Untitled (Patreon)
After this huge haitus, I have returned, and I have made some changes on my patreon!
First of all, the commission slots are gone, I will do a similar system
off-patreon, so if you are wondering what happened to the numbers on my
patreon page, well: this :)
I also started doing the folio ahead of time to be sure you have some treat when patreon starts up again. The people who watch my livestreams probably know what's up. The topic is anthro-related, some magic, some fantasy, some sexyness. I hope you will like them :) Sneak peek inc!
I will put up polls for the $10 pledgers. You guys will be able to vote what sketch I should finish, and what topic I should go with. I have many ideas, so don't you worry!
I will try to squeeze in some original content too, if you guys are interested, please comment and tell me if you have more ideas, I'd like to wind this thing up, and start to talk to the community as often as I can, to the people who made my life complete.
Thank you all for your support and patience, and sorry for the huge delays and the inactivity. It should be fine from now on. Especially if the summer is over and I don't have to be everywhere at once.
Don't forget to comment, if you have ideas be sure to share!