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Lil thing covering what I get asked most 

Time management
If a sprite isn't made in the same month it was requested, please be patient .w. it will definitely be made. If it's been months and no sprite, please nudge me along, it may have been lost in messages. 

I have diagnosed ADD, time management is not my strongest skill set :/ 

What can be requested?
Pretty much anything is ok! So long as I'm not, say, designing you a new fursona. E.g 'white wolf' is ok but 'wolf turning into a demon also it has 500 different rainbow stripes' is a bit much. Just keep it simple. Objects, animals, general concepts are all good. 

If you request a pet, please have at least 1 photo reference showing the entire body/any distinctive markings/colours 

Sprites can be for you or for another person 

You can reply to a monthly sprite message at any time, it doesn't have to be in the same month. e.g didn't reply in January and now it's May? You can still reply to January. All rewards are still active even if the month has already passed. Still active even if you've changed tiers. 

If you have no ideas for a request, you can choose to leave it up to me to decide and I'll draw whatever I feel like drawing 

What can be done with the sprites?
Anything you want. I don't mind what you do with them or where they're posted, so long as they're not resold for any currency 

I send out the tier messages at the start of the new month. I don't usually reply to a request until I've made the sprite. I'll only reply if I have a question/if you have one.


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