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demon slayer 2x17 pat rxn

Watch "demon slayer 2x17 pat rxn" on Streamable.



Damn, you also predicted the headbutt 👏👏👏 I hope Tengen is alive after all this🙏


I think I heard the season finale is going to be 40 mins? Not too sure. I think that demon guy likes people who he believes to be below him, and hates anyone better than him. That’s why I think we wanted to make tanjiro a demon since he views him as being beneath him, and I like that Inosuke was talking about moving his organs around to avoid dying while he’s gushing out blood lol. Tengen this fight lost an eye and didn’t even flinch just kept fighting that was crazy 🤯. Also tanjiro’s scar and hair changing and looking like flames was interesting since this is the first time we’ve seen it, and from that blast came from the brother demons body. And can’t believe I might miss this live on Thursday 🥲. Have class, and pretty sure someone from 2 of classes got covid lol so let’s hope I don’t catch it lol.


First your hair looks amazing in this reaction. 🥰 Ok now to the reaction. I think the advice in the “vision” sequence at the very beginning is good. We should take too much on ourself and being too sorry for things we can’t control. We're only humans. Yep he is also getting on my nerves with the disgrace thing. At this point it did seem hopeless. So great when you know the future. 😇Well the end of the episode future. I only watch anime. There is no humanity left. Well I don’t think so. Also when Tanjro said it could have been me. Well in that case I would also have killed the demon Tanjiro. It’s all about how you behave. If Tanjiro had become a demon and behaved like the upper one well he would deserve to die. Tengen sees the strike as music so he can hear the rhythm and predict where the next strike is coming from. Lol at your face when Inosuke said he move his internal organ not to get stab in vital point 🤣 They did get me good with the 3rd wife laying there. 😂 I guess the main character has plot armor. So there that going to Tanjiro. The best guess I have for the moment is just that when an upper demon die his body explodes ??? He is supposed to be dead. They beheaded both. I guess we will have to wait for the next episode. But I don’t see the fight continuing on for a whole other episode. Yet I was wrong last episode and the one before when predicting when the fight would end. So not so good 😅 Great reaction. Take care. 😋


the download link doesnt work :(


First of all, I am impressed you can write this much even for a shounen as straightforward as demon slayer XD. I think Gyuutaro just exploded like the last desperate attack of his before he dies.


https://streamable.com/l/xxezbv/mp4-high.mp4 In the post there is a dot ( . ) at the end that why it didn't work or just follow the link and delete the dot


This episode was insane, really excited to see how they wrap this season up. Heard you were feeling a bit sick, hope you’re feeling better. Great reaction as always.

Sophie biasland x

I personally love Gyutaro he’s definitely my favourite demon

Eli Kisamo

Gyutaro is really a demon. His VA was going absolutely fucking OFF!!! Him telling Tanjiro to "Come On" gave me shivers! All the VAs really went crazy honestly. Screaming, properly, is very difficult. And there was so much of it! I hope it didn't take too many takes. Tanjiro's sympathy for demons doesn't prevent him from doing his job. Which is unique among Shonen protags I feel like. That ending was really fucked. Honestly, the anime's presentation is good it is really throwing me for a loop. I can't even recall what happened next from the manga.

Killua X

hi, long time but im back, why does the link say "nothing here"??


Hey Killua X long time no see.🤗 How you've been. Welcome back. I think there was a dot (.) At the end of the link so that why it didn't work. Lexie fixed it


Killua X Did you see the somewhat new drama club tier. We have super fun K-Drama reaction. Now it's All Of Us Are Dead a zombie series

Killua X

hey Dany, it has been a long time. nice to see u. i saw the drama club tier. i haven't really had time to watch much of anything lately really, just now catching up on DS.