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Who would the SHOH characters be in the WHABH universe? (Also if you’re up for it, who would the WHABH characters be in the SHOH universe?)

Great question! (For those who don't know, WHABH is my new sci-fi book, We Have Always Been Here!)

Blade: he'd be an ISF security officer (basically like space detectives) on a more populated but remote colony like Halla!

Trouble: genetically-augmented ISF military commando, fighting in the Privacy Wars!

Tallys: plant researcher studying the Comeback on Earth! Alternatively, environmental scientist turned renegade, using her skills to join the anti-ISF rebels and planting data bombs on ISF archives!

Shery: roboticist on Earth, probably somewhere like the New Diego biodome, secretly befriending the very androids she creates! I could also see her working for a knowledge company on Earth as well!

Riel: millionaire tech CEO on Mars, and probably a leading AI and android developer!

Chase: quick-fingered carbon pirate on Earth, sailing around the world with his own freebooting company and planting carbonjackers to sabotage blossoming countries for pay! 

Red: for some reason, I see him as an astroid-miner like Taban or Daley, but the reality is that he'd probably be a tired postgrad or exo-historian studying either the Comeback or FTL travel or something like that!

Ayla: surveyor (similar to Natalya's position) on an exploration crew tasked with scouting potential new colony sites, but most likely harboring anti-ISF mentalities!

Briony: a conscripted, genetically-augmented military specialist working for ISF, but who formerly earned money in underground gen-mod fights on Mars before being conscripted!

Halek: his brother is a famous astronaut but he's just like a chef working in the slums on Mars or something like that

Lavinet: the heiress to the governor of a small, wealthy planet like Vier; she probably joins an exploration ship hoping to make her name on being a reality TV star/journalist recording her exploits to adoring audiences back on her homeworld!

I have to think more on what the WHABH would be, like career-wise, but I think Park would be an Elementalist specializing in electricity and ice but wanting desperately to be an Enchanter; Natalya would actually be an Enchanter or possibly a Shifter; Fulbreech and Boone would be Norm; Sagara would be Ket; and the androids would probably be spirits! OH if that was the case, Park would totally be a Summoner who everyone thought was weird for getting a little too close to her summons! 

Hi Lena! I hope you’re doing well with all the madness ! I been curious about something. Usually in time travel if you were to stop one event or person, something else is bound to take its place. If the Norms were stopped, which race would have conquered the continent and what would life be like under their rule? Sorry for the long question 😭😣

Hi anon, good question! I actually don't think any one race would have conquered the Continent as totally as the Autarchy did: I think war among many different races and factions would have broken out, but I don't think that any one victor would have come to dominate the rest of the world the same way the Autarchy was able to, so I don't think it's a 1:1 scenario!

The likeliest thing I could see happening would be that renegade Ket city-states who had broken the Code of War (like Kaikura and Luxue) would eventually begin turning and attacking other territories in a bid for more power and land. Their campaign would have been well-executed, skillful, and violent, but they wouldn't have had the numbers to completely conquer the same way the Autarchy did during the Castigation. They would have become embroiled in war with the 'good' Ket city-states like Ygrath or Chicora, who had long-standing alliances with nearby Elven lands, massively depleting their armies and leaving them vulnerable to attacks from other quarters. Certain Norm kingdoms likely would have taken the advantage to jump in and join the fray, as the Ket's military strength was a large part of keeping balance between the state powers, and having it scattered and depleted would have ultimately led to chaos. 

In a scenario where the armies of Kaikura, Luxue, and others won, it's likely that a large territory ruled by them would have been established in the East and North, while the Norm Kingdoms dominated the West, with the Shield Peaks serving as the demarcation between both. The Norm Kingdoms would have been generally stable, but hostile to outsiders; the Ket alliance of outlaw states would have had a more brutal, militaristic rule, even to their own people. However, Kaikura's cultural attitudes and disinclination towards obedience or loyalty would have ultimately led to their demise, and the East would have eventually been retaken by an alliance between the Elves, Ket, and Mages (though they, too, would have probably had some type of eventual war if the Ket states were blamed for not controlling the Kaikuran problem before it became too late). The West would have remained under Norm control, though, and the problems that led to the rise of the Autarchy probably would have arisen at some point in the future!

A while back, you mentioned something called the 'crown of sorcery'. What is it exactly?  How would MC's adopted parents/community react to a baby!MC who was like Jack-Jack (from the Incredibles)?

Hi there, I wish I could remember where exactly I first mentioned that, because I can't find it again for the life of me! 😅 The 'crown of sorcery' was a concept I was playing around with that suggested that Mages--if they squinted--could see a kind of radiance or aura around other Mages, usually around their heads, that indicated their power level or strength of their magic: someone who had a very bright radiance was very obviously an extremely powerful Mage, so this would have served as a visual indicator to other Mages about how to react or behave or gauge each other's power! This was generally invisible until Mages essentially "slid" into a particular way of perceiving it, sort of like deliberately unfocusing your eyes or switching on a different part of your brain in order to see the image in 'Magic Eye puzzles'--but I haven't actually committed to making the whole thing canonical to ShoH, yet! Just something I was sort of playing around with, similar to how Blade talks about Ket behavior in Lavinet's recent short story! Sometimes I prototype/test out features of the world and then retcon them when I don't feel like they fit, lol, so I don't know if this is a real thing in ShoH yet! 

As for how MC's communities would have reacted to a Jack-Jack-style baby MC, I think the answer is kind of dark? For 3/4 of the communities, the #1 key to survival was not attracting the attention of the Autarchy, so I think having a baby who would just spontaneously burst into flame or something would have caused a lot of panic and fear among the Elven nomads of Vale, the Ket mercenaries of Drummond's Point, or the Hunter migrants of Maj. I think solutions would be sought to prevent anything like MC's parents having to leave with MC from happening, but it would have been something that was muttered about by resentful neighbors, and MC probably would have been much more shunned and feared by their community growing up, simply due to the threat they posed to the peace and safety of the village. 

Westwood, being much more remote from the Autarchy, would have still been freaking out, because it's a bunch of Norm farmers who barely believe in magic witnessing a baby turn into an ogre just by sneezing, but I think it would have been slightly more comical instead of "do we abandon the baby to someone else and hope for the best" being thrown around. Still, a lot of villagers would have been very suspicious and fearful of MC, too!

Hi!!  What kind of music artists/genres would all of the ROs listen to if they lived in a modern day setting? <3  Thank you

Hi there, this question has been asked and answered, including here a few weeks ago! :)

Will there be a sequel or will you work on a different project after AMR is released?

I am trying to figure out what AMR stands for lol! And I don't have plans for a direct sequel to ShoH at this moment of time, but I am tossing around ideas for games set in its same universe! Those will happen way down the road, though, if at all. After ShoH is complete and submitted to publication, I plan to start work on my next novel in earnest as well as work on a new ChoiceScript game set in a completely different franchise/universe! This question is also answered in the FAQ if you're curious!

Warning!! NSFW!! What are the ROs stances on the handholding debate.  Pancake or Waffle style?

For anyone who hadn't heard these terms before, this is waffle handholding:

This is pancake holding:

My bias is showing, but here's how it breaks down:






Mix of both depending on occasion:

Trouble (leans heavily more waffle)

Blade (leans more waffle)

Tallys (leans more pancake)

Red (leans more pancake)




As a certified Riel Appreciator, I'd love to know more about Aerin! Can we get some facts about her?

Hi there, thanks for your question! Aerin is actually a character created by a user (fahrynn on Tumblr), who won a giveaway prize to create a character for the game and fill the role of Riel's assistant (their choice)! So I don't think I can give too many of my own facts about her, but I can relay what her creator has told me and what's likely going to be talked a bit about in the game!

  • She's a Mage, and actually a Whisperer! (Binder who binds energies to dead bodies, so essentially a necromancer)
  • Likes: money, warm drinks, talking at length about interesting things, teasing others, having impromptu tea parties with friends (or in Riel's case, just having a huge pile of sweets and cakes), practicing her magic, spending time with her puppets, making new friends 
  • Dislikes: losing money, when others insist they are right when they're CLEARLY NOT, lies, Ebert, the autarch but she tries not to show it, losing people she cares about 
  • Background: The only child of a couple of merchants, she learned most of what she knows from helping them at a young age. Unfortunately, she lost both parents due to an incident that involved them using magic during one of their travels with an associate, who ratted them out after promising to keep quiet. In order to avoid the same fate, she ran as far as she could and ended up in a different town. She changed her name and appearance before starting up a small business of her own, which eventually became very successful.
  • She's usually sporting some kind of accessory like several different coloured bracelets on one arm, or silver rings with star/moon patterns on her fingers.

Could you please give us Riel’s feelings about the other shepherds?

Blade: he admires Blade and how he's led the Shepherds a lot, especially for someone who was unexpectedly thrown into that situation. He considers Blade a friend and understands that, while they both have their eccentricities, Blade has displayed more trust and respect in him than most and they share a quiet, professional sense of camaraderie and friendship!

Trouble: Riel likes Trouble, but they don't have a ton in common and Trouble often exasperates him by being emotional or lunk-headed (like when he insisted on walking to the ball instead of taking the carriage). He respects Trouble's skills in battle immensely but sometimes underestimates his intelligence. Like Trouble will be like "oh yeah I've read that novel" and Riel will be like❗️but then other times Trouble will be like "yeah so I definitely put the wrong kind of bullet in the practice gun and almost blew my recruit to high Hael" and Riel is like "ah. there it is". They don't hang out much or have much to talk about, but it's generally a friendly relationship of mildly shitting on each other

Tallys: he likes Tallys a lot; she's probably one of his favorite people in the Shepherds! He sends her seeds for her garden! She leaves him baskets of fresh vegetables and flowers on his desk in his office! They talk quietly over tea during calm moments in the compound! He actively finds her presence soothing as well as observant and clever and enjoys being around her, though they're not emotionally close (they don't share secrets or anything like that).

Shery: his other favorite person in the Shepherds! They're basically besties at this point and do things like have afternoon tea together and have little book clubs. Shery is much more intelligent than she might initially present as, and Riel respects her immensely. He's a bit protective of her when other people aren't listening to her authority and tends to be really severe with recruits who don't treat her with the proper respect!

Chase: Chase annoys him, but it's no longer the outright hostility and hatred that they shared before joining the Shepherds. They can have a conversation, though it tends to be laced with sarcasm and barbs. They've never attempted to resolve their differences and are just like civil towards each other sometimes, lol. He feels a headache kick up behind his eyes every time Chase shows his face around Riel's office. Chase does his best to make Riel's life hell. Still, he'd be sad if Chase died!

Red: another person that Riel respects immensely. He thinks Red is probably the closest out of the Shepherds to match his intelligence level, and they enjoy each other's company and conversation enormously. They're usually challenging each other to games of strategy in the evenings and have a strict arrangement to at least get one move done per night, every time they're both in the compound. Red is about the only one that Riel doesn't have to dumb his conversation down for, so they're talking on a leisurely basis quite a lot and picking each other's brains about a lot of things! However, their interests lie in slightly different subjects: Riel really likes taking things apart and putting them back together, or building things, while Red is more interested in ancient history and theory. 

Ayla: he is a little bit low-key annoyed by Ayla sometimes, just because she's loud and brash and careless and dirty and uncivil and sometimes abrasive, but he knows she has a good heart and respects her ferocity and fighting abilities. They have almost 0 things to talk about, but she doesn't seem to mind him as much as one might expect, so in return, Riel holds his tongue about stuff she's doing that's annoying him, like putting her mud-caked shoe on his chair!

Briony: he likes Briony, but she also makes him anxious. He enjoys her company and being around her, even if she is a bit high-energy and talkative for him--and definitely much more emotional than he would prefer--but her superstrength makes him nervous, because she's prone to accidentally breaking things without meaning to, and he has a lot of delicate items and a sense of neurosis that gets set off every time it looks like she's going to trip and knock into one of his vases. Still, he likes her and considers her a friend!

Lavinet: he likes Lavinet a lot and she earns his respect over her wit, ruthlessness, and cunning. In another world, they would be deadly rivals, but he considers her a good friend and they bond a lot over their enjoyment of the finer things in life, something that's pretty scarce within the Shepherds. Sometimes it feels like they're the only two "high-class" people in the compound, so naturally they gravitate towards each other!

Chandry manages to procure love potions on super sale from one of Turti's previous merchants of shade. Only these bargain "love potions" make the ROs say out loud anything romantic or sexy that crosses their minds. How do the love-potioned  ROs act around MC?

[Slight NSFW, not enough to put in the Filth Section below]

Blade: I think he would just cut and run once he figured out what was happening lol. Otherwise I feel like he'd say really raw stuff, like his deepest most innermost secret thoughts, like "I'm yours for life. I'm ruined for anyone else." and then would want to throw himself off a cliff

Trouble: I think he'd be SUPER physically affectionate and cuddly and nuzzly, and he would just freely say anything that popped into his head, almost like he was punch-drunk, like, "you're so pretty. I love your hair. You smell so good. I love you"

Tallys: she'd climb MC like a wall, whispering filth into their ears

Shery: if she had the clarity and forethought, she'd cut and run like Blade would until she managed to cure herself! Otherwise she'd just blurt out something either desperately romantic--"I want to have babies with you!!"--or shockingly horny, like "I want to kiss your breasts!!"

Riel: he'd figure out what was going on right away and physically seal his mouth shut. If he was too late, he'd probably let some pet name or something slip, like MC would ask him to pass a tissue and he'd say automatically, "Of course, dear," or "Anything, love" before realizing what he said and wanting to die

Chase: it's really less of a love potion and more of an aphrodisiac, he'd pin MC up against a wall and worship them. Maybe he'd groan out an "I love you" in the middle of some very intense lovemaking ✧_✧

Red: I think some very awed, sometimes surprised words would just tumble out of him, like "damn you look good in that outfit," or "everyone's looking at you because you're gorgeous", but he'd probably be fairly shameless about it and would just grin and say it's the truth

Ayla: She would blurt out a lot of anxious lovelorn stuff, like "okayI'mtotallyinlovewithyouespeciallywhenyousmileatmelikethatbutI'mafraidyou'regoingtoleavemelikeeveryoneelsedoes--" and she would be horrified and would likely run away in tears

Briony: I think she would just get very bubbly and happy and lovey-dovey, like just singing MC's praises and shouting her love from the rooftops, like, "I'm so in love with you!!! You're so incredible and perfect!!! Every time I see you, my heart does a funny little flip and it hurts but it's a good hurt!!!" and trying desperately to stop but just blurting it all out and practically glowing with it

Lavinet: she'd get sort of tipsy and sly and flirtatious, like "I can tell by the way you look at me that you want me. I wonder how you'd react if I said I wanted you, too?" and would just be very physical, like tracing MC's abs with her finger and giggling about how she's always wanted to do that


Croelle has been neglected in my previous asks. 😔 Can we get a few random facts about our favorite resident crabapple? (Please don't tell him I called him that lol) 😂


  • Some of his character art depicts him with long hair! It used to be about chest-length for him, but he cut it before the events of the game, for reasons that will probably make sense later (?), so now it's short!
  • He always wears black gloves, partially because he abhors touching other people, and partially because his body temperature is really freaky. Much of the time, he's ice cold, but when his temper's running or anything like that, he's literally burning!
  • One of his great pleasures in life is shocking people by swearing at them. He will casually call you the foulest, most vicious curse word almost like it's an endearment. It's almost always not, though
  • His vision is poor in direct sunlight, which is why he always wears that big hat
  • He has surprisingly neat handwriting and would likely enjoy writing someone letters if he cared about anybody
  • He has a penchant for gold jewelry and has been noted to take notice of people more when they wear it, but doesn't wear any himself
  • His politest way of interacting with you is ignoring you
  • He has 0 issue with murder but dislikes stealing, finding it cowardly. He'd rather challenge a shopkeeper to a fight to the death or just straight up kill them for their wares rather than steal stuff behind their back. LOL
  • One of his favorite animals is the hyena
  • He interacts with his environment in a very kinetic sense, so he always seems to be touching something, whether it's a coin between his thumb and forefinger or a rosary for the texture or just squeezing his fists together; it's an unconscious thing, but he generally always has something in his pockets to ground him by touch, even though he'd kill anybody who commented on that habit
  • The number of people he's killed by ripping out their throats with his teeth is not 0
  • I'm sorry, for whatever reason, the random facts I keep thinking for him are either NSFW or about murder gflkdjgdf
  • He has never boarded a ship or touched the sea!

I am hugely interested in how many of our SoH family we can save at the end including ourselves. By this I mean keep em all alive AND happy/hardened (when that's a good thing).

I can't help it. I love angst and drama but I want a full on Happily Ever After. (Damn you, Disney.)

After saving ourselves and our RO, how many other characters will we be able to have the happiest friendship ending with?

Love you, Lena!

Hi anon, love you, too! You might be interested to know that I answered this question in the Q&A for March last year... However, my answer then boiled down to "I don't know," and sadly, that answer remains the same today... I don't have an exact number for how many "best" endings you can achieve in one playthrough yet, simply because there's so many factors and because I haven't actually written the day off scenes yet, so I don't know how many it will take to get the best ending for each character! Some characters will only need a specific number of "harden" points, which could be achieved without actually maxing out their entire storyline... some might not need harden points at all, but a key decision at the end of their storyline... some might just need 100 approval... I'm kind of just flying by the seat of my pants, so I don't have an exact number for how that math works out yet! 😅 Sorry for the vague answer, I hope it makes sense!

Hey! Chapter 6 and 7 were so good ! Lavinet was already my favorite RO before meeting her but now after the chapter and her side stories I just love her more! And now during the divination part the nobles kinda gossip about the shepherds. Did Lavinet and Clara gossip too when they were alone (about the shepherds)? and did the gossips change after everything was resolved (more lighthearted maybe)? and what do the older nobles think of their heir praising diminished people?

Hi there, thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed them! And yes, Clara and Lavinet totally gossiped in her room all about the Shepherds! It was mostly about how they acted (was MC polite at dinner, or a brute, that kind of thing), but Clara may have also pointed out that MC is quite handsome if there was some flirtation going on with Lavinet 😏 to which Lavinet would have replied primly, "Oh really? I didn't notice!" 

The younger nobles would have definitely sung MC's praises if MC had a good relationship with them (determined by various factors, including their decision at the Elder Council), or they would have turned and ripped MC apart like dogs if MC chose something like siding with the Elementals! Just depends on how that chapter played out and what MC's actual relationship to the nobility was like!

Some older nobles (especially the ones in faraway fiefdoms who weren't there) are extremely disapproving if the younger heirs are heard to be praising Diminished and Shepherd officers, dismissing it all as fanciful, youthful foolishness, but that might encourage the younger generation to speak out even more! There's nothing more fashionable than making the old farts frown 😅

Hey! So it is said that 4-6 weeks pass during chapter 7. What have they all been doing lol? Lavinet was probably busy with the nobles but what about the shepherds?

It depends on what happened in Chapter 6, but generally, the Shepherds have been helping out with whatever has needed helping out around Lockwood! If the Elementals are moving in to integrate with Lockwood, the team has been helping manage the logistics and politics of that and serving as a way to ease the transition. If the Elementals have a new Landsmeet, the Shepherds have been helping the refugees in Lockwood or the courtiers get back to their homes and helping coordinate these enormous efforts as part of their duties to keep an eye on things. If MC sided with the Norms, they've been helping Lockwood shore up their defenses in case of an attack and making it a more militarily-defensible city. 

If MC sided with the Elementals, they've basically been lying low, waiting for things to sort themselves out so they don't get arrested before they can go home, lol. 

By the beginning of Chapter 7, how well known/closely watched is MC among the Sun Court/nobility? Like this is an MC who got a letter of praise from the Autarch and has taken down all the other faceless lords and is a general heroic badass lol. This MC used a WOP to save Lockwood too. I imagine there recognition that MC is doing great things but there's some consternation that one of the most powerful Mages in history is right under their noses and has massive public support.

The Sun Court and its courtiers are weirdly insulated from the outside world and are hyper-focused on the Autarch and the goings-on and machinations of the Consortium, not what's really going on in Haven or among 'the common folk.' So the short answer is, I don't think a lot of them are aware of MC's deeds or specific name or how much public traction they're gaining among the citizenry! Certain elements like the Inquisitors and the Autarch's advisors--those who sit at the top of the food chain and the spy network--are aware, but are generally following the Autarch's lead to leave things well enough alone, even if they may be personally concerned. But the nobility and courtiers are generally ignorant of such things!

Hello! So Lavinet still hasn't said anything about the "romanced" Prihine thing. Is she just going to blindside us during her dayoff or ...? lmao

To be honest, I planned to have her confront MC about letting Prihine die sometime in Chapter 6 or 7, but the timing never worked out or made sense! So she's going to confront them about it if they try to hang out with her on their day off, and if they romanced Prihine, yup, she's not going to bring it up until they're in deep! 😂 She plays her cards close to the chest!


*cracks knuckles* I have always wanted to ask NSFW questions about the ROs. Okay so what’s the dick size order? What’s the breast size order? Please include Halek, Croelle, and Prihine!

I think I've answered for both before, but damned if I can't find them!

This is pretty much left up to player headcanon, but if you really want my answer...

Bust size

Lavinet > Shery > Briony > [Tallys = Ayla] > Prihine

🍆 size

Halek > Croelle > [Blade = Red] > Trouble* > Chase > Riel

*I have trouble placing Trouble because length is one thing, but in terms of thickness and girth, he's probably up there at the top??

Of course, Prihine being at the bottom of the relative scale still doesn't mean that she isn't bigger than average (or vice-versa!), so feel free to imagine whatever you like!

How sensitive are the guys when it comes to sex or being teased? Who's twitching just from a light touch and who's able to play it cool?

I think it depends on the situation! Each guy has different things that turn him on, so how "eager" and rearing to go he is can really depend on the situation and mood! In general, I'd say:

Blade: he can be a patient lover and has quite a lot of stamina, but he generally has to maneuver situations to avoid his partner touching him too much when he wants to focus on them, or else he gets distracted/things are over quicker than he'd like; I guess he's very easy to tease and get worked up, but he can hold out with an effort once things get started?

Trouble: he's eager and ready to go like all the time, and just a look can make him twitch, so I'd say he's among the most sensitive, especially touch-wise! It starts to get easy to make him beg after a certain point!

Chase: he can be cool as a cucumber and cruel about it once he puts his mind to something! That's not to say he's not thoroughly enjoying the sensations, but he's an expert at prolonging and delaying the situation, if that makes any sense!

Riel: he's not easy to fluster in the seductive stage, like if you put a hand on his thigh, he's not immediately rearing to go, but once things get hot and heavy, he's very easy to tease and leave gasping and doesn't have a strong sense of control

Red: while it's very easy to pique his interest and get him to "stand at attention," once sex gets started, he can hold out for a long while, so he's not crazy sensitive in that a strong breeze will get the job done, so to speak!

I'd say it's Chase > Red > Blade > Trouble = Riel for most sensitive!

Which male RO has the juiciest butt?

Trouble! Lavinet for the girls!

I’ve fallen in love with Halek, and love the dichotomy between him and Naolin. If they both fell for or were sexually attracted to the same person, what would happen?   NSFW - If my MC managed to convince the twins for a threesome, would they get possessive, dominant, jealous, awkward, etc.? Also is DP on the cards? 😏

If Halek and Naolin fell for the same person, Naolin would immediately back off of the other person due to his sol having first dibs--he's not even allowed to marry before Halek does, so he's not going to go after the same person that Halek is interested in--and Halek would get really mad at him for always putting duty over his (Naolin's feelings first) and they'd probably end up fighting, wherein Halek called Naolin out for being a coward and not fighting for his love and being all righteous and insincere and also making him feel bad, which would make Naolin mad at him for not appreciating his sacrifices and willingness to step back. They'd both probably step back from the object of their affections out of sheer stubbornness, lol, Naolin out of duty and Halek out of an angry desire for his brother to be happy even if he's being a fucking idiot.

They would 10000000% never have a threesome with each other, because involving any of their family members in a sexual situation, especially their own twin brother, would be very weird and repulsive and probably an instant dealbreaker for them!

I wanted to ask which if the Hunter twin is easier to seduce since both have poker faces!

Halek is, in normal circumstances, wayyyy easier to seduce: he has a reputation in the Reach as a fuckboy for a reason! It really doesn't take much flirting for him to be down to clown. As a Shepherd, though, he has taken an oath to not "piss where you plant your flowers"--that's their phrase for it, anyway--to avoid unnecessary or awkward complications, and also, he's engaged, so that's out the window! But yeah, still way easier to seduce than Naolin, who has the sensibilities of a Victorian chaperone!

Hi! I wanted to ask an nsfw, since blade is a light sleeper does that mean that fmc can’t surprise wake up him up the “special way” since he as soon as she moves, he opens his eyes?

Hi there! This actually isn't the case for him; he is a light sleeper, but after long enough of sleeping with MC, he subconsciously compensates for her movements and whatnot and gets comfortable enough to not wake up right away if she's moving around in bed--otherwise he'd never get any sleep, especially if she was a snorer! The exceptions are if he senses something is wrong or out of the ordinary, like MC has a nightmare or a foreign sound echoes in the house or MC gets out of bed at a weird hour and doesn't come back--that kind of thing! But MC could get away with regular movements, so if they were really sneaky, a surprise wakeup call would totally be in the cards!


Stephanie Beth

Omg I'm in tears 😂 Croelle (still autocorrecting to cruller!) is no frills at all. And Blade = cut and run 😂, this entire post made my week. 💗


Filth section 😭😭💀💀