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Although i try to interact in the nicest way possible, i've been feeling down for the last few days, really down.. and today i'm feeling extra bad, what do you do when you're feeling down? I'm sure you cool people have something in mind haha



music always sooths me when im feeling down. but sometimes a nice change of pace is in order. sometiems doing something spontaneous helps take my mind of things ^^ within reason of course.

Shield Labs

I can relate, as I have a Heavy load of stress with my work, and am the only income for x4 people. We are self employed so every week we know that I HAVE to make stuff to sell or we don’t have a Home, Food, etc. But I refuse to let the feeling of being OVERWHELMED creep in. For me to see these things as a blessing and not a curse. Would rather Have the stress that comes with it all, than to Not have these things or Too Much work vs. Not Enough. Things that are my help me Destress or decompress at the end of a Day or Week. •EXERCISE!! Like most dragonball fans I love to workout. Maybe go for a run, or do something that exhaust you physically. Then your mind won’t be on the stuff in your head and heart bothering you. •I listen to music while I exercise and these things together I let my mind drift and come up with stuff for my DB Story. •My story & XV2. I hope it helps you feel valued in knowing what YOU do for us Fans is something that helps US to Escape into a Dragonball Fantasy. Your mods have breathed New Life into XV and for many of us this is how we escape and relax. You’re more than just a Modder though and of all the places I pledge on Patreon, and this goes Beyond xv2 modders on here. I don’t know anyone more active, engaged, or beloved by their fanbase on Patreon than You. You’re truly valued, and valuable. As a person to us, but we also Love your artwork and content that helps a lot of us find some joy in life through XV. I truly hope your weekend turns around. Have a blessed evening Keku. We love you and I pray you find the value in yourself that otters see in you.


This is honestly so great to hear, although not near as hard as it is you, i've been paying almost everything here at home, usually i'm always ok with whatever situation my family is in because being bright really helps the family, so i very rarely get stressed about work, but everything else seems so.. empty, i really love hearing things from you since i aspire to be a cool dad and nice husband like you, thanks for everything, i really feel better reading your words, i hope you have an amazing sunday with your family, and again, thanks for everything!


Pretty much making characters is my method of destressing. I take time to look around online and learn about different concepts that could fit potentially for a dragon ball character


Like for an example right now, I'm working on a concept for what's essentially an evil saiyan (like cumber from sdbh) version of super saiyan god, and am trying to learn to make dyts to fit the form.


Do the things that normally cheer you up. Music works for me.


It may seem backwards, but when I’m feeling down, I lay on my bed, and think, I think about why everything is the way it is, why everyone is the way they are, and why/how I’m here, I think about existence, and try to find a purpose in that existence, what I always come to, is that I exist to try and make others happy, or to help them, what I do may not be too helpful and could prob make it worse for you, I’m sorry, but in any case, I hope things will get better for you, and I’m more than willing to help in any way I can


That's very cool, I remember when i first discovered how dyts worked back in xenoverse 1, the first thing i did was a super saiyan green XD


I think i don't even know what really cheers me up.. :( but thanks darky <3


i'm still trying to figure it out, and it'd be a lot easier if the resource of dyts had the cumber aura covered, but it's not, so i'm finangling what i can


You are right honestly, when i think about it, i wouldn't change a thing if i could go back, i'm the way i'm because of all the things that happened and might keep happening, sometimes it is really calming to know that although a lot of things have gone wrong, i'm working with the things i like the most, thanks naomi, you are awesome


I usually watch videos on youtube or play a game


Xenoverse modding, Mortal Kombat, YouTube videos, sleep or go outside is what i do when im depressed

Chill Bunnie

I just spend some time with close friends and it tends to calm me down


To me, one of the best I done for self-improvement was rather than thinking in terms of myself, was instead thinking more on my family, friends, and household. Youtube/Vidya Game addiction isn't the best thing I can do for the house. It's actually pretty crazy how much motivation and happiness you have when you start living for the good of your folks.


Being nice is not a quality. Be fair! You're doing your best. Give your goodness to those who deserve it. Try to always be the best version of yourself! Strength to you.