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Twitter hates me because of the way I'm on Lestats ass I'm so sorry when Claudia went "Can I cry and say that I'm sorry too?" broke me. Fuck him. This wasn't a trial it was a lynching. I felt like I was Nancy from The Craft when he apologized. "He's sorry, He's sorry ..etc." Louis literally say I will choke you like you did our daughter. he put his hand on Cladia but somehow he had restraint! nah On a more intellectual note: The writers have made anti-blackness so omnipresent at that trial, from Santiago mocking reading of Claudia's diaries and painting Louis in predatory stereotypes, nailing them to the stage-like set dressing and showing leniency only towards Madeleine, to calling it a stoning. The dehumanization of the pictures on the projection screen. “props, props in a play” black bodies objectified, ankles cut like they’re enslaved, tortured any time they try to speak or defend themselves while the white-majority crowd jeers and laughs and sighs over the nonblack men spinning their tale. I am not an Armand Apologist, I am not an Armand defender. I am an Armand enjoyer. Every time people are like “Why would Armand do this” I feel like they haven’t really reckoned with the mindfuck that is his existence. I truly believe that is giving him way too much credit. I think it was incredible and deliberate that the writers took one of the most defining lines of Armand's inaction ("I could not prevent it") and weaved it through his entire psychological profile. It is where Armand has internalized learned helplessness. Even in the book Louis has to tell Armand that he doesn't even use a 10th of the power he has. He could have stopped it but Armand himself doesn't think he can so he doesn't do anything at all. Most people watching/ reading IWTV: There is no way that Armand truly believes he's powerless The Writers: What If he really did tho? “It’s not MY coven anymore, so I can’t stop them, but Louis is MY companion so I’M gonna push and save HIM. I can’t save Claudia, Santiago is HER coven leader now. I can’t prevent him from disciplining his followers.” He tells himself over and over and makes sure Louis knows it

Cilla Bexar

I agree 100% with Valentine's statement about the racial overtones of the trial. It was so sickening and yet, not surprising. Santiago had already made that "upstairs, downstairs" remark to Louis when he was mocking his accent at the coven dinner. I think reactors have tended to be so enamored with Lestat being back, that they miss what is actually being said and done onscreen. Notice that Lestat is scripted to follow the narrative of the projected images behind him onstage. You can tell it's scripted, because you see Sam (the vampire "guarding" Armand) reciting Lestat's dialogue as he's saying it. It's when Lestat goes off-script and emotionally explains the scripted parts of his story (humanizing Louis and Claudia) that Santiago gets upset and looks toward Sam (or is it Armand?). If you watch Lestat carefully when he's not actively testifying, he looks vacant. As if he's under a trance. I think Armand is working hard to keep Lestat under control.