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As the Dalek fleet begin their attack on the Earth, the Doctor and his allies make one final stand.



Andrew Nicholson

(Tigger here) As I put on the youtube feed, thank you so much for your videos, the insights, and the company. I have thoroughly enjoyed all the Dr Who reactions, and the thought provoking conversations after. Its become a very welcome (almost) daily delight to join you both for an hour. Welcome to the tribe of Whovians, may your sonic screwdrivers never fail.


May my sonic screwdriver, never fail. You know I’m taking that right. Brilliant!!!!!


Always loved 9's last scene

Isac (Welsh_ML)

I know I’m gonna sob, 9 was great in my eyes, my second doctor but the one I grew up knowing 💔 Christopher is quite a lefty to be fair too so that always stuck in my heart (raised as a fuckin anarchist but am an ancom now)

Rebecca Burgess

Loved your reactions cannot wait to keep coming back to have a spliff and watch doctor who with you guys


i purchased this episode on like every Platform and my episode keeps getting ahead of yours so i cant sync it.


Thank you for that heads up. I just rewateched it and it appears to be in sync on my side. We watched this with HBO Max. Is anyone else experiencing a desync with this episode?