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The steps breakdown: 

Sketch! I have to admit to not really changing much when I have a sketch .. anyway, adding circles where limbs go is a neat little trick to remembering limb width and where they attach 

Rescaled because the larger size felt too big. Overlap is something to consider- the tail isn't flat on the ground, it overlaps the butt. The head overlaps the shoulder at a different rotation to the foot overlapping the side. Something something angle lines I just don't like things looking flat/implying depth is good for the soul 

Line cleaning. Repeated colours several times because it's fun and having 500 super close colours is annoying 

Extra stuff/last touch ups - small light source, softened the crab hands so fingers are just implied, beak details. Repeated colours again for lines. 

Total time about 1 hour (+many many hours of opening the file and doing nothing with it) 



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