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- pack #12

Hey! Heads up, everything is uploaded, except the livestream recordings. I'm having some difficulties, the files are HUGE. I'm trying to find a solution, this is my first time doing it, but don't worry, I will figure something out, and you will find them in the folders in a few days. I just don't want the quality to suffer too much.

- pack #13

Christmas is around the corner! I don't know what I'm going to do this month exactly, but I have ideas. Some holiday-themed things I'm pretty sure, and I have some sketches for games and shows lined up. Some Quest for Harmony too? I'm up for ideas, if you have something on your mind about the matter please let me know in the comments, I always appreciate your contribution!

- future packs

I am thinking about starting a webcomic based on my fantasy world, the Winoxish. I have a few small stories in mind, and some designs to them. I'm not great with comics, and they take a lot of time to make, and I need to put extra work into them.

Also, I find myself want to do many stuff at once, and here's an idea I am struggling with. If I do comics, you get comics, if I do pinups, you get pinups, if I do fanart you get fanart. The tiers would stay, but the content would be more colorful with a wider range? If you follow my updates on my sites you know I like many things, I like to be active. There could be an NSFW folder and an SFW folder, just like when I do different edits for the same pack, and what ever I do goes to its labeled folder maybe? I'm so sorry if it's confusing, I hope it makes sense! I will give it a try this month and we'll see if you like it or not.

Anyhow, thank you ALL for your helping me, I hope I can repay you by making something you might like on the long run. Your opinion is important to me, please share them with me :)

Sorry for the wall of text, and thank you all! <3



For pack #13: I would love to see some Holiday stuff! 'Christmas' theme' images would be nice, but I'd also be happy for New Years celebration theme images as well.


For Future packs: I'd be ok seeing comics, though I would not recommend doing long stories for them. Keep them towards 'short stories (like 3-10 pages over 20+)' and they should do fine. A SFW and NSFW folders would be fine as well to keep them separated.


I would like to see some Undertale and pony with a Christmas theme. I don't mind seeing any mixed ideas and content from you at all. Thanks for the amazing art you put out for us all!

Aaralyn Undercroft

Quick question - Where do I access these files? Thanks!

Eddie Murphy

For next pack, I like the pony Christmas theme. Or just a Christmas/New Years theme in general, maybe some stuff with presents, mistletoe, champagne and party hats, SFW and NSFW versions or something? Or a mix of things; as I said in a previous comment I would love to see you expand on the Quest for Harmony with characters like Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Spitfire, Trixie, Lyra, Bon Bon, etc. I will probably be happy with whatever you do. I'd also love to see more wallpaper stuff, though that probably adds a fair bit of time to creation, aye? Your SFW/NSFW folder idea sounds like a good idea, too. Comics would be alright, though I hope it wouldn't keep from continuing to do pinups and other images like you've done so far.


I know I should have asked this a while ago, but I cant find the files either....scratch that....in my mssgs :P

Tao Kaka

Where's the love for your OC Shining Perl? :(

Tao Kaka

Where's the love for your OC Shining Perl? :(

Tao Kaka

Dang enter key! Anyways, for the comics. I think it's a great idea so long as they don't drag out too long. Short, simple and straight to the point. As for pack 13, I think it would be cool to see a mix bag of Christmas themed characters ranging from all sorts of places, so long as they're are some ponies in there too. :)


I send the links out after the 10th every month for everyone who pledged.


I'm just interested in seeing where the muse takes you. I'm happy with whatever appears - it's kind of fun not knowing what I'll see next.