds of mutates, mutants, aliens etc


Skrulls studied up. Gotta respect that, even if it's black face / black fishing. Lmao


The way this female skrull is doing black face / black fishing right in Fury's face got me chuckling. I love it.


Sheera “This is grease”💀💀


Did the Asgardians have to deal with any of this? Or did they just set up shop and everyone was like "ok".


I think they all just found a secluded area and made their community and kept to themselves. Im sure they have restrictions to keep them in check. Of course they got strays running around like that one old lady that went around black face / black fishing as Megan in She Hulk. Lol

Mr. Glasses

skrulls don't have a thor. if they did, maybe they'd be seen differently.

John Cedar

You kinda have to forget about everyone else and every other hero or group they could call on for help in these shows, because it would get too expensive and convoluted way too fast. I think it's just an inherent drawback of the MCU whenever they're not doing Avengers stories at this point. Why wasn't Captain Marvel there to destroy the Chitauri army in Avengers 1? She's doing...something...in another galaxy, and Nick Fury forgot about his interdimensional pager I guess.

Kenneth O'Connor

He’s probably been skrull since civil war

Oni Legend

Funny as hell that Lupa made a MW2 joke just for the episode to turn into a whole Call of Duty set piece(minus the budget)

Hueki Yuuki

How is that a shit plan, that's the only plan, and the only good one. lmao


Skrulls without the Fantastic Four is just wrong

John Cedar

Asgardians look like humans by default, and are already familiar and probably seen as "cool" because of our history with Norse mythology. Thor was a public-facing and popular Avenger, doing excellent PR for the Asgardians. They set-up shop as a tourist attraction immediately, which allowed people to come and see them and view them in a friendly context right away. There also seem to be a lot less of them, like 10,000-20,000 of them. And most importantly, they aren't the embodiment of every new world order conspiracy theory, literally looking like skin-changing reptiles. The very idea of Skrull biology would breed paranoia amongst humans. Can you imagine all the podcasters? They'd be foaming at the mouth, calling everything a Skrull psy-op, all the time.


It's basically roll the dice and hope for the best. Not really a plan.

Biggie Thumpz

Not sure if someone already mentioned it, but they show a little of Rhodey’s rehab at the end of Civil War. It’s implied that Tony builds him this mechanical exoskeleton that he uses for his legs ( at the end of Civil War) and assist him in walking because of the spinal/leg damage he sustained from the fall.


Yeah and you see them in Infinity War and it’s also why Rhodey is stuck when the compound collapsed in Endgame because they were not working

Drake Chuckle

I'm sorry but I have no idea about military tactics or anything but a line of soldiers protecting the president surely, absolutely, would have multiple people looking in every direction for threats instead of all facing the same way like it's the civil war. No idea how buddy caught a bullet when they easily should've stopped him or saw them aiming near the car.

Lupa is Dadi

love how roshi said the glass was bulletproof and 30 seconds later tells them to shoot it 😭