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Hi guys, today is the 20th, and as usual, I was supposed to send you the rewards today ' w '

But since I have just been discharged from the hospital after suffering from severe vestibular disorders and low blood pressure, my head is not comfortable (both standing and sitting are very dizzy and nauseous) ... so,
November's reward will be sent to you in 25th ... :<

Sincerely apologize for this incident, hope you don't get mad at me! 

I love everyone! <3




Don't worry and get well soon Pota-chan! Your health is the most important and we all love you and would always wait for you until you feel better ❤

Charles W Jansen II

My Mom suffered from SVD. Rest will help. Take all the time you need. Hope you feel better, love.

Edwin Cordero

Your health and well being is VERY IMPORTANT, so take your time to get better, ok? You have ALWAYS been worth the wait.... ✨💕✨💊💉🛏🚑😉👍🚑🛏💉💊✨💕✨


Take your time to recover. You health is more important 🤗

Nick R. Kupila

Rest and recover now. Post whenever you're well again


Health first! Please don't ever feel bad about putting yourself first over other stuff like this. &lt;3


You dont have to apologize. Your health is important! Please get better


It is very sad to hear this, I' m so sorry that such a young and beautiful girl has to go through this. Try to relax good and get well!


Oh, I'm so sorry about this! Dizziness is terrible, it's when you can neither lie down, nor stand, nor sit. Hope you feel better soon!