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Hello, here's more of Chapter 5 for you! I'm sorry to end it at such a cliffhanger, but if I want to make my deadlines for this month, I had to stop there! I'm raring to write more, though, so I will hopefully update again next week or the week after that!

Things included in this update:

  • 15,000 more words of Chapter 5
  • Training the recruits is fixed so that Cybele's questions show
  • Meeting Briony!
  • Choosing your callsign!
  • Gladiators! Death! God! Flirting?!

Developer notes

  • There is fairly intense violence in this chapter (as expected of gladiator fights) and talk of enslavement, captivity, kidnapping, and human trafficking. There is also animal sacrifice/cruelty, such as slaughtering a goose as part of a religious sacrifice. There is also a part about giving yourself a papercut if you find that squicky. Please play at your own caution! 
  • Update: Not being able to get past the reports during training should be fixed now. Also, day off scenes will now tell you they're incomplete if you try to access ones that haven't been written yet, rather than looping back to the first day offs. Also, new achievements have been added to previous chapters (2-4); hopefully their addition doesn't create new bugs! Also also, Uwala's name was apparently Uwai in Chapter 3: this has been changed for consistency.
  • Important: Due to certain circumstances, I've had to add a password to the alpha build. The password (if you happen to run into it) is:

💥 activatealpha 💥

No spaces, no capitalization!

Total wordcount: 355,259 words without code

Thank you as always for your support, and I hope you enjoy!


Tigran Pirumyan

New here, I didn’t even know this existed from the forms at choice of games, good thing I searched Patreon for interactive fiction. Love the work.


Oh, welcome! I'm so glad you decided to search and find this--thank you very much for the support! 😊

Jasmine A. N.

Lena I am LOSING it. I've binged this so many times I forgot to eat dinner last night...the drama??? The repressed flirting??? Chandry?? the most fantastic character whom I love with my whole heart?? you're really giving us everything we want except THAT CLIFFHANGER WHY. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS???? I'm suffering and the worst part is I love it ://


Aw yay, I'm so glad you're enjoying the alpha!!! 💖 You have to remember to eat though! And wait... is Chandry the character you love with your whole heart? 😂