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Hi Lena! Happy October! 🧡In the spirit of Halloween, and because I love the parent!RO questions with all my heart, in a modern!AU, what would the ROs dress their baby up as for their first Halloween?

Hi kingdom, happy October to you as well! 🧡 And good question!

Blade: this is all up to MC lol, he has no opinion on this matter and if MC didn't push for it, he likely wouldn't dress up the baby as anything! 😂 If forced, I could see him dressing up as Batman with Baby as a little Robin! 🥹

Trouble: he'd probably pick the goofiest, randomest costume for Baby, like a little T-rex or a chicken or a hot dog or something!

Tallys: she 100% would dress her baby up as some kind of fruit or vegetable. Avocado. Pumpkin. Tomato. Something of the garden variety

Shery: she'd be Dorothy from Wizard of Oz and Baby would be Toto!!!

Riel: it's EXTREMELY unlikely he would dress his baby up for Halloween unless MC insisted on it lol, in which case his suggestions would be ridiculous, obscure, and pretentious lol like "the composer Shostakovich" or "the concept of a white hole" or "Schrodinger's cat" lol

Chase: he'd be a pirate and Baby would be a parrot (or a treasure chest, if they make those for babies) (idk what baby costumes look like, frankly)

Red: if given the choice, he'd dress Baby as, like, an astronaut or a professor or something... gotta start those academic ambitions young...

Ayla: I feel like she could be Princess Jasmine from Aladdin and Baby could be like Raja or something lol

Briony: a Pokemon (like Pikachu or Togepi) while she dressed up as Misty, or maybe a little baby Totoro or something while she did a Ghibli character like San or Sophie!

Lavinet: prince or princess for sureeee

(Just imagine that MC is in matching costume as well, of course!)

If the ROs couldn't use their current primary weapon what would they choose to use instead?

Oh, I like this question!

Blade: daggers/throwing daggers, though he's also an extremely fair hand at using Ket shinkai, which are like razor-sharp, butterfly-thin disc blades or curved throwing knives

Trouble: shotgun, but if that doesn't count... hand grenades. If that doesn't count, I guess just kill him

(crossbow or harpoon if none of these count. could also see him with just like a baseball bat for some reason)

Tallys: daggers/throwing daggers or Elvish sword

Chase: assuming he couldn't use daggers or any type of gun because that's what he already uses... sword (corsair saber or rapier would be his preference, but double-edged straight blade would work too). Sickles would also work well to replace his daggers!

Red: quarterstaff

Ayla: longbow or club

Briony: great axe or flail

Lavinet: assuming different types of sword don't count... rifle

Halek: scythe (that was actually one of his original weapons in the novels if I'm remembering correctly)

which of the ROs are procrastinators? Does it depend on the setting/who is relying on them?

NEVER procrastinates, does things as soon as possible or in an efficient manner as possible, the very word procrastination is anathema to them:





Medium procrastinator:

Trouble (procrastinates on some things that he deems as not very urgent/not a huge priority (like paperwork), doesn't procrastinate on other things)

Tallys (doesn't intend to procrastinate, but Elvish senses of urgency and time are somewhat skewed, so a socially-acceptable length of time before replying to a message or something might be very different to her than it is for someone else)

Red (doesn't generally procrastinate as a concept and was quite diligent about his schoolwork (there were late-night cramming sessions and last-minute hurried assignments, but not very often), but once he gets fixated on something he's super into, it can be super hard to pull him out of the tunnel vision, and other things will then start to pile up, lol. He sometimes even procrastinates on eating and will be like, 'Just one more chapter!' when he knows he has something else to do. It never gets to the point of actually affecting his work performance or inconveniencing other people, though)!

Briony: she procrastinates lightly. Like if something is due three days from now, she'll never get it started as soon as possible, but she doesn't wait until the last possible second, either. She'll usually do it on the second day, right in the middle!

Horrible procrastinator, needs to be swatted with newspaper because of how badly they procrastinate:




I had a look around, and I couldn’t find this question anywhere else.   So, how exactly do the Shepherds feel about the Endarkened? It’s their job to stop them but do they fear them? Pity them?? Are fascinated by them?

Hi there, I think most Shepherds don't think very much about demons on a day-to-day basis, so they don't really have many "deep" or strong feelings about them, especially when they first join the Order or just before doing so; it pretty much breaks down into a few categories:

Hate 'em, they suck and I'm happy to destroy them whenever I can for the protection of the people (but in an impersonal way, not like a visceral Punisher/Batman/"VENGEANCE!!" kind of way where they're seething internally with hatred, just like a general, culturally-engrained enmity and revulsion, like "yo... fuck these demons!!" if that makes any sense... like it's more of a necessary duty that they happily engage in out of grim dislike rather than something with really strong feelings involved)




Actually hates demons and is viscerally disgusted, revolted by, or dislikes them with a burning passion


Demons are just like any other enemy and are coolly assessed and analyzed like any other way; there are no feelings involved, it's just necessary to destroy them without prejudice or hesitation, no more and no less (clinical acceptance of the nature of the job)




Privately fears demons just a little bit but derives satisfaction from destroying them


Fears demons a lot (but also somewhat pities them when she bothers to think about it)


Fully accepts and understands that they need to be destroyed, but there's an academic interest/fascination involved in wanting to know more about them, how they work, etc. However, this knowledge would be used to better fight them, not to extend particular empathy or understanding towards them



However, I will note that these feelings probably change as the story goes on, because demons stop being just like a general force in the world to fight against and start becoming a personal villain that directly hurts the ones people care about in a very tangible way. So like watching MC get mentally tormented by Jarkyth or having a really rotten mission where an entire village is found massacred or being trapped in a nightmare by Quiial would definitely shift a lot of people's feelings from "dutiful but mostly impersonal enmity" to "personal, visceral hatred". Basically, the revulsion and dislike would grow stronger the the more direct evil they experienced at the hands of the Endarkened--which, when you're a Lunar Corps Shepherd, wouldn't take very long to happen. Hope that all makes sense!

I swear this has been asked before, but I couldn’t find it, so: what’s the general state of transportation in Blest? Is everything still pre-industrial/steam power? Are there trains developing anywhere in the West?

Hi em! I also can't remember if it's been asked before lol (maybe on the forum?), but here it goes: 99% of transportation in Blest is pre-industrial and relies on various pack animals and caravans, horseback riding, exotic mount (including ahfuri) riding, traveling on foot, or travel by ships (wood-and-canvas-sail-Golden-Age-of-Piracy-type ships).

However, both airships and trains are being experimented on in the West, and they'll likely be an accessible mode of transportation within most of the characters' lifetimes (the next 20-30 years is my guess). The blueprint for a steam-powered train engine has been proposed and drawn up, but still has to be developed before a working train prototype truly exists. However, a mini-version of the engine works well enough that attached open carts transporting cargo can travel across short distances of laid wooden track around Lindell. These don't hold passengers because they're extremely prone to going all wonky and derailing, but yes, basically, they're getting there!

If widespread spell technology such as what was seen in Tangriel's day ever becomes a thing again, glyphs and other flying craft also will become fairly common in around the same amount of time!

Genuinely impressed that you managed to create such an intriguing cast of characters and world. I feel like most IFs I've read has had 1-2 main supporting characters I actually like but here you are. Hitting the bullseye from broody Blade all the way to sunny Caine.  To the actual question though: Which character has undergone the most revisions and substantial changes? Was Red ever a farmer that only used magic to sow fields instead of a badass archmage?

Hi Sisemoth, thank you for your very kind words, I can't tell you how much they mean to me!!! It's truly an honor to hear that you like ShoH's enormous cast and their personalities! 😁

This question is actually answered in the #original novels tag, particularly in this post and this post, which talk about the exact differences between the novel versions of the characters and their current-day game versions! To sum it all up, I'd say the characters who went through the biggest changes from start to end are:

Caine: starts as Blade's moody sixteen-year-old nephew, riddled with teenaged angst and paternity questions LMAO, not sunny at all but very competent!

Chase: he's fairly similar both in backstory and personality to his novel origins (minus the whole "Equalist experiment baby" part), but novel Chase had more "sly, slippery, slinky, unknowable sleepy-eyed enigma who sometimes cracks jokes but actually has kind of psycho energy and if you look deep into his eyes you wonder if there's any emotion there at all or if there's just like carnival music going on back there" and less "genuine and purposeful comedic relief" energy lol

Lavinet: she went from straight up antagonist and villainness (a conniving, selfish, vain Enchanter who'd use anything at her disposal to claw her way to power, regardless of convictions or loyalties) to one of the good guys lol novel Lavinet and game Lavinet share no similarities at all other than their first name and hair color!

OMG. I just realized that novel Lavinet was the OG Sibella de Vespe LOL

it’s my thesis year this year and while contemplating eating my own hands I was wondering how the Shepherds would deal with this situation? How do they deal with stress in general?

Aw, I'm sending you support and encouragement and good vibes, good luck with your thesis! I've done my fair share of those and the pain is real! 😭 My partner basically went underground for his entire senior year for his... Just remember to take lots of breaks where you're not thinking about it, to sleep, hydrate, take walks, get sunlight, and take care of yourself: that will be when the productivity and inspiration flows best! You've got this, I'm cheering for you!! 🙌

Blade: Blade is extremely good at containing his stress, if "extremely good" means "showing no emotion except snapping at people (but he always does that) in the moment while giving himself internal organ damage from the clamped emotions in the long run." JK, I think he reacts to different kinds of stress differently; "combat stress" or "emergency/crisis stress" basically has no effect on him and he remains extremely cool under fire, but social stress makes him disorientated and throws him off his game. I think he would fare well with a thesis, delivering a strong project at the end of the year while diligently and steadily putting the work in because he is considered a prodigy among his people and never fails to meet or exceed expectations quite naturally!

Trouble: he'd procrastinate and bullshit for most of the year, then sort of pull it all together in a slapdash but surprisingly coherent project that got him a B or B+, depending on the subject and process! In general, he handles stress well and never loses his head in stressful situations. It's more his temper you have to worry about than his ability to deal with stress, if that makes any sense!

Tallys: she might be the best at managing her stress out of anyone in the Shepherds; she's very good at closing her eyes, taking deep breaths, and centering herself with a break or a brief meditation or something like that! I think she would pretty much invest everything in her thesis and would stop going out to socialize and just... work on it a lot, not to the point of like really breaking her back over it, just being very focused and dedicated and honed in! As a result, she'd deliver a thesis far beyond expectations and would probably end up getting it published somewhere small!

Shery: she loves academic work and really thrives on it, so while she'd have a normal amount of stress (enough to commiserate with others or get flustered at times), but for the most part writing a thesis and doing research on it and etc. would be a happy experience for her because it's something she just enjoys doing! In general, though, her ability to process stress is not... incredible? She can handle work-stress and her own workload excellently and never gets overwhelmed because she's quite mentally organized, but she's very sensitive to other kinds of stress (like loud, stressful environments, abrupt changes in routine, meeting new people, etc.) and is easily affected by it!

Riel: he'd probably write multiple theses in a year if he was allowed to. He basically writes theses in his spare time, so I don't think it would be something that stressed him out--he'd probably do something to add more challenge to it, honestly. He is excellent at managing stress, but horrible at maintaining a healthy work-life balance, so while mentally he never seems overwhelmed by stress, his body will start showing the signs of his neglect first haha

Chase: okay, let's be real, unless it was something he was really passionate about, he's not doing a thesis, lol. He's maybe paying someone to write it for him. :') Maybe his ideas will be in there!!! They'll just have to, you know, fix it up a bit. He literally never gets stressed about anything, to the point where people are a little afraid of him and think that he lacks a part of his brain that processes fear/stress

Red: his entire life is one long thesis

Also, he handles stress pretty well! He has a long fuse and an even keel so he doesn't lose it or crack under pressure pretty much ever, unless the Absurdity of things has just skyrocketed past his normal thresholds and nothing makes sense anymore. He handles most turns of events with a sense of interested aplomb, like, "huh. that's... interesting"

Ayla: not good at managing stress, frankly: she's one of the first to get a little wild around the eyes when things are going truly off the rails, though her meter for that is admittedly a little skewed. (people breaking out into battle? that's fine, that's very normal for her. ghosts are inexplicably haunting this tower and everyone's trapped inside?? she's going to start yelling and demanding to know who knows what the fuck they're supposed to do)

I think she'd procrastinate, dillydally, and just overall resent the idea of even having to do a thesis. Knowing that she's graduating anyway, she'd probably half-ass it and accept a D grade because she's getting the diploma anyway bitch!!

(Sorry, I just remembered that many (most?) US universities don't do letter grades for thesis projects, but you get my point.)

Briony: she handles stress... pretty well? I think if there are others around her freaking out, that weirdly makes her calmer and she takes the position of alleviating their stress and showing them why things aren't so bad, and I think she was able to keep her head on straight and her spirits high under arguably very stressful circumstances (being enslaved in a gladiator arena with no memories and being forced to kill each other). However, the higher the tension is and the more stressful an environment is, the more her internal pressure climbs until she snaps--and her "snapping" does not look pretty. It actually looks very scary. Luckily, she has a large threshold, but once things reach that tipping point, it gets pretty bad.

I think she'd be pretty good at a thesis! She'd be able to strike a balance between working on it steadily and diligently while also making time to go out, have fun, and not make life all about the project and still be able to socialize and etc.

Lavinet: she handles stress extremely well and rarely folds under pressure. If she does, she sheds a few tears in private, but hardly ever shows anyone cracks in her composure! I think she'd do her best at a thesis (though she'd probably be not terribly enthused about it) and get a solid "grade", but it would neither be a huge passion nor a large priority for her, just a necessary evil in order to receive her degree!

Halek: handles stress pretty well, though new or unfamiliar (or, in his words, "downright absurd and psychotic" situations can definitely throw him for a loop. Generally, though, he's pretty unflappable! I definitely think he would slack off about a thesis, though, until either Naolin threatened him into half-assing something or he had to get an extension and turn it in over the summer 😭

(Again, good luck with everything! You've got this!)


Hope you are having a great October! In the room sharing scenes in Wallmire, we know Trouble actually slept, and I seem to recall that romanced Red and Chase didn't get any sleep. What I'm wondering is if romanced Blade slept or was he as much of a mess as the other two?

Hi Kris, I hope you're having a great October too! To answer your question, that man did not sleep a wink at all that night lol, the ✨ tension ✨ was way too high for that to even be remotely possible for him 😂 his thoughts were R A C I N G

I don't think this has been asked before, but if so, then I apologize.  During the first night in Wallmire, if you choose to share a room with Trouble, then Blade and Chase will take the other room. I can't remember exactly what it said, but something about Blade looking very suspiciously at Chase and Chase being quite cheery. So I was curious about what kind of shenanigans ensued in their room during the night. Like how tempted was Blade to murder Chase? Maybe also if other funny things happened in the different other room combinations?

Blade + Chase: Blade definitely wanted to kill Chase that night. It was basically all of Chase's trolling throughout the swamp (like asking about Ket dirty talk because he knew it would annoy Blade), but now Blade can't ignore him because they're trapped in a room together. The funny thing is that Chase is not actually a naturally annoying person (well I guess ymmv), he's just intensely curious about what Blade's limit is and how close he can skirt death without actually sleeping with the fishes

"Hey, boss?"

"...Chase. Go to sleep."

"Can't, sorry. My mind's going a mile a minute. Gotta get some things off my chest if I want to be at peak performance tomorrow."


"For one thing, what do you think the plumbing situation is here? You think they've figured out, you know, pipes and drainage, or are they just pissing directly into the swamp, and the toilets are just for show?"


"Because if that's the case, and they're fishing in the same water..."


"Speaking of. What's a guy got to do to get a private bathroom like yours? What's your bathroom even look like? Is it a swimming pool so you can get your laps in in the morning? You'd figure, you know, Archmage Tangerine or whoever would have outfitted it well. Probably had plenty of magical orgies in there back in the day. You know those Circle Mages got freaky, there was no one around to stop them. And you'd need a lot of space for that--all the writhing around. Wait, if you took his office, does that mean your bedroom was his bedroom, or did the Tower spit you out a new one? Or did you waltz right in and just decide you were going to sleep in the dead guy's bed? I know the Ket have a morbid reputation, but--"

"Chase. Go to sleep."



"You got it, boss~"

^ Something along those lines. I really doubt he either went to sleep then or stopped talking lol

Blade + Trouble: they just passed out without ceremony or much conversation beyond the practicalities

Red + Chase: they had like a normal conversation before tucking in for the night because it's not as much fun to needle Red because he's generally patient and good-natured lol. They both silently stayed awake for longer because Red was thinking about a lot of stuff (Wallmire, etc.) and so was Chase, so they had intermittent conversation about it before one of them eventually dropped off!

Hello! Happy (almost) Halloween! For #tellmeeverything : so this is probably MAJOR spoilers so feel free to ignore, but is there more to Chase’s trauma beyond what’s revealed in his Patreon stories? Because I noticed in an ask (I think it was about where ROs want to live post game) and I think you mentioned basements make Chase’s nightmares worse? Or is that just a part of what was already revealed? The Chase brain rot is strong and I haven’t been able to get this question out of my head 🤪 thanks!!!!!!!

Hi there, happy (almost) Halloween to you as well! I think Chase's trauma is multifaceted and complex: even before his short stories with Saya, a lot of his past was informed by things that happened with his father (who wasn't very nice to him, but was more importantly hung during a crew mutiny) and his later patron, who used and exploited him as a personal weapon/hitman while clearly recognizing Chase's desire to fit in somewhere, have a family/father figure who approved of him, and subconscious desires to prove his value and usefulness after pretty much an entire life spent either alone, unacknowledged, or adrift. Then the Saya stuff happened, and the conclusion of that, too, isn't really covered in Nine Lives (but is heavily implied if not outright stated in his sections of O Happy Dagger). And that conclusion was plenty more trauma on top of the existing trauma...

Anyway, I only say all of this because you asked if there was more to his trauma beyond what's revealed in his short stories; technically, no, you either know or can infer all of the "events" that have informed his trauma from those stories and the game, but some of it isn't explicitly stated or covered in the stories themselves, or all of the emotional threads aren't outright tied together, if that makes any sense!

I don't remember which post says that basements make Chase's nightmares worse, but I think he has a general need to sleep in places where he subconsciously understands he has multiple exit strategies from (which is why he's always using windows like they're doors). Being underground or in a basement feels very uncomfortable and stifling to him because it limits his freedom of movement, and especially after what happened in Nine Lives--particularly being underground in that prison cell--he just doesn't like sleeping in them. Hope that all makes sense, and sorry if it was rambling lol!

Hurray for Q&A time! I have a question for the beginning of chapter 8: I know it probably depends how many day off scenes for the ROs have been done, but I find myself curious to know where everyone was at in their romance development. Would it be possible to get a glimpse into what each RO was thinking right before MC woke up? 👀 no worries if this is too spoiler-y! Happy spooky season!

Hi there, thank you for your question and your spooky season wishes! I don't want to say too much about the romantic timeline right now because I'm still hazily feeling it out with the help of Plottr and don't want to give too much away before I've nailed it down, but I can say that by the beginning of Chapter 8, all of the ROs are actively aware that they have feelings for or are in love with MC, with the exception of maybe Briony and Lavinet, who are aware that they're attracted to/crushing on MC, but may not be thinking of that feeling as "head over heels in love"--it's probably closer to "romantic interest"/"wants to date them". (But again, don't quote me on that, because I have to write more of Briony's day off interludes to figure out how that emotional timeline lines up with Chapter 8). So it goes:

Blade: aware that he's in love with MC (so has moved past obliviousness and denial), trying to keep it under wraps, and his control is fraying fast. How he reacted to Thurl (if applicable) confirmed his worst fears, and waiting by MC's bedside while afraid they wouldn't wake up was a mix of mingled anger (mostly towards Mimir but also towards himself) and then resigned acceptance of the inevitable, like it finally made him understand that this was just how it was and there was nothing he could do to change it

Trouble: aware that he has romantic feelings for MC but is adamantly convinced that he shouldn't because they don't feel the same way and only view him as a friend, and he could be betraying their trust/deceiving them if he can't keep his feelings towards them platonic/"pure." However, while waiting for MC to wake up, none of that was on his mind and he was fully focused on just wanting them to wake up and get better; he was consumed with worry and wasn't thinking about the romantic predicament of it

Tallys: she considers them to be pretty much in a relationship by that point, just not without the official label/confirmation yet, so she was basically like a worried wife looking after/taking care of her wounded spouse, pretty much! Tallys transitions from FWB to "I love you" pretty smoothly and without much angst or fanfare; she's not going to hold herself back from having a relationship with MC because of her fears of losing them, but the fears of losing them do start to haunt her more as time goes on and they get deeper into the relationship. But in that moment she's perfectly comfortable with showing how much she cares for them openly and stays at their bedside pretty much as their girlfriend without explicitly saying so!

Shery: she's head over heels in love with MC and is fully aware of it (and has been for ages) but still hasn't worked up the courage to confess that to them yet. She's still not sure if she ever will or if she will just to get it out there without any hope of reciprocation, just for the sake of honesty, but during their recovery she's just hovering by their side and not thinking about any of that!

Riel: he's aware that he has romantic feelings for MC and is already full-on planning on courting them and the best way to go about it. He outright alludes to it in Chapter 8 when he's drunk in the Labyrinth--when he staggers away mumbling "Not like this...... the plan....." or something along those lines if he and MC are about to kiss--it's because he's already plotted out their first several dates in his head and didn't want their first kiss to go so off the rails according to his planned timeline LOL. So anyway he already had his mind made up, he was just watching over MC out of genuine concern!

Chase: dummy boy is well-aware he's developing feelings for MC he very well shouldn't be and he's getting that torpedo ready, but hasn't fully committed to it yet. I wouldn't say he's in denial about it (like he can no longer say "I don't have feelings for MC" and try to fool himself), it's more like he's being avoidant about it, like the realization will regularly rise up to strangle him afresh and he'll be like "...not going to think about that right now"

Red: he knows he's down bad for MC and wants to start a relationship with them, in his mind it's just a matter of time before they have that conversation lol. He's also pretty sure they at least feel the same way depending on how the conversation in Chapter 7 (just bracing himself in case they don't want the same thing as he does--a relationship) but he's ready to see where it goes, no matter what they say; he's just grateful to know them and can be patient about it all. There's a lot of stuff going on, so he's not in a huge rush to force the issue, but his feelings are very certain at this point.

Ayla: she knows she likes MC (she hasn't admitted it in her head as outright "I love them," she just knows she really really cares about them and likes them in a romantic way) but isn't really sure what to do about that information yet, and it's making her a bit panicky and irritable and freaked out but also kind of hopeful and excited? She was watching over MC very stubbornly but was like "I'D DO THIS FOR ANY FRIEND, LEAVE ME ALONE" if anyone made any insinuations for how much time she was spending in the infirmary, but internally she knows what's up for the most part

Briony: she has a crush on MC and is definitely romantically interested in them and would like to shift their friendship in a more romantic direction (like exploring things together, going on more one-on-dates, casually dating, etc.). while wanting to take things slow and not rush into things--she also values their current friendship a lot and doesn't want to ruin it! In modern terms they're probably in the "talking" or "texting" stage where the little flirtations make her giggle and kick her feet and micro-analyze with her friends, but nothing has become so clear as to be loudly declared yet! She's worried sick about them in the infirmary though!

Lavinet: she knew she was attracted to MC (both physically and personality-wise) in Chapter 6, but it hasn't been long enough for her to say it's developed into "love" by the beginning of Chapter 8. She wants to get to know them more and spend more time together, but is definitely romantically interested and intrigued in them. When she sees them in the infirmary, she feels this queer little bump in her chest, like, "Oh... maybe it's more serious than just attraction," but she brushes it away to focus on MC and their health for the moment

First time asking a question! Since it's Spooky Season tm, I know you've answered what Halloween costumes the ROs would wear, but what about couples' costumes? Would any of them be willing? If so, what would they want to go as?   If this has also already been answered, how about you answer a question you've wanted to answer but haven't been asked yet?

Hi there, welcome and congrats on your first question! Couples costumes are actually linked in the Halloween post and can be found here! :) As for a question I've wanted to answer, hmmm...

Is there any way for the dark tome you can take from the Equalists' hideout in Chapter 1?

Yes, in fact: I've been sitting on this for ages now! That tome will come back into play very soon now... and for purposes beyond researching Black Sun in Chapter 2! 😁 Thanks for the opportunity to answer my own question lol!! 💖


*Patreon Spoilers… is that a thing? Also slightly NSFW*

How high is Lavs sex drive? I noticed you missed that letter in the sex meme lol

Oh I did haha?? I'd say Lavinet has a... average seems like a difficult standard to measure, so I guess I would call it a medium sex drive: it's higher in the beginning of the relationship/first year as she's exploring sex and her body and pleasure with her partner for pretty much the first time, but it "stabilizes" to a rate of once a week or once every ten days to keep her happy and satisfied, though during busier/more stressful times she could go on for longer without!



if I weren't so attached to my current url on tumblr I would change it to archmagetangerine in a heartbeat 😂😂😂