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Hi everyone, you voted on Trouble's theme being our next custom music commission, and here it is! And it's kind of a fucking BANGER??? 😱🤩

As always, our resident composer Irene Chan knocked it out of the park! A lot of everyone's suggestions trended towards jazzy, swingy, funky ska-y beats (which is insanely ironic, because in my cringier days of a 13-year-old making YouTube AMV playlists for my characters, Trouble's songs consisted of the Aquabats--and Linkin Park lol... 😭) so you all absolutely nailed it with your links and references! I sent them all to Irene, and she combined them into an insanely catchy, action-packed song that totally captures Trouble's wild and dynamic nature! This song has a bit of everything--flashy and emphatic drums, joyful brass, and just a hint of an urban gunslinger theme sprinkled in... It totally reminds me of something out of Cowboy Bebop!

As always, this composition was only made possible by your collective support: thank you for unlocking this reward and having it added to the game, where it will play on a loop when players visit Trouble's character page in the menu! This couldn't have happened without you, your support, or your suggestions, so thank you so much for helping to create this song! I hope you enjoy, and feel free to leave your comments below!!!




idk how it took me this long to see this but this is AMAZING. I love Trouble so much ugh


omg this is so good. i def get persona and cowboy bebop vibes? love it