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Incomplete routes guide [NEW]

What's New:

  • 15,000 words of new content for Chapter 7!
  • The official end of Chapter 7! Resolutions to Wallmire's mysteries! Mimir! A new room decoration! Closure!!!

Developer's Notes:

Here it is, after all this time: the end of Chapter 7! I can't believe it's finally here... this whale of a chapter was massive at upwards of 175,000 words, and it feels like we've been in the swamp forever! 😮‍💨 I feel like the chapter ending may feel a little rushed at the moment, and that's probably because I was so eager to finally be done with this chapter and to get some distance from it, and to have a fresh start in Chapter 8... my brain feels like mush! 😵‍💫 I'll go back and clean it up down the road, of course, but for now, I'm satisfied that the major questions and mysteries all get their answers by the chapter's end! 

[SPOILERS] Before anyone asks, no, there isn't an alternative outcome where you can get the Changelings to join up right away, for all the reasons that Saranae explains: they're like the Elementals, in which the best outcome is their pledged allegiance, but not actual active recruits at the moment! I'm just getting ahead of the curve before anyone asks 😉

If you're wondering which routes are currently incomplete and how to avoid them in order to reach the end of Chapter 7, please refer to the shiny new link up above, the one titled incomplete routes guide! It has a breakdown on all of the incomplete routes currently in the alpha build!

Not seeing the new content from the second half of Chapter 7? Try these trouble-shooting steps! If your list of files already has "chapter7-5.txt" in it, you're most likely already playing the most updated version of the game!

What's Next:

I was too ambitious last month when I thought I'd be able to get to the start of Chapter 8 (I also didn't foresee surprise visits from family this month, which put me a little behind on my planned work schedule, as well as various author stuff I had to take care of on the book side of things), but next month, we're definitely going to start Chapter 8! The next few chapters are all plotted out, and I am SO excited to tackle them! So many big changes are coming for the Shepherds! I'm hoping to get to Lavinet's first day off scene as well, but that's a stretch goal! 

That's all for now! Thank you to everyone for your support, encouragement, patience, and enthusiasm as always. I hope you enjoy the end of our swampy adventure, and have a great end to your July! ☀️



SO EXCITED TO READ! also oh my god just looked back on the updates and it looks like you've been hard at work on this chapter since.... july 2021!!! (along with so many other things ofc) CONGRATULATIONS ON FINISHING CHAPTER 7!!!! i loved every new update for it and i'm sure others did too <3


Oh my gosh, I hadn't even realized it's already been a whole year! 😱 Thank you for pointing that out, no wonder why I feel so zapped! 😂😂 Thank you so much for your lovely words, it truly means the world!!!
