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Hey guys! Hey all to LOTS of you new people! Today is set up for WonderCon and in anticipation for that, I haven’t been posting online much this week. However, I woke up to lots of new patrons and I have no idea where you call came from. Lol Usually, I have a general idea if I promote my profile or if a comic does really well. But since that isn’t the case, I’m taken aback and humbled.

If you’re just taking a peek or here for the long haul, I just want to say from the botttom of my heart, thank you. If I’m being honest, this week has been filled with alot of anxiety. This convention shit isn’t cheap. I literally went to sleep last night trying to do the math on what it will take to break even. You gave me some of my breath back.

So as a thank you, I made this bonus comic while driving with my husband to the convention center since this has been my first free moment all day. I promise I will get some more sexier comics out this weekend.

I’m literally typing this in the corner of a giant warehouse so I’m going to go set up my booth! Thank you guys so so much.



Dave Stebbins

My impression has always been that conventions were more about driving engagement than breaking even.

James Young

I hope it has gone well! Vending is always crazy, but I'm pretty sure you've got this!

James Young

It depends on a lot of factors. I think the curve to get to "making money" is pretty steep but attainable if that's what a person wants to aim for.