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Wainwright looking a bit jealous at all the affection Aric's been getting since becoming a barmaid for Ma.

Xail Jaderune

Rival girlfriend gives boyfriend an onahole. But the onahole is instead a portal to her other rival's womb. Girl gets quite the filling.


Some cheesy Valentines card style puns with Dr Cado dressed in a lab coat and little else (assuming she's not some other form). "Won't you try my passion fruit?", "Toss my fruit salad", etc. And since it's thematic, resuggesting that thought of Cado looking at Valentine/gift of chocolates from fellow mad scientist Dr Marsha Mallow. Cado's smile is gentle with a slight blush-- "She always was so sweet.."


A very hyper preggo admiral roundness getting a gift from a special someone